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Removal of methyl orange by heterogeneous fenton process using iron dispersed on alumina pillared bentonite pellet

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In this study, pellets of iron alumina pillared bentonite (PFeAPB) were prepared by dispersing iron ions on alumina pillared bentonite pellet. Catalyst activity and lifetime were investigated via efficiencies of Methyl Orange (MO) decolorization and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal, a typical dye type of textile wastewater. Characteristics of the PFeAPB catalyst were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF).

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Nội dung Text: Removal of methyl orange by heterogeneous fenton process using iron dispersed on alumina pillared bentonite pellet

  1. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Open Access Full Text Article Research Article Removal of methyl orange by heterogeneous fenton process using iron dispersed on alumina pillared bentonite pellet Ngo Thi Thuan1,* , Tran Tien Khoi1 , Nguyen Thi My Chi2 , Nguyen Ngoc Vinh1 ABSTRACT Introduction: Heterogeneous Fenton is one of the Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs) and has been proven to be effective on azo dye degradation. However, a low-cost catalyst and factors af- Use your smartphone to scan this fecting the processes of this system were further investigated. Methods: In this study, pellets of QR code and download this article iron alumina pillared bentonite (PFeAPB) were prepared by dispersing iron ions on alumina pil- lared bentonite pellet. Catalyst activity and lifetime were investigated via efficiencies of Methyl Orange (MO) decolorization and Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) removal, a typical dye type of textile wastewater. Characteristics of the PFeAPB catalyst were examined by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area, and X-ray fluorescence (XRF). Results: Results of batch experiments showed that specific surface area of the PFeAPB catalyst was 111.22 m2 /g higher than its precursor by 2 times (57.79 m2 /g). Goethite, Hematite and Maghemite phases with approxi- mately 11.5% of iron elements containing in the catalyst were detected via XRD and XRF. Experi- mental conditions of pH, initial MO solution, Hydrogen Peroxide concentration, reaction time and catalyst loading were 2.0 ± 0.1, 12.7 mmol/L, 150 min and 20 g/L, respectively, to achieve 88.68 ± 5.69% of MO decolorization and 50.27 ± 6.05% of COD removal while dissolved iron in this hetero- geneous Fenton process was below standard limit (2 ppm). Catalyst activity decreased by 5.22% in decolorization efficiency after the two first reusages. Conclusion: These primary results showed 1 Department of Environmental the potential of applying PFeAPB catalyst in heterogeneous Fenton process with low iron leaching Engineering, International University, into water. Vietnam National University Quarter 6, Key words: Heterogeneous Fenton Catalyst, Alumina Pillared Bentonite, Pellet, Methyl Orange, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc District, Ho Textile Wastewater Chi Minh City, Viet Nam 2 Faculty of Environment, University of Science, Vietnam National University 227, Nguyen Van Cu Street, 4th Ward, INTRODUCTION bent and combined with hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) District 5, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam to generate hydroxyl radicals (·OH) 1,2 , thus possibly Textile is a main export industry in Vietnam and Correspondence its wastewater has been listed as difficult-to-degrade minimizing iron leaching into water and operating Ngo Thi Thuan, Department of wastewater. Among several physical, chemical and under less acidic condition, enabling the catalyst to be Environmental Engineering, International reused and recycled. Bentonite clay has been used as University, Vietnam National University biological processes, adsorption has been proven as a Quarter 6, Linh Trung Ward, Thu Duc widely used, effective method to decolorize dye in tex- an adsorbent and has gained much attention in envi- District, Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam tile effluent. However, pollutants in dye wastewater ronmental remediation due to iron content in clay, its Email: are adsor ed on the adsorbent and concentrated into a low cost, its