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PHOTOSHOP CS4 QuickSteps- P16

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PHOTOSHOP CS4 QuickSteps- P16: QuickSteps books are recipe books for computer users. They answer the question “How do I...?” by providing quick sets of steps to accomplish the most common tasks in a particular program. The sets of steps are the central focus of the book. QuickSteps sidebars show you how to quickly do many small functions or tasks that support the primary functions. Notes, Tips, and Cautions augment the steps, yet they are presented in such a manner as to not interrupt the fl ow of the steps....

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  1. 11 In the File Naming section, use the series of drop-down menus to specify how the 12 various files generated are named when you save the document. Accept the defaults, or choose different options from the drop-down lists. 6. After clicking the desired File Naming options, specify settings for the following options: • Filename Compatibility Enables you to specify the operating systems with which 13 the files will be compatible. Your native operating system is chosen by default. You 13 can choose to generate files compatible with Windows, Mac OS 9, and Unix. • Put Images In Folder Enables you to store the images in a separate folder from the HTML documents. We recommend accepting the default Images folder option. (Images is the default folder name for almost all host server software.) • Copy Background Image When Saving Creates a copy of the specified background image when the document is saved. 7. Click Save. The Save Output Settings dialog box appears. 8. Type a name for the output settings file, and then click Save. Use Animated GIFs Animations are a group of images that are displayed sequentially, creating UICKSTEPS a transition from second to second. Although automatically self-running MAKING PART OF AN IMAGE animations are a standard on web pages, animated web content can also be TRANSPARENT triggered by a user action—for instance, when a viewer hovers a pointer over With GIF, PNG-8, and PNG-24 images, you can select an image and something happens to it, such as it morphs into another image or a color to be transparent in the final image. This is is highlighted. Animations are an important part of web sites today. Photoshop commonly done when you’re displaying a web page has two levels of animation, depending on the version of product you have. image over a web page with a colored background. Choose the same color for the transparency in the Photoshop Standard’s animation features are described in this book; Photoshop image as the background color of the web page, and the Extended contains both GIF animation and fairly comprehensive digital video image appears to be part of the background. However, creation and editing features. notice that unlike Photoshop compositions, whose layers can feature gradual transitions from totally opaque to transparent, GIF files are limited to one specific drop-out Create a GIF Animation color. It is not possible using the GIF file format to, for GIF animations are great for banners and other elements on web pages; example, make both green and purple areas drop out however, it’s a good idea to begin with a concept. A good place to begin is with to transparent. an idea of a story, a miniplot. What you can visually say within the limitations Continued . . . of a short, small, animated GIF often boils down to two elements: 292 292 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  2. 11 UICKSTEPS • A character You the artist decides on the subject you want to animate. A human 12 MAKING PART OF AN IMAGE figure is very ambitious; an object such as a star or a still photo that changes color TRANSPARENT (Continued) over time is much easier to create from photos of your own, or Photoshop Shapes. SELECT A COLOR TO BE TRANSPARENT • An animation treatment You have a wide range of animation techniques at your 1. If your image is not in Indexed Color mode, click disposal, but the four most common (and easiest to build) are listed here, followed by 13 13 Image | Mode | Indexed Color. The Indexed an advanced technique: Color dialog box appears. • Transitions A fade from one scene to another, a wipe, a Venetian blinds effect, 2. Click the Palette and all the other transitions you see on television shows. down arrow, and click • Builds Your animation starts with an empty screen and then gradually fills up. Use Custom. Or, if your of a text build can make an effective and eye-catching advertising message. image is already in Indexed Color mode, • Morphs You can change one shape to a different shape through Photoshop’s tweening features, demonstrated later in this chapter. click Image | Mode | Color Table. In either • Filters You can make a stunning animation by using filters, either applying in a build or a transition. Later in this chapter you’ll learn the steps used to make an case, the Color Table animation using some interesting Photoshop filters. dialog box appears. 3. Click the Eyedropper tool and then click the color • A cycle This is a very ambitious GIF endeavor and you should be a skilled illustrator or be familiar with a 3D modeling program to attempt it. You can make a in the image that you want to be transparent. The character walk, eat, or perform any repetitive action through the use of an animation corresponding color swatch in the Color Table cycle. Traditional animators have used cycles for more than 50 years because it becomes transparent. requires less manual labor. If they need a character to walk across a screen, they 4. Click OK to close the Color Table dialog build a single walk cycle and then repeat it, eliminating the drudgery and time of box. If necessary, click OK again to close drawing 100 cells. the Indexed Color dialog box. The image will UNDERSTANDING THE ANIMATION PANEL appear unchanged in Photoshop; however, the transparency will be apparent when you add the You work extensively between the Layers panel and the Animation panel to image to a web page. build the stock for your animation that you then export via File | Save For Web & Devices. Figure 13-5 shows the Animation panel along with callouts to its controls. Choose Window | Animation to display the panel. The following is a list of which controls do what: • Animation frame This area provides a thumbnail of a specific GIF animation frame. When the frame is highlighted, this means that it’s the current editing fame, but you don’t perform edits on the frame, but instead on a layer in a Photoshop document using tools, filters, and also the Layers panel. You can drag a frame to reposition it on the Animation panel and you can choose multiple frames for editing: press SHIFT while you click to select sequential frames, or press CTRL/CMD while you click to select nonsequential frames. Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 293 293
