Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P64
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Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P64: The transmitter encodes the information into a suitable form to be transmitted over the communications channel. The communications channel moves this signal as electromagnetic energy from the source to one or more destination receivers. The channel may convert this energy from one form to another, such as electrical to optical signals, whilst maintaining the integrity of the information so the recipient can understand the message sent by the transmitter....
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Nội dung Text: Practical TCP/IP and Ethernet Networking- P64
- 298 Index ICMP datagram 107–8, 113 round trip time (RTT) 113, 164 IP datagram 107 structure 113 message structure 107 subnet mask request and reply 114 loop-back testing 82 transmit time-stamp 113 NetID 82–6, 99, 164–5, 167, 177 Internet: network ID 80 Internet activities board (IAB) 192 open shortest path first (OSPF) 117, 119– Internet architecture board (IAB) 193 20 Internet assigned numbers authority (IANA) IP routing protocol 119 124 IPX or Appletalk protocols 119 Internet configuration and control board network routing tree 120 (ICCB) 192 private networks 86 Internet engineering steering group (IESG) private vs Internet-unique IP addresses 86 192 address conflicts 86 Internet engineering task force (IETF) 192 disadvantage 86 Internet organizational structure 192 reverse address resolution protocol (RARP) Internet research steering group (IRSG) 106–7 192 datagram format 106 Internet research task force (IRTF) 192 diskless workstation 106 Internet service providers (ISP) 79, 86–7, drawbacks 107 89, 198–9, 201–2, 204, 207 non-primary servers 107 Internet standards 192 router see Router broadcast solution 212 routing header 97, 101–2 cardbus 200, 246 routing information protocol (RIP) 117–20 CDMA cellular technology 210 authentication 118 connection: distance vector routing protocol 118 2-port IP router 202 IP identification 119 Micronet’s SP86X 201 multicasting of RIPv2 messages 119 network address translation (NAT) 201 RIPv2 device 119 via dedicated router 202 routing protocol 114–7 via IP sharer 201 shortest path first (SPF) 120 via NAT server (IP masquerading) 201 source quench 109 via proxy server 200 quench messages stop 109 via UNIX or NT gateway 201 speed/bandwidth issues 204 wingate or win proxy 200 static versus dynamic routing 115 DAJDsock 210 default route 115 fax 211 distance vector dynamic routing 115 fax-to-fax 211 dynamic routing 115 ITU and IETF standards 211 enhanced interior routing protocol Net2Fax 211 (EIGRP) 115, 117, 119 PASSaFAX 211 hybridized routing protocols 115 global ISP 199 link state routing protocols 115 graphical interface 193 metric or yardstick 115 hyperlinks 194 subnet masks 83–5, 118, 186, 172 hypermedia 194 subnetting 84 hypertext 194 LAN segment 84, 86 internet interfaces 204 network address 84 ISDN connections 199 subnet ID 84 mean opinion scoring (MOS) 211 time-stamp request and replies 113 paging 209 receive time-stamp 113 application, for SMS 209–10
- Index 299 mobile data systems 209 java applet development 196 short message service (SMS) 209 java resources 195 points of presence ( PoP ) 198–9 JavaScript 196 point-to-point protocol (PPP) 199 plug and play 195 POP servers 205 repositories 195 POTS exchange 199 PPP servers 199, 200 Kermit 3 search agents 213 off-line user interface (OUI) 214 Legacy automation architectures 234 UUEncoding files 214 design characteristics 235 serial link interface protocol (slip) 199 disadvantages 235 SMTP servers 205 Local area network (LAN) 12, 15–20, 30, 32– host-to-host layers 205 3, 36, 42, 44, 59–60, 80, 114, 149, 174, 177, speed/bandwidth issues 204 184–7, 200–2, 204, 219, 212, 222–3, 239, telephony 206 248 full-duplex telephone calls 207 interface card 149 net2phone 207, 211 LAN adapter cards 14 Netphone IPBX 208 token ring LANs 12 PC to PC 206, 210 Logical-link control (LLC) 28, 32–3, 51, 61 PC to phone 207 LLC sub layer 52, 54 PC-PC technology 207 Longitudinal redundancy check (LRC) 14 PGPfone (pretty good privacy) 209–10 POTS connection 209 Manchester: VocalTec internet phone call 209 differential