abundance, and ion-exchange capability, History smaller volume but not degraded. Advanced Oxida- while still having low specific surface area 3,4 . Specific • Received: 2020-04-16 tion Processes (AOPs) have been proven worldwide surface area of bentonite clay can be increased by in- • Accepted: 2020-06-12 tercalating inorganic/organic cations into expandable as efficient methods in dye wastewater treatment due • Published: 2020-06-30 clay layers (so-called cation pillared bentonite). They to high oxidation of active radicals and mineralization DOI : 10.32508/stdj.v23i2.2139 are fabricated by cation exchange with polyoxycations capability to persistent organic pollutants (such as azo dyes into CO2 and H2 O). Thus, homogeneous Fen- of silica-alumina layers, then calcinated 5,6 . Among ton processes are commonly applied to treat textile several cations to be pillared into clay, polycations of wastewater. However, these processes still have some aluminum are preferred due to the well-known struc- Copyright disadvantages of iron treatment, sludge, and strict op- ture, synthesis conditions and stabilities 7 . In addi- © VNU-HCM Press. This is an open- eration under acidic condition. tion, alumina pillared clays give much higher surface access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Heterogeneous Fenton processes have been intro- Lewis acidity than their precursor 6,8 . Hence, alumina Attribution 4.0 International license. duced to overcome disadvantages of homogeneous pillared bentonite may be used as a good supporter Fenton processes. These processes apply iron catalysts to be impregnated with irons which are active sites of which are immobilized on the surface of the adsor- heterogenous Fenton catalysts. Cite this article : Thuan N T, Khoi T T, Chi N T M, Vinh N N. Removal of methyl orange by heterogeneous fenton process using iron dispersed on alumina pillared bentonite pellet. Sci. Tech. Dev. J.; 23(2):555-563. 555
  2. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 So far there are very few investigations of iron dis- Experimental procedure persed on alumina pillared bentonite used as hetero- The Fenton reactor was a 250 mL beaker filled with geneous Fenton catalyst for environmental remedia- 100 mL of MO solution and placed in a magnetic stir- tion. Some studies focus on iron pillared bentonite ring machine. The initial pH, H2 O2 concentration, as Fenton catalysts for degradation of cinnamic acid 9 , MO concentration and catalyst loading were as fol- or dyestuff with UV light assistance 10 . However, re- lows: 3.0±0.1, 12.7 mmol/L, 100 ppm and 20 g/L, re- searchers focus on powder type which cannot be used spectively; the reaction mixture was constantly stirred in a continuous system due to system clogging iron at 200 rpm for 120 min. Samples of the reaction mix- leaching into water of this catalyst as well as dye re- ture were taken with syringe at selected time intervals moval have not been investigated. Iron phases of this and then increased to pH~10 with NaOH 2N, and fi- Fenton catalyst can leach into water possibly due to nally filtered through a 0.45 mm membrane for analy- a poor supporter, especially in relatively acidic con- sis. Each experiment was repeated 3 times. The mean ditions. Therefore, a heterogeneous Fenton catalyst value and standard deviation (± SD) of three repli- based on alumina pillared bentonite pellet was exam- cated results in each experiment were calculated and ined. The objective of this study was to investigate presented. the reactivity of the PFeAPB catalyst during hetero- The used PFeAPB catalyst was washed with distilled geneous Fenton process for Methyl Orange (MO) re- water and dried at 105o C in an oven for 5 h. These moval from water. regenerated pellets were used to investigate catalyst reusability and stability. MATERIALS-METHODS Analytical methods Materials The UV-VIS spectra of MO were recorded from 200 A commercial clay product, bentonite powder, was to 700 nm using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer with a purchased from a local company in Vietnam (Minh spectrophotometric quartz cell and its concentration Ha Bentonite Mineral Joint Stock Company, Phan was measured at the maximum wavelength. Chemical Thiet Province, Viet Nam); iron catalyst was prepared Oxygen Demand (COD) and total ferrous ions were from ferric nitrate nonahydrate (Fe(NO3 )3 .9H2O; determined by bichromate and 1,10-phenanthroline alumina pillared in clay was prepared from aluminum methods, respectively, according to the Standard nitrate nonahydrate (Al(NO3 )3 .9H2 O); sodium hy- Methods for the examination of water and wastewa- droxide was purchased from Sigma-Aldrich Chemical ter 13 . Co. (St. Louis, MO, USA), hydrogen peroxide (>30 Degradation of MO was investigated via MO decol- wt.