  3. 11 Animation frame Panel flyout menu 12 Looping 13 13 control Access the Duration drop- down list Playback Tweening Duplicates controls selected frames Figure 13-5: Photoshop’s Animation panel • Duration down arrow You click this arrow to define the time for the chosen (highlighted) frame(s). If you have multiple frames selected, setting one duration sets NOTE all the selected frame durations. Duplicates Selected Frames is a good feature for also • Looping control A GIF animation can play only once when it loads in the audience’s creating the next frame in an animation, because browser, or it can repeat twice, a hundred times, or forever. Forever is usually a good frame 4, for example, usually has visual content very choice, so the audience can decide on how long to view the animation, and this is why close to frame 3. You just duplicate frame 3 and then your animations should begin and end on the same frame. slightly edit the contents of frame 4. • Playback controls These VCR-like buttons let you play, stop, and go to the first or the last frames in your animation timeline. • Tweening Use this feature to have Photoshop create frames in between selected frames. Opacity, movement, and other attributes of frames are averaged to produce a smooth animation. QUICKFACTS • Duplicates Selected Frames This button duplicates one or more of the frames you’ve chosen and put copies after the current frame. TIMING OF GIF ANIMATIONS • Panel flyout menu Here you find some features you can also access directly on the Because all computers run at different speeds and all panel, such as Delete Frame (clicking the Trash icon when a frame is selected does the users have different Internet connection speeds, timing same thing), and also commands you don’t find elsewhere, such as Reverse Frames. a GIF animation is problematic. Photoshop describes duration using increments of tenths of a second, while other applications use different increments—but what really Build an Animation matters is that you have some idea of what an average The concept in the following example is to create an antique version of the color time is when the animation is played on most machines. photo onscreen, progressing from the full-color original to a sepia tone, woodcut Continued . . . version. To do this, you’ll create a Smart Object from the image layer, apply a filter as a Smart Filter, and then duplicate the layer to use in different frames. 294 294 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  4. 11 QUICKFACTS USE FILTERS TO SET UP AN ANIMATION 12 TIMING OF GIF ANIMATIONS (Continued) The advantage to using Smart Filters is that you can mask areas to reveal the The following is a list of durations in human terms and what progression from color to a filtered sepia tone image: you’d use the duration for: 1. Open the image you want to use in an animation, and click Window | Animation • No Delay This duration tells the web browser not to display the Animation panel. If you don’t see the Animation (Frames) view of the 13 13 to wait at all after loading the first frame to move Animation panel (it might happen if you have Photoshop Extended), click the Convert to the next frame, and so on. It’s best used for full- To Frame Animation icon on the lower right of the panel. motion animation you’d create by importing still frames from movies. 2. Right-click the background layer title on the Layers panel and then click Convert To Smart Object from the context menu. The background layer is renamed “Layer 0” • .1 sec. A tenth of a second between frames is (see Figure 13-6). useful for a “build” type animation, where elements successively populate the screen, such as the characters in a line or text. • .2 sec. This duration creates an almost unperceivable pause in the animation. There is a visual difference the audience will appreciate between a .1 and .2 second duration. • .5 sec. A brisk pause, useful for letting a character in an animation do a “take,” as in the reaction of a character hearing, “Honey, I burned the house down.” • 1 sec. A brief pause, useful for letting the audience read one or two words before moving on to the following frame. • 2 or more sec. A true break in the action. Use longer durations to let the audience appreciate a message, a logo, a slogan, or a piece of artwork. Slideshows timed to 8 seconds per frame provide the audience with a good time to assess a piece of Figure 13-6: Create a Smart Object from the background layer. artwork or a photo without becoming bored. 3. On the Animation panel, choose 2 seconds for the duration of the first frame by clicking the down arrow on the lower right of the frame (the individual image frame) and selecting 2.0. In film, this is called an establishing shot. Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 295 295