Manchester 12 voice transmissions 206 self-clocking 12–3 USENET 213–4 Manchester encoding 11–3, 28, 50 user-friendly interface 193 advantage 12 video conferencing 211 Ethernet LANs 12 video networking 212 rules 12 voice mail 210 Mean time between failures (MTBF) 236 voice over IP 204–6 Media-access control (MAC) 28, 32–3, 51–4, VoIP applications 211 61–2, 67, 71, 80, 97, 101, 245–6 Interrupt request (IRQ) 244 frame format 53 DMA/shared memory 244 addressing modes 54 I/O base address 244 broadcast 54 IRQ channel 244 multicast 54 RAM base address 244 source and destination address 54 ROM base address 245 start frame delimiter 54 Intrusion detection systems (IDS) 223 sub layer 32, 52 host-based IDS 223 Metropolitan area networks (MANs) 19, 33, IDS sensors 223 186, 203 intrusion detection software 223 distributed queue data bus(DQDB) 33 network-based IDS 223–4 Modbus 3, 30, 237 advantages 223 Modem 179, 199 technique 223 dial-up modem 199 real-time analysis 223 null modem 181 ISDN 189 Xmodem 3 Modulation 7 Java 195–6 pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) 64, 70 applets 195–6 Morse code 3
- 300 Index subnet layer 27 Natural address translation (NAT) 221 networking protocol stack 236 NetBEUI 187 node see Node NetBIOS 149–50, 156, 158–9, 187 packet switching 16–7, 191 Network: analogous 17 advanced research projects agency network destination node 17 (ARPANET) 74, 191 packet sequence number 17 ALOHA network 43 peer-to-peer 21, 23 ARCnet 36, 39, 41, 76 polling 41 bursts of data 17 hardware-polling message 42 circuit switching 16–7 hub polling 41 advantage 17 roll call polling 41 disadvantage 17 token bus network 41 temporary connection 17 see also Token connection oriented service (COS) 18 token rings networks 178 coupling ratio 19 topology see Topology CSMA/CD networks 44, 52, 61 troubleshooting see Troubleshooting data header 18 virtual circuits 17–8 datagrams 17 virtual private network see Virtual private Ethernet networks 43, 48 network see also Ethernet wide area network see Wide area network FDDI networks 13 Node 16, 23, 33–4, 36–7, 39–42, 48, 50–2, 71 gateways see Gateways placement rules 56 internetworking 28 Noise 7, 14, 58, 63 interoperability 29 atomic particles and molecules 7 LAN see Local area network background noise 7 metropolitan area network see Metropolitan communication errors 7 area network electromagnetic signals as noise 7 network capable application processors see also Error detection (NCAPs) 240 signal to noise ratio 7 actuators 240 Non-return to Zero (NRZ) 13 smart sensors 240 bipolar encoding scheme 13 standard API 241 differential version 13 transducer 241 non-differential version 13 network card 243–4 Nyquist rate 7 TCP/IP to SPX/IPX 244 network driver interface specification On-line certificate status protocol (OCSP) 232 (NDIS) 245 Open data link interface (ODI) 245 MAC drive 245–6 architecture 245 MAC layer 245–6 link support layer (LSL) 245 NDIS drivers 245 OSI layering 245 network drivers 243, 244 Open system interconnection model (OSI) higher-level protocol 243 20–2, 24–6, 28–32, 61, 122, 167, 175, 177, network file system (NFS) 143 183, 186–7, 189, 243–4 NFS file system 143 application layer see Application layer network interface card (NIC) 47–8, 51, 53– communication framework 20 4, 65–6, 69, 72, 75, 97 data link layer see Data network layer 27, 29, 186, 221, 243 higher layer 22 connection-oriented communication 27 layering concept 21 hardware to network addresses 27 lower layer 22
- Index 301 management entity 21 data encryption 26 network layer see Network decryption 26 open and closed systems 20 Private branch exchange (PBX) 204, 208, 211 peer layers 24 Profibus 3 physical layer see Physical layer Protocol 2–3, 21–3, 27, 29–31, 74, 78, 90, presentation layer see Presentation layer 119, 126, 131, 133, 163, 167, 177, 188, 191, principles 22 201, 224, 237 service access points (SAPs) 22 address resolution protocol see Address session layer see Session layer address resolution protocol (ARP) 78, 80 standards 20, 31 Allen Bradley data highway plus protocol transport layer see Transport layer 30 OS/2 operating systems 245 analyzer 163, 177, 247–8, 251 LAN card 248 Packet 16, 18–9, 23, 26–31, 35, 64, 79, 82, promiscuous mode 247 92, 96–7, 102, 114, 123–4, 126, 128, 131–2, application