%) and hydrochloric acid (37%) were purchased orization (MO removal) and COD removal efficiency: from Fisher Scientific (UK). [ ] C0 −Ct MO(%) = × 100 C0 Catalyst preparation Where Co (ppm) is the MO initial concentration and Inorganic pillaring technique has been reported pre- initial COD, and Ct (ppm) is the MO concentration viously 5,6,11,12 and was adapted as follows: the ben- and COD at time of withdrawal. tonite powder was sieved with 2 mm to remove all big The catalysts were characterized by X-ray diffrac- contaminants, then added into Al3+ solution to be- tion spectroscopy (XRD), X-ray fluorescence (XRF) come alum-bentonite slurry. The slurry was stirred and nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm by vigorously in 1 hour and left to age for 24 hours un- Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface area. der ambient conditions. The alum-bentonite after ag- ing was centrifuged and compacted into pellet shape RESULTS (3 mm of diameter, 2-3 cm of length). This pellet was Active phases of Fenton catalysts were examined with dried at 105o C for 12 hours and calcinated at 600o C to XRD and XFR analysis. Figure 2 shows X-ray diffrac- form the so-called pellet of alumina pillared bentonite tion spectra of 5% iron dispersed on the alumina (PAPB). Fe(NO3 )3 .9H2 O 1M with 10% of HNO3 so- pillared bentonite catalyst; there were Goethite (α - lution was impregnated on the surface of PAPB for FeOOH), Hematite (α -Fe2 O3 ) and Maghemite (γ - 4 hours and dried at 105o C for 15 hours, and finally Fe3 O4 ) found in the PFeAPB catalyst. Element com- baked at 350o C for 4 hours. The final product after positions of the catalyst and its precursor were ob- iron impregnation was referred to as the pellet of iron tained by XRF analysis and are shown in Table 1. No- alumina pillared bentonite (PFeAPB) (Figure 1). tably, Si, Al, Fe, Ca and Mn were five elements found 556
  3. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Figure 1: Configuration of (a) PAPB and (b) PFeAPB catalysts. in both PFeAPB catalyst and its precursor in the range This efficiency decreased when H2 O2 concentration of 0.09 to 51.0%. Si, Al and Fe contents in the PFeAPB was over 12.7 mmol/L. catalyst accounted for 49.1%, 21.1% and 11.5% of the The effect of reaction time on MO decolorization, total content, while their presence in its catalyst pre- COD removal, and iron leaching in water are shown cursor accounted for 51.0%, 12.2% and 6.95%, respec- in Figure 7. MO decolourization and COD re- tively. moval efficiencies were achieved from 60.45±6.26% Performance of PFeAPB catalyst in the heterogeneous to 88.68±5.69% and 30.32±3.69% to 50.27±6.05%, Fenton system was evaluated by comparing removal respectively, in the range of 15-150 min. efficiencies among H2 O2 , PAPB, PAPB + H2 O2 , and Reusability and stability of the PFeAPB catalyst were PFeAPB + H2 O2 systems with time; the data are pre- investigated and shown in Figure 8. The repeatabil- ity of catalyst reactivities for the first two runs was sented in Figure 3. The results showed that increas- achieved below 5.22%. Decolorization efficiencies ing time from 15 to 180 minutes led to enhanced were dropped to 16.39% and 39.08% in the 3rd and decolorization efficiency of MO from 2.09±0.66% 4th run of the experiments. to 75.23±5.35%, respectively, and in a sequence of H2 O2
  4. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Figure 2: XRD pattern of PFeAPB catalyst with 5% of iron loading. ions 8–10,16,17 . Iron content in the PFeAPB catalyst iron phases are supposedly the main active catalysts increased from 6.95% to 11.5% due to introducing of PFeAPB materials and can provide highly reactive 5% iron into the catalyst. Loss of 0.45% iron may radicals (·OH, HO2 · ) for MO decolorization via come from preparation and vaporization during cal- Fenton processes, according to Equations (2) to (8) : cination. Fe2+ + H2 O2 → Fe3+ + • OH + OH− (2) Fe2+ + • OH → Fe3+ + + OH− (3) Evaluation on performance of heteroge- Fe3+ + H2 O2 → Fe2+ + HO•2 + H+ (4) nous