  5. 11 4. On the Tools panel, set the current foreground color 12 to deep chocolate and the background color to pale sand. You’ll use the Stamp filter shortly—this filter uses foreground and background color swatches to process the image. 13 5. Click Filter | Filter Gallery. 13 6. Click Stamp in the Sketch collection. Choose about 25 for the Light/Dark Balance and then drag the Smoothness slider to about 5. 7. Click the New Effect Layer icon at bottom right, and then choose Halftone Pattern from the Sketch folder (see Figure 13-7). 8. Set the Size to 2, the Contrast to about 45, and the Pattern Type to Line. This is not exactly the desired effect since the Halftone Pattern is applied at the top filter and Stamp should be the last filter for a more antique look. Figure 13-7: Apply one or more filters as Smart Filters via the Filter Gallery. 9. Drag the Halftone Pattern title to the bottom of the list, as shown in Figure 13-7. Click OK to apply the filters as Smart Filters. ANIMATE USING THE FILTER LAYER MASK You now have the resource for creating the GIF animation. In the following steps you create a transition over time by duplicating the layer and then progressively reveal the filter effect by painting on the Smart Filter mask: 1. Click the Smart Filters thumbnail on the Layers panel, the all-white thumbnail, to tell Photoshop you want to edit the mask and not the image linked to it. 2. With black as the current foreground color, press ALT/OPT+BACKSPACE to fill the Smart Filter layer mask with black, removing the filter effect from frame 1 and this layer in the document. 3. Click the Duplicate Frame button on the Animation panel. Set the duration of the new frame to 0.2 second. 4. Drag the layer on the Layers panel into the Create A New Layer icon. Because by default, the original Smart Object layer is titled Layer 0, the new layer should be auto- named Layer 0 copy (just for reference here, and the following one will be named Layer 0 copy 2, etc.). 296 296 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  6. 11 5. Click the Layer 0 copy Smart Filters thumbnail on the Layers 12 panel to select it; because this layer is on top in the Layers stack, its contents are now frame 2 on the Animation panel. 6. Press X to make the current foreground color white. Then click the Brush tool on the Tools panel, and set the size to about 13 1/10 the height or width of the document. You are ready to paint 13 on the Smart Filter mask, revealing some of the effect. 7. Paint an asterisk sort of shape on the frame 2 image, hiding original areas; don’t paint too much—leave black areas that you’ll fill in for frame 3, the third of four frames for this animation. See Figure 13-8. 8. Repeat Steps 3 through 7, filling in Layer 0 copy 2 almost completely. 9. Click the Duplicate Frame button on the Animation panel. Set the duration to 0.2 second. Then click the second duplicate layer title so it’s the active editing layer. Use the white foreground Figure 13-8: Hide more and more of the original image and the Brush tool to paint as you did in Step 6 to reveal more of by exposing the Smart Filter’s effect. the filter effect, working from the outside inward. 10. Repeat Steps 3 through 6, and then fill Layer 0 copy 3 completely with white. Set the duration to 2 seconds. The Layers panel should look like Figure 13-9 now. TIMING AND EXPORTING YOUR ANIMATION Two things remain—simple things—to prep your document for animation export. First, because each duplicate layer you created is visible, the top layer is visible for all four frames. This is hardly an animation just yet! 1. Click frame 3’s thumbnail on the Animation panel, and then on the Layers panel, click Layer 0 copy 3’s eye icon to hide this layer when frame 3 plays. 2. Click frame 2’s thumbnail on the Animation panel, and then on the Layers panel, click Layer 0 copy 3 and 2’s eye icon to hide these layers when frame 3 plays. Figure 13-9: Animation is automation when you use Smart Filters. Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 297 297
  7. 11 3. Click frame 1’s thumbnail on the Animation panel, and then on the Layers panel, click 12 Layer 0 copy 3, 2 and Layer 0 copy’s eye icon to hide these layers when frame 3 plays. 4. Click the Play button on the Animation panel to preview the animation now. Click Stop when the amusement wears off and you want to get to the final preparation step. It would be good if this animation returned to the first frame, in a backward 13 13 transition. Here’s how to copy frames on the Animation panel: 1. SHIFT+click the second and third frames on the Animation panel, and then duplicate them by dragging their thumbnails into the Duplicate Selected Frames icon. 2. Drag the new duplicate frames to the end of the animation. 3. With the frames still selected, click the panel menu icon and click Reverse Frames. EXPORT THE DOCUMENT AS AN ANIMATED GIF It’s likely that your document is too large in height and width to make an effective animated GIF for the Web; typically, GIFs are no larger than 200 pixels on a side. The good news is that the dimensions and other techniques for reducing the saved file size of the GIF animation can be handled all within Save For Web & Devices, as follows: 298 298 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  8. 11 TIP 1. Click File | Save For Web & Devices. 12 Click the Color Table down arrow when exporting to GIF. 2. Click the Optimized File Format down arrow (second from top), and click GIF from By default, the color table is displayed in order of hue the list. Click the Preset down arrow and click GIF 128 Dithered. This preset offers a (from red, to orange, and so on). However, if you need good balance between reducing the number of possible colors (thus decreasing file to reduce the table of colors further to make images size) and retaining fair visual fidelity. smaller, you can click Sort By Popularity. Then click 13 13 the bottom color(s), the least popular (the least frequent 3. In the Image Size Height or Width field, type 200 (or less), put your cursor in a different in the GIF image), and click the Trash icon. This usually field, and Photoshop automatically scales the dimension of the field you didn’t type in. makes the saved file size a few bytes smaller at very little 4. Check the estimated file size of the optimized file preview—see Figure 13-10. Generally, chance of visibly altering the exported GIF’s colors. if the projected image size is more than 100K, the animation will play sluggishly in browsers that use dial-up connections. If you’re over 100K, go to Step 6. Reduces file size if there’s no transparency Presets Type of web media Reduces file size at expense of image fidelity Scaling Preview Projected file size Figure 13-10: Saving a GIF animation can only be performed via Save For Web & Devices. Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 299 299