layer protocols 133, 149 175, 177, 187, 201, 219–21, 243, 245–48, ACK frames 139 251 bootstrapping 137 data packet 18, 30, 41, 128, 220 DATA frames 138 TX or T4 packet 64 destination (server) port number 137 PCMCIA interface 246 diligent system administration 137 16-bit PC card 246 error frames 139 AT attachment (ATA) hard drives 246 frame types 138 card information structure (CIS) 247 opcode field 138 FLASH memory 246 RRQ/WRQ frames 138 host bus adapter (HBA) 247 asynchronous protocols 31 socket 246, 247 binary synchronous protocol (BSC) 3 virtual disk drives 246 boot protocol (BootP) 78 Physical layer 24, 28–30, 44, 61, 175 bootstrap protocol see Bootstrap protocol transmission properties 28 communications protocols 3 PLC 235–6 CSMA/CD protocol 183 Ethernet compatible PLCs 241 data link protocol 177, 186 PLC-5 Ethernet 241 dynamic host configuration protocol see PLC-5 processors 241 Dynamic host configuration protocol Plug and play (PnP) 246 error control 3 PC/ISA plug and play 246 fieldbus protocol 30 Port 124, 131, 179, 186, 202, 239 file transfer protocol see File transfer 100base T port 179 protocol COM ports 181, 189 flip-flop protocol 137 Ethernet port 202 flow control 3 port numbers 124 framing and synchronization 3 registered ports 124 full duplex protocol 126 router port 115 hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) 194–5, RS-232 port 239 266, 268 X.25 WAN port 202 ICMP protocol 267 Post office protocol (POP) 155, 205 industrial protocols 3, 29 POP3 clinic 155 Internet control message protocol (ICMP) POP3 commands 155 78 Practical extraction and report language (Perl) Internet layer protocols see Internet layer 197 protocol Presentation layer 25–6 internetwork 30
- 302 Index lightweight directory access protocol symmetric cryptography 228 (LDAP) 237 Public switched telephone network (PSTN) line control 3 203, 208, 211 manufacturing automation protocol (MAP) Pulse code modulation (PCM) 206 3, 29–30, 32 mini-MAP 29–30 Radio links 40 multiple protocols 188 RAM 246, 244 network time protocol (NTP) 190 Receiver 2–3, 5, 8–9, 18 post office protocol see Post office protocol to convert 2 protocol control information (PCI) 23–4 Remote login (RLOGIN) 143 protocol data unit (PDU) 23–4 Repeaters 64–6, 70–2, 175–6 protocol stack 23, 29, 133 100base-T repeater rules 65 reverse address resolution protocol (RARP) cable delays 66 78 collision domain 66 routing protocols 78 LX-repeater 71 simple network management protocol see NIC delays 66, 72 Simple network management protocol repeater delays 66 standards 30 safety factor 66 synchronous protocols 31 class I or translations repeaters 64 TCP/IP see TCP/IP class II or transparent repeaters 64 technical office protocol (TOP) 3, 29 Ethernet repeaters 64 time out control 3 gigabit repeater rules 72 transport layer protocols 26 1000base-T collision domain 72 see also Transport layer half-duplex gigabit Ethernet 73 Xerox networking system (XNS) protocol repeater delays 72 192 local Ethernet repeaters 175 Public-key infrastructure (PKI) 227, 230–2 multi-port repeater 175 client private key/public key sets 228 remote repeaters 176 confidentiality and encryption 229 repeater rules 57 electronic cheque 229 signal quality error (SQE) Ftest 57 symmetric key system 229 Return to zero (RZ) 12 cryptography 227–8 AZ-type codes 12 decryption 228 bit interval 12 digital signatures 228–30 differential version 13 encryption systems 228 non-differential version 13 interceptor 228 transmission medium 12 PKI functions 231–2 ROM 137, 156, 245–6 certificate revocation lists (CRLs) 232 Routers 81, 84, 86–8, 94, 97, 101, 109, 115–7, certification process links 232 120, 163, 172, 175, 186–7, 219–20, 231, compromised key lists (KRLs) 232 236, 238 peer-to-peer certification 232 access routers 187 pretty good privacy (PGP) 231 border routers 187 verification, public keys 232 bridging router (brouter) 187 private key 228–30, 232 internet packet exchange (IPX) 186 public key 228 Internet routers 81, 86 public-key cryptography 228, 232 32-bit mask 87 for delivery symmetric keys 230 sub-ISPs 86 public-key encryption 230–1 operating routers 219 symmetric encryption 230 routing rules 221 securing messages 227 two-port vs multi-port routers 186
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