Fenton process Fe2+ + HO•2 → Fe3+ + HO•2 (5) The results in Figure 3 were attributed to two char- Fe3+ + HO•2 → Fe2+ + O2 + H+ (6) acteristics including clay adsorption of PAPB and ox- C14 H13 N3 NaO3 SH + • OH → H2 O + R• (7) idation of H2 O2 , as well as hydroxyl radical (·OH). R• + • OH → H2 O +. by products (8) Decolorization efficiencies of H2 O2 oxidation and However, a small change of MO decolorization effi- PAPB adsorption were 6.04±0.78% and 18.12±1.49% ciencies (80.20±5.69% & 82.10±7.02%) at 15% and at 120 min, respectively. Synergetic effect of PAPB 20% of impregnated irons was possibly due to the and H2 O2 yielded 40.36±3.27% of MO conversion. scavenging effect of HO2 · (Equation 5 and 6). In addi- Decolorization efficiency of MO was increased from tion, dissolved irons of 2.01±0.48 ppm were observed 40.36±3.27% to 71.50±5.69% when the iron catalyst at 15% of impregnated irons. The amount of impreg- was added into PAPB. This was explained by increas- nated irons in the catalyst should be below 10% to ing iron content in the catalyst (~4.55%) and by H2 O2 avoid iron leaching and to achieve the national stan- which releases ·OH in the system; these steps may oc- dard limit (2 mg/L). However, change of iron con- cur in Equation (1) and (2). tents in the catalysts need to be further investigated FeOOH(s) + 2H+ + 12 H2 O2 → Fe2+ + 12 O2 +2H2 O (1) with XRD spectra to confirm reactivity of iron active Fe2 O3 (s) + 6H+ → 2Fe2+ + 3H2 O (1-1) phases during the heterogeneous Fenton processes. Fe3 O4(s) + 8H+ → 3/2Fe3+ + 3/2Fe2+ + 4H2 O. (1-2) Fe2+ + H2 O2 → Fe3+ + OH− + • OH (2) Effect of pH on decolorization efficiency The active phases of iron oxide, such as goethite (α - Effect of iron content impregnated into the FeOOH), hematite (α -Fe2 O3 ) and maghemite (γ - PFeAPB catalyst Fe2 O3 ) of the PFeAPB, tend to be dissolved in acidic Decolorization efficiency increased from condition to become ferrous and ferric ions, accord- 68.50±6.59% to 82.10±7.02% when the impregnated ing to Equations 1, 9 and 10. These ferrous and ferric iron amount was enhanced from 5% to 20% because ions promoted • OH radicals to discolor MO. Acidic 558
  5. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Figure 3: Decolorization efficiency (±SD) of MO under various systems. Experimental conditions: pH=3.0 ± 0.1, [MO]=100 mg/L, [H2 O2 ]=12.7mM, catalyst loading: 20 g/L. Figure 4: Effect of iron contents impregnated on MOdecolorization efficiency (±SD) and dissolved iron. Ex- perimentalconditions: pH=3.0 ± 0.1, [MO]=100 mg/L, [H2 O2 ]=12.7mM, catalyst loading: 20 g/L, reaction time=120 min. pH values also shift the equilibrium of Equation 2 to orization capability (50.10±5.23%). These results are the right which promotes · OH radical formation; the relatively comparable to other studies 1,2,9 and indi- high decolorization efficiencies of MO were achieved cate a wider range of pH in the heterogeneous Fenton at pH =2 (80.32 ± 5.26%) and pH=3 (69.10 ± 4.26%). system. A pH=2 was chosen to achieve the highest However, if the soluble constant of Fe(OH)3 is the- efficiency for further investigation in this study. oretically 2.79*1039 , precipitation of Fe(OH)3 starts to occur at approximate pH=4.0, thus resulting in de- FeOOH(s) +2H+ + 1 2 H2 O2 → Fe2+ + 1 2 O2 +2H2 O (1) creasing decolorization efficiency (52.05±5.96%) as Fe2 O3 (s) + 6H+ → 2Fe3+ + 3H2 O (9) expected, thus preventing the Fenton process (Equa- tions 1&2). When hydrogen ions in the system are Fe3 O4(s) + 8H+ → 3/2Fe3+ + 3/2Fe2+ + 4H2 O (10) too high (pH=1), these ions may become scavengers H+ + • OH + e− → H2 O (11) of • OH radicals (Equation 11), inducing MO decol- 559
  6. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Figure 5: Effect of pH on MOdecolorization efficiency (±SD) and dissolved iron. Experimental conditions: [MO]=100 mg/L, [H2 O2 ]=12.7 mM, catalyst loading: 20 g/L, reaction time=120 min. Effect of H2 O2 concentration irons, heterogenous Fenton process occurred in the Effect of H2 O2 concentration on MO decolorization presence of H2 O2 , thus increasing MO decoloriza- efficiencies are contributed by highly oxidation capa- tion with time. However, this process was slowed af- bility of H2 O2 species as well as the release of • OH ter 120 min because the low catalytic activity, possi- and HO2 · radicals during reactions between ferrous bly relating to the formation of intermediate oxidation and ferric