  9. 11 5. Uncheck the Transparency check box if your animation has no transparent regions— 12 this example did not use transparency on layers. By unchecking the box, you’ll notice that you shave a few K off the estimated saved file size. 6. Click the Lossy down arrow and drag the slider a little to the right. Check the preview image and then check the estimated saved file size. Work between what you think 13 will look good and the saved file size by dragging the Lossy slider back and forth. As 13 the name suggests, Lossy performs some color averaging, reducing the quality of the saved GIF animation. The fewer unique colors used in the saved GIF, the smaller the saved file size. 7. Click Save, find a good location on hard disk for the GIF file, click Save in the Save Optimized As dialog box, and you’re done. When you return to Photoshop, you might want to choose to save the document again. If you close the file, Photoshop will tell you the file has changed. This NOTE is called a “false flag” in programming terms; the file hasn’t changed, but it’s In the future, you can view your animation by dragging been handled by Save For Web & Devices, a separate module in Photoshop, the file into a web browser window. and Photoshop is flagging you on a possible change because the document has “left” its workspace for a moment. USE TWEENING The creation of animations can be simplified by the use of tweening. Tweening creates intermediate frames in an animation. For example, if you insert one tweening frame between two target frames, this frame consists of the two frames neighboring it, a mix of 50 percent opacity of the two, to average position, colors, or other changes. You create the start and end frames, and tweening creates the specified number of frames in between those frames; hence, the term tweening. Tweening can be applied to single or contiguous frames: • If applied to a single frame, you select whether to tween between it and the previous or following frame. • If you select two contiguous frames, the tweened frames are placed between the selected frames. • If you select more then two contiguous frames, the intermediate frames are modified. • If you select the first and last frames, they are treated as contiguous. This is useful for smoothing animations that loop more than once. 300 300 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  10. 11 To use tweening: 12 1. In the Animation panel, select the frames to tween. 2. Click the Tween button. The Tween dialog box appears. 3. Click the Tween With down arrow, and click the desired option. If you selected a single 13 frame, the options Next Frame and Previous Frame are available. If you selected 13 more than one frame, only the Selected option is available. 4. Type the number of frames to create between the selected frames in the Frames To Add text box. This option is not available if you selected more than two frames. In that case, only the selected frames are tweened. 5. Click the desired Layers option: All Layers modifies all the layers in the selected frames; Selected Layers modifies only the layers selected in the Layers panel. Static layers do not need to be modified by tweening, but you may have objects on multiple layers that do. 6. Accept the Parameters, which are all selected by default. You can also clear a parameter check box to deselect the parameter and not apply it to the tweening. You have the following tweening parameters with which to work: • Position Varies the position of the objects evenly between the starting and ending frames. • Opacity Varies the opacity of the objects evenly between the starting and ending frames. This is useful for making smooth fades. • Effects Varies the layer-effect parameters evenly between the starting and ending frames. For example, a drop shadow effect could be used to give the impression of a light source moving across the animation, thereby changing the angle of the shadow. 7. Click OK to apply your settings. Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 301 301
  11. 11 UICKSTEPS Slice an Image 12 OPTIMIZING ANIMATIONS You can optimize animations as GIF images only, since With Photoshop, you can slice an image, to “cut” a copy of the image into this is the only image format that supports them. If sections. The copy is made up of the slices, which can be named and saved. you optimize an animation as a JPEG or PNG, only You then can apply different effects to each slice or designate each slice as a 13 the current frame of the animation will be displayed. 13 hyperlink and place them on a web page. The web site reassembles them so In addition to the optimization options available for all that, to the viewer, the slices appear as a single image, even though each slice GIF images, with animations, you can limit optimization may have different properties and actions, such as varying hyperlinks. to only the areas that change between frames, which greatly reduces the size of the final file: There are two tools specifically for working with slices that are found in the 1. Click the Animation Crop menu: panel flyout menu on the upper right of the panel, and then click Optimize Animation. The Optimize Animation dialog box appears. • Slice tool Cuts slices in an image. The slices are numbered sequentially left to right. 