ions and H2 O2 (Equations 2 & 4). How- products which inhibited • OH released at iron active ever, when the H2 O2 amount is increased over 12.7 sites 19 . Efficient differences between MO decolorization and mmol/L, the decolorization efficiencies were dropped COD removal efficiencies were from 30 to 40%. The by 20% due to the scavenging of • OH by H2 O2 , as maximum COD removal efficiency was 50.27±6.05% shown in Equations 12 &13. at 150 min while the decolorization efficiency was • OH + O2 → HO•2 + H2 O (12) 88.68±5.69% (Figure 7). These results indicate that HO•2 + •OH → H2 O + O2 (13) heterogeneous Fenton processes using the PFeAPB UV-VIS spectroscopy of MO before and after het- catalysts may oxidize MO molecules into smaller or- erogenous Fenton reaction under different H2 O2 ganic molecules and partly mineralize into CO2 and concentrations are shown in Figure 6 b. The strongest H2 O. Mineralization of azo dyes occurred slowly absorbance of MO molecules was at 464 nm. After compared to the decolorization processes. The COD 120 min of heterogenous Fenton reaction, this peak of the MO solution cannot be removed completely, disappeared totally when H2 O2 concentration was only 50.27±6.05% in 150 min, possibly due to for- 12.7 mmol/L. A new peak appeared from 232 to 239 mation of some persistent by-products and short life- nm, possibly because of π →π * transition in aromatic time of radicals. Dissolved irons were increased compounds. The results indicate that decolorization with reaction time; however, the concentration (max. of MO molecules may occur at azo site (-N=N-) and 1.13±0.068 ppm) was still below the national stan- that the peaks at 232 – 239 nm are possibly benzy- dard limit in water (2 ppm). Resistance to iron lamine compounds such as sulfanilic acid. This result leaching into solution is possibly due to metal com- is comparable to standard spectroscopy of pure sul- plexes between acid organic compounds, such as 2- fanilic acid 15,18 . The final products of the heteroge- carboxyphenylacetic acid, phthalic acid, and oxalic nous Fenton processes need to be further analyzed by acid, which are released as by-products and iron sites GC-MS. on the PFeAPB surface 15 . In addition, iron ions were properly immobilized within the interlayer space and Effect of reaction time associated with alumina pillars, thus becoming highly The relatively low decolorization efficiency (60.45 ± resistant to iron leaching 20,21 . 3.26%) and COD removal (30.32 ± 3.69%) of MO at the beginning of the heterogeneous Fenton processes Catalyst reusability and stability (15 min) were possible due to MO molecule diffusion The pillared process between intercalation of alu- and adsorption on the surface of the catalysts. Once minum and iron greatly increases accessibility of re- MO molecules were adsorbed on the active sites of actants and reduces their intermolecular collision 560
  7. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Figure 6: (a) Effect of H2 O2 on decolorizationefficiency (±SD); (b) UV-VIS spectroscopy of MO before and after heterogenous Fenton reaction. Experimental conditions:[MO]=100 mg/L, pH= 2.0 ± 0.1,catalyst loading: 20 g/L, reaction time=120 min. Figure 7: Effect of reaction time on performance of PFeAPB catalyst in heterogenous Fenton process (mean±SD). Experimental conditions: [MO]=100 mg/L, [H2 O2 ]=12.7 mM, catalyst loading:20 g/L, pH=2± 0.1. and competition at the catalyst sites 22,23 . Thus, the m2 /g to 111.22 m2 /g, according to the BET results. PFeAPB could be reused two times and yielded 5.22% The PFeAPB catalysts achieved 88.68 ± 5.69% of MO repeatability (Figure 8). The PFeAPB catalyst ac- decolorization and 50.27 ± 6.05% of COD removal tivity decreased after 2 runs of reusage (16.39% and when experimental conditions of pH, H2 O2 concen- 39.08%)- at the 3rd and 4th runs- which may be at- tration, catalyst loading, reaction time and initial MO tributed to iron leaching and intermediate products concentration were 2 ± 0.1, 12.7 mmol/L, 20 g/L, 150 adsorbed on the active sites. min and 100 ppm, respectively. The PFeAPB catalyst CONCLUSIONS can be resistant to iron leaching with 11.5% of iron This study primarily developed a pellet type of Iron content in the catalyst and can be reused 2 times with dispersed on Alumina Pillared Bentonite and investi- 5.22% of repeatability, compared to the new catalyst. gated its capability of MO treatment from water. XRD The study results indicate that PFeAPB can be a po- results showed that there were α -FeOOH, α -Fe2 O3 tential catalyst for the heterogeneous Fenton process and γ -Fe3 O4 which were supposedly catalyst phases and applied in textile wastewater with low loss of iron of the heterogeneous Fenton reaction. Because of suc- leaching into water. This catalyst should be further cessful intercalation of Alumina into Bentonite lay- investigated in a continuous system. ers, the specific surface area was increased from 57.79 561