2. Choose from the following options: • Slice Select tool Selects a slice so it can be modified, resized, or moved. • Bounding Box Crops each frame to the area You have three types of slices to choose from: that has changed from the preceding frame. This option is recommended because it makes • Auto slices are created automatically. These are the areas in an image that are not defined by one of the other slice types. For instance, when you delete a slice, an auto for a smaller file, but it isn’t supported by all slice replaces it. Or, when you define slices on only part of an image, auto slices define GIF editors. If your animations will be edited in the rest of it. This is so the image is balanced or does not contain gaps that would other programs, you should determine if this distort the image. Auto slices can be converted to user slices. feature is supported; otherwise, deselect it. • User slices are created by using the Slice tool. • Redundant Pixel Removal Makes all pixels that are unchanged from the previous frame • Layer-based slices are selected layers in the Layers panel. You select a layer and transparent. This option is also recommended then click Layer | New Layer-Based Slice. This command is unavailable for the to reduce the final file size. This feature requires background layer; you’ll need to create a duplicate to use this command. You can that the Transparency checkbox in the Save for “promote” a layer slice to a user slice. Web & Devices dialog box be selected. VIEW SLICES Slices are viewed both in Photoshop and the Save For Web & Devices dialog box. You can distinguish between different types of slices by looking at the lines TIP that define them and the color of their symbols. Figure 13-11 shows an example. You can switch from the Slice tool to the Slice Select tool • User and layer-based slices have solid lines and blue symbols by default. by pressing CTRL/CMD. • Auto slices have dotted lines and gray symbols by default. 302 302 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  12. 11 Slices are numbered starting with the slice nearest the upper-left corner of 12 the image and moving to the lower-right corner—a numeric symbol is in the upper-left corner of each slice. As you add or remove slices, the numbering for individual slices will change to reflect the changes. Each slice also has a badge, or icon, that displays the properties of the slice. 13 User slices 13 CREATE USER SLICES WITH THE SLICE TOOL To create a user slice: 1. Click the Slice tool in the Tools panel (with the Crop tool). 2. Click the Style down arrow, and click the desired option. This option determines how the slices you create are drawn. Choose from the following options: Auto slices • Normal Uses dragging to set the slice area. A good way to do it is to drag diagonally across the area of the image you wish to make into a slice. Figure 13-11: An image can be sliced into parts and then reassembled on a web site. • Fixed Aspect Ratio Uses a fixed width-to-height ratio, which you set by typing values in the Width and Height text boxes. Or, set the size of the slice by dragging, and the slice is proportionate to the values you type in the Width and Height text boxes. NOTE • Fixed Size Creates a slice of a specific size in pixels that you type in the Width Slices are always rectangular when you use Photoshop. and Height text boxes. You cannot have an oval or irregularly shaped slice. 3. With Normal and Fixed Aspect Ratio slices, drag to select the area of the slice. 4. With a Fixed Size slice, click to create the slice, and then drag the selection outline to the desired area. TIP CREATE LAYER-BASED SLICES Press SHIFT while you drag to constrain the slice to a A layer-based slice consists of the entire selected layer. These slices are useful square, and press ALT/OPT while you drag to draw from for rollovers. If you apply an effect, such as a drop shadow, to the layer to create the center. a rollover state, the slice automatically adjusts to include the pixels created by the effect. To create a layer-based slice in Photoshop, click the layer in the Layers panel. Then click Layer | New Layer Based Slice. Be aware that these slices can be unwieldy if they are too big. Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting to Know Your PC 303 303
  13. 11 CREATE SLICES USING GUIDES 12 You can also create user slices using guides: 1. Place the guides on your image. 2. Click the Slice tool and click Slices From Guides in the Options bar. Existing slices on the image are deleted. 13 13 EDIT AND DELETE SLICES You can edit and delete slices and divide them. You can also reorganize them in UICKSTEPS the stack. 1. Right-click the slice to be changed or deleted. SAVING SLICED IMAGES The procedure for saving slices in Photoshop is virtually 2. From the context menu, select one of these options: the same as with saving any other image: • Click Delete Slice to delete the selected slice. Another way to delete slices is to select slices to be deleted, click Slice Select, and press BACKSPACE. 1. Click File and then click Save For Web & Devices. • Click Edit Slice Options to open a dialog box for altering the slice characteristics, including the Slice Type (choose between No Image, Image, or Table), Name, URL, 2. Apply the desired settings as outlined earlier in and Dimensions of the slice. this chapter. 3. Click Save. The Save Optimized As dialog box • Click Divide Slice to open a dialog box to specify the number of slices horizontally or vertically the selected slice is to be divided. appears. 4. Click the Slices down arrow, and select an option • Click a positional command to change the position of the slice in the stack: you can bring it to the front of the stack or to the back, or send it one slice forward from the drop-down list: All Slices, All User or backward. Slices, or Selected Slices. 5. Click Save. • Click Promote To User Slice to change a layer slice to a user slice. • Click Combine Slices to merge selected slices. 304 304 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps to Preparing Your Images for the Web PC QuickSteps Getting Know Your PC
  14. References to figures are in italics. Blur filters, 224–226 Camera Raw Editor Index Blur tool, 186 adjustment sliders, 58–59 bounding boxes, 241 Camera Calibration tab, 66 A manipulating, 246 skewing text in, 248 Detail tab, 64 HSL/Grayscale tab, 64–65 Add Anchor Point tool, 127 Adjustment Brush tool, in the Camera Raw Bridge, 39–40 interface, 54–56 Editor, 62 building workspaces, 45–46 Lens Corrections tab, 65–66 Adjustment layer, 130 Collections and Smart Collections, 41–43 navigation arrows, 58 Adobe Bridge. See Bridge Content panel, 43–44 opening, 54 Adobe Color Engine (ACE), 75 downloading raw image files to, 35–37 Preferences, 63 Adobe Color Management (ACM), 263 Favorites list, 41 Presets tab, 66 Adobe Gamma, Control panel, 68–71 Filmstrip layout, 45 saving or resetting processing work, 56 airbrush feature, 177 Filter panel, 43 Settings menu, 57 animated GIFs, 292–293 Folders panel, 40 Split Toning tab, 65 exporting as an animated GIF, 298–300 image views, 44–45 Tone Curve tab, 63–64 optimizing animations, 302 Keywords, 45 tools, 59–63 timing and exporting, 297–298 launching executable files, 40 workflow options, 57–58 timing of GIF animations, 294–295 Light Table layout, 45 zooming, 57 tweening, 300–301 opening files, 5 camera raw images, 53–54 using filters to set up an animation, 295–296 opening images in Photoshop from the Bridge, defining properties of a processed raw file, 57 using the filter layer mask, 296–297 53–54 See also Camera Raw Editor Animation panel, 293–294 viewing and writing metadata, 46–50 cartoons, converting photos into, 222–223 anti-aliasing, 111, 112 workspace, 40 Character panel, 242–243 removing fringe pixels, 115, 186 Brush tool, 176–177 clipping, 269 Application bar, opening files from, 4 changing brush tip groups, 177–178 clipping masks, 130, 145–146 Art History Brush, 192, 193 creating a custom brush library, 180 closing Photoshop, 3 auto slices, 302 creating custom brushes, 178–179 CMYK Color mode, 30 deleting brushes, 181 CMYK inks, 271 displaying a custom brush library, 181 collapsing panels, 9 B editing a mask with, 143 Flow option, 178 Collections, 41–43 color, 14 Background Eraser tool, 119–121, 181, 183–184 Mode option, 178 Kulor panel, 15 background layer, 130 Opacity option, 178 Match Color adjustment, 94 unlocking, 133 options, 18–19 out-of-gamut colors, 270 batch renaming files, 51–52 Burn tool, 190–191, 207 replacing lighter colors with darker ones, bitmap images, 23–25 161–162 See also images setting foreground and background colors, 20 Bitmap mode, 25, 30 Black and White dialog box, 93, 213 C Color Balance, 89 color gamut, 73 black and white photographs caching, 79 calibration, 68 Color Halftone filter, 222–223 editing in RGB mode, 208 calibrating your monitor, 68–71 color management, 263 See also Grayscale mode hardware, 72 Windows XP QuickSteps Index 305 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Storing Information305
  15. color modes customizing Photoshop file formats, 24, 26, 257 choosing, 29–31 assigning keyboard shortcuts, 9–10 EPS format, 261–262 converting a color image to grayscale, 31 setting preferences, 6–8 GIF format, 260–261, 280, 281–285 converting an image to a different color mode, 31 workspace, 9 JPEG format, 26, 259, 280, 286–287 converting an RGB image to Indexed Color cyanotypes, 91–92 PDF format, 258–260 mode, 32 PNG format, 258, 280, 281–285 using a grayscale alternative, 31–32 PSD format, 131, 258 color opposites, 85 Color panel, 14 D TIF format, 259–260 WBMP format, 280 Defringe command, 115, 186 Color Picker, 14 Delete Anchor Pont tool, 127 file handling, preferences, 8 color profiles, 68, 74–75 dimensions, vs. resolution, 27 file size, checking, 139 Color Range command, 109–110 Direct Selection tool, 128, 195 files Color Reduction Algorithms, 283 dithering, 30, 283 creating, 4 color replacement algorithms, 284 opening, 4–5 Color Replacement tool, 97, 99–100 DNG files, 37 saving, 37–38 Replace Color adjustment, 97, 98–99 docking documents, 14–15 Fill, 147–148 replacing lighter colors with darker ones, 161–162 document windows, arranging, 14–15 Fill layer, 130 Color Sampler tool, in the Camera Raw Editor, 60 Dodge tool, 190–191 Filter Gallery, 216–217 Color Settings dialog box, 72 downloading image files to the Bridge, 35–37 Filter menu, 216 advanced color options, 76 downsampling, 8 filters Color Management Policies, 74–75 drop-down lists, 13 Blur filters, 224–226 Conversion Options, 75–76 Dry Brush filter, 221, 222 changing original image data, 216 saving settings, 76 Dust & Scratches filter, 203 Color Halftone filter, 222–223 Working Spaces, 73 creating a multi-filter effect, 217–218 color space, 74, 269 Dry Brush filter, 221, 222 color-casting, 84–86 commercial printing, 274–276 E heavy-duty, 216 Lens Blur filter, 226, 227 Ellipse tool, 194 compression, 26–27 Lighting Effects filter, 234–237 See also Shape tools contact sheets, 271–272 Liquify filter, 208, 209, 232–234 Elliptical Marquee tool, 102, 103–104 context menus, 14 Photocopy filter, 222–223 EPS format, 261–262 Convert Point tool, 127–128 photographic, 216 Eraser tool, 181, 182 Cooling Filters, 95 Pixel Bender filter, 237–238 EXIF metadata, 46 Crop tool, 193 preset special effects, 216 exiting Photoshop, 3 in the Camera Raw Editor, 60–61 Radial Blur filter, 226–229 Exposure, 86–87 cropping, 200–201 Smart Filters, 219–221 Eyedropper tool, 176 to fit a selection, 114 Smart Sharpen filter, 230–231 cursors, preferences, 8 third-party, 216 Curves, 81–82 Unsharp Mask filter, 231–232 S Curve, 83–84 F using color swatches for filters, 218–219 Custom Shape tool, 194 Favorites list, tagging, 51 flattening images, 138 See also Shape tools feathering, 111, 112 flyout menus, 14 306 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Index