  8. Science & Technology Development Journal, 23(2):555-563 Figure 8: Reusability of PFeAPB catalyst (mean ± SD). Experimental conditions: [MO]=100 mg/L, [H2 O2 ]= 12.7 mM, catalyst loading: 20 g/L, pH = 2 ± 0.1, reaction time = 150 min. LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 3. Churchman GJ, Gates WP, Theng BKG, Yuan G. Clays and minerals for pollution control. Development in clay science. COD: Chemical Oxidation Demand Elsevier, The Netherlands. 2006;1:253–278. Available from: BET: Nitrogen adsorption/desorption isotherm 4. Daou I, Zegaoui O, Chafaira R, Ahlafi H, Moussout H. Physicp- MO: Methyl Orange chemical characterization and kinetic study of methylene XRD: X-ray diffractometer blue adsorption onto a Moroccan Bentonite. International XRF: X-ray fluorescence Journal of Scientific and Research Publications. 2015;5(5):1–9. 5. Gil A, Gandia LM, Vicente MA. Recent advances in the syn- PFeAPB: Pellet of iron alumina pillared bentonite thesis and catalytic applications of pillared clays. Catal Rev. UV-VIS: Ultraviolet visible 2000;42:145–212. Available from: 100100261. AUTHORS’ CONTRIBUTIONS 6. Gil A, Korili SA, Vicente MA. Recent advances in the control and characterization of the porous structure of pillared clay The author Ngo Thi Thuan discussed the results and catalysts. Catal Rev. 2008;50:153–221. Available from: https: // wrote the manuscript. The author Tran Tien Khoi 7. Wen K, Wei J, He H, Zhu J, Xi Y. Keggin-Al30: An intercalant for edited and revised the final manuscript. The author Keggin-Al30 pillared montmorillonite. Applied Clay Science. Nguyen Thi My Chi did the experiment. The au- 2019;180:105–203. Available from: clay.2019.105203. thor Nguyen Ngoc Vinh trained the instrument op- 8. Gil A, Korili SA, Trujillono, Vicente MA. Pillared clays and Re- erations in laboratory. All authors approved the final lated catalysts. Springer, New York. 2010;p. 23–42. Available manuscript. from: 9. Tabet D, Saidi M, Houari M, Pichat P, Khalaf H. Fe-pillared clay as a Fenton-type heterogenous catalyst for cinnamic COMPETING INTERESTS acid degradation. Journal of Environmental Management. The authors declare that they have no competing in- 2006;80:342–346. PMID: 16546315. Available from: https: // terests. 10. Chen J, Zhu L. Heterogenous UV-Fenton catalytic degrada- tion of dyestuff in water with hydroxyl Fe pillared bentonite. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Catalysis Today. 2007;126(3-4):463–470. Available from: https: // The authors would like to thank MSc. Le Thi Song 11. Barrault J, Abdellaoui M, Bouchoule C, Majeste A, Tatibouet Thao for her contribution on primarily investigation JM, Louloudi A, et al. Catalytic wet peroxide oxidation over mixed (Al-Fe) pillared clays. Appl Catal B Environ. of the catalyst activity. 2000;27:225–230. Available from: S0926-3373(00)00170-3. REFERENCES 12. Barrault J, Gatineau L, Hassoun N, Bergaya F. Selective syngas 1. Feng J, Hu X, Yue PL. Discoloration and mineralization of Or- conversion over mixed Al-Fe pillared Laponite clay. Energy Fu- ange II by using a bentonitee clay-based Fe nanocomposite els. 1992;6:760–763. Available from: film as a heterogeneous photo-Fenton catalyst. Water Re- ef00036a010. search. 2015;39(1):89–96. PMID: 15607168. Available from: 13. American Public Health Association. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater; 23nd Edition. 2. Dung NT, Hoa PN, Huy DM, Tham NK. Magnetic Fe2MO4 (M:Fe, 2017;. Mn) activated carbons: Fabrication, characterization and het- 14. Ali ME, Gad-Allah TA, Badawy MI. Heterogeneous Fenton pro- erogeneous Fenton oxidation of methyl Orange. Journal of cess using steel industry wastes for methyl orange degrada- Hazardous Materials. 2011;185:653 –661. PMID: 20952129. tion. Applied Water Science. 2013;3(1):263–270. Available Available from: from: 562
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