  16. Free Transform, 112–113 Help International Color Consortium (ICC), 71 Freeform Pen tool, 126–127 tutorials, 2 interpolation methods, 8–9 full-service bureaus, 277–278 using, 14 IPTC metadata, 46–47 Highlights. See Shadows/Highlights histograms, 77 G bad histograms, 80 balanced vs. unbalanced, 79–80 J gamma JPEG format, 26, 259, 280 adjusting, 69 and cache, 79 optimizing images, 286–287 See also Adobe Gamma Histogram panel, 77–78 gamut, 269 History panel, 20–22 Gamut Warning, 270 Gaussian Blur, 224 snapshots, 22 HTML settings, 289–290 K keyboard shortcuts general preferences, 7 Hue/Saturation, 90–92 assigning, 9–10 ghosted images, 150–151 Preferences dialog box, 7 GIF format, 260–261, 280 zooming, 12 optimizing images, 281–285 I Keywords, 45, 48–49 See also animated GIFs image canvases, creating from a preset, 6 Kulor panel, 15 gradient masks, 144–145 image orientation, 38 Gradient tool, 186 image views, 44–45 applying a gradient fill, 186–187 editing a gradient, 188–189 images arranging in workspace, 12–13 L LAB Color mode, 31 evening out overall photo tones, 212–213 bitmap images, 23–25 labels, 50–51 Gradient Editor dialog box, 188 changing resolution, 28 See also tags Gradient presets, 187 compression, 26–27 Lasso tools, 106–108 Graduated Filter tool, in the Camera Raw Editor, dimensions vs. resolution, 27 layer blend modes, 150 62–63 ghosted, 150–151 Behind painting mode, 173 Grayscale mode, 30, 31–32, 92–93 panning, 13 Clear painting mode, 171–172 grids, turning off, 11 resampling, 28–29 Color Burn mode, 161–162 Grow command, 118–119 resizing, 28 Color Dodge mode, 162–164 Guides, Grids & Slices, preferences, 8 rotating, 13 Color mode, 168–169 slicing, 302–304 Darken mode, 154–156 stacking, 52–53 Difference mode, 166–167 H vector images, 25–26 importing digital photos, 34–35 Dissolve mode, 151–152, 153 Hand tool ghosted images, 150–151 in the Camera Raw Editor, 60 Indexed Color mode, 30, 32 Hard Light mode, 163 panning an image, 13 inkjet printing, 263–269 Hue mode, 167–168 zooming, 12 care for inkjet prints, 271 Light mode, 164–165 hardware calibration, 72 CMYK inks and RGB color profiles, 271 Lighten mode, 152–154 Healing Brushes, 203–204 interface, preferences, 7 Lighter and Darker Color modes, 159–161 Windows XP QuickSteps Index 307 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Storing Information307
  17. layer blend modes (cont.) copying from another application to a new Masked layer, 130 Linear Burn mode, 161–162, 163 layer, 134 masking, 102 Linear Dodge mode, 162–164 copying merged layers, 133, 134 clipping masks, 130, 145–146 Luminosity mode, 171 creating, 131–132 layer masks, 139–146 merging together, 154 deleting, 136 Quick Masks, 121–123 Multiply mode, 156, 158–159 editing with, 132 text masks, 255–256 Overlay mode, 152, 164, 165 Fill, 147–148 Masks panel, 140 Saturation mode, 169–171 flattening, 138 Match Color adjustment, 94 Screen mode, 156–158 hiding and revealing, 130 matte settings, 284 layer groups, 130, 136–137 linking and unlinking, 132 menus creating, 137 merging, 138–139 flyout menus, 14 deleting, 136–137 Opacity, 147–148 hiding menu items, 10 duplicating, 137 rearranging layer order, 135–136 shortcut menus, 14 flattening, 138 renaming, 131 metadata, 46 masking, 145 types of, 130 EXIF metadata, 46 moving a layer into a layer group, 137 unlocking the background layer, 133 IPTC metadata, 46–47 moving the contents of, 136 working with, 130 and sidecar information, 47 removing a layer from a layer group, 138 Layers panel, 131 templates, 47–48 resizing, 136 Lens Blur filter, 226, 227 XMP metadata, 47–48 layer masks, 139–140 Levels, 82 See also Keywords; labels; Preview panel applying, 145 basic adjustments, 83–84 Midpoint Dropper, 84–86 bitmap masks, 140 Exposure, 86–87 mirroring images, 209–210 clipping masks, 145–146 Input and Output Levels, 86 monitors, 25, 26 creating a gradient mask, 144–145 Shadows/Highlights, 87–88 calibrating, 68–71 creating a new blank layer mask, 143 Lighting Effects filter, 234–237 creating from a Quick Mask, 143 line art, scanning, 34 creating from a selected area, 143 deleting, 145 line frequency, 274–275 Line tool, 194 N Navigator panel editing, 143 See also Shape tools changing color of selection box, 12 hiding a layer with a layer mask, 143 Liquify filter, 208, 209, 232–234 zooming, 12 Masks panel, 140 lossless compression, 26–27 nondestructive editing, 130 painting, 141–142 lossy compression, 27 turning off and on, 145 loupe, 49–50 vector masks, 140 Layer Style dialog box, 252–253 O Opacity, 147–148 layer styles, 250–254 layer-based slices, 302, 303 M Open command, 53 Magic Eraser tool, 118, 181, 184–185 Open With command, 53 layers Magic Wand tool, 103–104, 105 opening files copying, 132 Magnetic Lasso tool, 108 from Application bar, 4 copying a selection to a new layer, 116–117 marquee selection, zooming in and out, 11 with Bridge, 5 copying by dragging, 134–135 Marquee tool, 102, 103 opening multiple files, 5 308 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Index
  18. operating systems, 2 Pen tool, 124–126, 127 optimizing animations, 302 performance, preferences, 8 Q optimizing images, 279–280 Photo Downloader, 35–37 Quick Masks, 121–123, 143, 205–206 Output Settings dialog box, 288–292 Photo Filter adjustment, 95 Quick Selection tool, 105, 205–206 Save For Web & Devices dialog box, 280–288 Photocopy filter, 222–223 Options bar, 19, 247 photos, importing, 34–35 Output Settings dialog box, 288–292 Pixel Bender filter, 237–238 R pixel count, 77 rack zooming, 226 pixel dimensions, changing, 28, 29 Radial Blur filter, 226–229 P pixels, 23–24 plug-ins, 7 raster images. See bitmap images rasterizing text layers, 240 Paint Bucket tool, 189–190 panels preferences, 8 raw images. See camera raw images collapsing, 9 PNG format, 258, 280 Rectangle tool, 194 collapsing into icons, 16 optimizing images, 281–285 See also Shape tools docked, 15 Polygon tool, 194 Rectangular Marquee tool, 102, 103–104 expanding from icons, 16 See also Shape tools Red Eye tool, 214 floating, 15 Polygonal Lasso tool, 107–108 red-eye, removing in the Camera Raw Editor, 62 moving, docking, or undocking, 16 population, 77 redoing actions, 22 opening and closing, 16 preferences See also History panel resizing or hiding, 16 in the Camera Raw Editor, 63 Refine Edge dialog box, 106–107 See also individual panels setting, 6–8 renaming files, batch renaming, 51–52 panning an image, 13 Preset Manager, 179–180 rendering intent, 75–76, 268 Paragraph panel, 244 presets, creating image canvases from, 6 repairing photographs, 197–198 Path Selection tool, 128 Preview panel, 49–50 cropping, 200–201 paths, 25 Print dialog box, 265–268 preparing vintage pictures for scanning, 198–199 anchor points, 124, 125 printing straightening a scanned photo, 198–200 changing selection marquees into, 128 Adobe Color Management (ACM), 263 Replace Color adjustment, 97, 98–99 converting a selection to a path, 195 care for inkjet prints, 271 resampling, 8, 28–29 creating with the Freeform Pen tool, 126–127 clipping, 269 resolution, 24, 25 creating with the Pen tool, 124–126 commercial printing, 274–276 changing image resolution, 28 direction lines and points, 124, 125 contact sheets, 271–272 vs. dimensions, 27 vs. image areas, 128 Gamut Warning, 270 restoring photographs modifying, 127 to an inkjet printer, 263–269 editing an old black and white photograph in segments, 124, 125 on items other than paper, 277 RGB mode, 208 tools for creating and editing, 127–128 preparing images for, 262–263 evening out tones, 212–213 using for selections, 124 previewing print jobs, 269–270 fixing a smile, 208, 209 patterns sizing an image for printing, 264 fixing flash reflections, 205–207 creating, 190–191 using a service bureau, 277–278 improving image focus, 202 Pattern Preset Manager, 191 PSD format, 131, 258 removing a family member in front of a different PDF format, 258–260 one, 209–210 Windows XP QuickSteps Index 309 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Storing Information309
  19. restoring photographs (cont.) fixed-size, 103, 104 sliders, 13 removing dust and scratches, 202–204 loading, 116 scrubby sliders, 16 removing red eye, 214 making multiple selections, 113 Smart Collections, 41–43 removing the color, 213 making with the Lasso tools, 106–108 Smart Filters, 219–221 revealing hidden detail, 211–212 making with the Magic Wand tool, 103–104, 105 Smart Objects, 57–58 RGB Color mode, 30, 32 making with the Marquee tool, 102, 103 Smart Sharpen command, 202 RGB color profiles, 271 making with the Quick Selection tool, 105 Smart Sharpen filter, 230–231 Rotate View tool, 13 moving a selection border, 111 Smudge tool, 186, 204–205 Rounded Rectangle tool, 194 moving the contents of, 117 Soft Proofing, 263 See also Shape tools painting with Quick Mask mode, 206 Spelling Checker, 245 refining edges, 106–107 Spin effect, 229 reselecting, 114 Sponge tool, 190–192, 207 S saving, 115 subtracting from, 113 Spot Healing Brush, 203–204 Spot Removal tool, in the Camera Raw Editor, 61–62 S Curve, 83–84 See also Curves touching up, 123 stacking documents, 14–15, 52–53 Saturation. See Hue/Saturation; Variations adjustment transforming a selection, 112–113 starting Photoshop, 2 Save For Web & Devices dialog box, 280–288 using paths for, 124–128 Status bar, 4 saving files, 37–38 using the Color Range command, 109–110 zooming, 12 scanning images, 32–33 See also Quick Masks steeltones, 91–92 line art, 34 service bureaus, 277–278 Straighten tool, in the Camera Raw Editor, 61 preparing vintage pictures for scanning, 198–199 shadows, 224–226 Styles panel, 252 straightening a scanned photo, 198–200 Shadows/Highlights, 87–88 Swatches panel, 14 screen modes, 17 Shape tools, 194–195 scrubby sliders, 16 shapes, editing, 195 selections Sharpen tool, 186 Smart Sharpen command, 202 T adding to, 113 tags, 51 adding to a mask, 143 shortcut menus, 14 See also labels anti-aliasing, 111, 112 shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts text contiguous and noncontiguous, 104 Similar command, 119 adding special effects with layer styles, converting a selection to a border, 113 Single Column Marquee tool, 103 250–254 copying to a new document, 117 Single Row Marquee tool, 103 beveling, 252–253 copying to a new layer, 116–117 Slice Select tool, 302 committing, 240 creating a layer mask from, 143 Slice tool, 302 creating, 240–242 creating from a mask, 143 slices, 302 creating on a path, 248–249 cropping to fit a selection, 114 creating layer-based slices, 303 creating within a closed path, 250 deselecting, 114 creating user slices with the Slice tool, 303 drop shadows, 251 duplicating the contents of, 117 creating using guides, 304 editing on a path, 249 excluding areas from, 111 deleting, 304 embossing, 252–253 expanding or contracting selections, 114, 118–119 editing, 304 finding and replacing, 246 feathering, 111, 112 saving sliced images, 304 flipping, 248 fixed-aspect ratio, 104 viewing, 302–303 flipping and moving on a path, 249 310 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Index
  20. formatting with the Character panel, transparency 242–243 making part of an image transparent, 292–293 W formatting with the Paragraph panel, 244 working with, 130 Warming Filters, 95 hyphenating words, 243–244 Transparency & Gamut, preferences, 8 WBMP format, 280 Inner Glow and Outer Glow effects, 253–254 tutorials, 2 Web Galleries, creating, 273–274 justifying, 244 tweening, 300–301 White Balance tool, in the Camera Raw Editor, 60 paragraph type, 241–242 type, preferences, 8 Working CMYK View mode, 30 point type, 241 Type tool, 240 working color space, 74 Spelling Checker, 245 workspace, 3–4 text masks, 255–256 arranging images in, 12–13 transforming type, 246–248 warping, 246–248 U Bridge, 40, 45–46 customizing, 9 undocking documents, 14–15 See also bounding boxes undoing actions, 20, 22 TIF format, 259–260 See also History panel Times Two Rule, 274–275 Units & Rulers, preferences, 8 X tone correction Unsharp Mask filter, 231–232 XMP metadata, 47–48 with Curves, 81–82 unstacking documents, 14–15 evening out overall photo tones, 212–213 upsampling, 8 tools with Levels, 82–88 user slices, 302, 303 Z Zoom tool, 11 cycling through using the shift key, 19 in the Camera Raw Editor, 60 options, 18–19 switching in a menu, 19 V zooming an object at the camera, 227–228 zooming in and out, 11–12 Variations adjustment, 96–97 Tools panel, 17–18 in the Camera Raw Editor, 57 vector images, 25–26 displaying in two columns, 18 See also images Transform Selection command, 112–113 Windows XP QuickSteps Index 311 Photoshop CS4 QuickSteps Storing Information311



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