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Summary of doctoral thesis: Improving the quality of managing workforce on city, provincial Customs, in conditions of Vietnam Customs modernization

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On the basis of systemizing the theoretical issues on managing workforce and managing workforce’s quality; the topics is focus on investigation, analysis, clarify the status of customs managing workforce in provinces and cities under central authority; then propose some solutions to improve the quality of managing workforce at the cities and provincial customs under central authority.

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Nội dung Text: Summary of doctoral thesis: Improving the quality of managing workforce on city, provincial Customs, in conditions of Vietnam Customs modernization

  1. 1 2 INTRODUCTION investigation, analysis, clarify the status of customs managing 1. Reason for topic: workforce in provinces and cities under central authority; then Our Party and State has always paid attention to the human factor, propose some solutions to improve the quality of managing and care for the development of national human resources, and workforce at the cities and provincial customs under central human resources departments, all levels, from central to local. In authority. general social background, the work of the Customs officers always 2.2. Research Tasks get the deep concern of the State and the Finance. Tasks completed The tasks is identified in the the research include: (1) Overview on the structure and improve the quality being on top priority, in researching of the domestic and foreign quality of managing which is particularly emphasis on managing workforce in the workforce. On a theoretical basis for managing workforce, topics localities. This is the workforce that law shall specify on quantity, make clarify the concept of customs managing workforce in the structure and especially requirements of quality, consistent with the provinces and cities under the Central Government; (2) requirements and characteristics on Customs field in each localities. Determining the research methodology, then collect and analyze the However, localities managing workforce in customs have still many survey data, learn conclusions about the quality of localities limitations and shortcomings: Restrict on the qualifications and customs managing workforce; (3) Learn the causes and issues of capabilities; shortcomings on the requirements of the completion and quality as well as improving quality of managing workforce; (4) fulfill their assigned duties, especially the shortcomings compared propose some solutions and recommendations to improve the with the requirements of the development of cadres and civil servants quality of provinces and cities customs managing workforce. and employees of state and requirements of state management of 3. Object and scope of research of the thesis customs in the context of integration and modernization of Vietnam Study subjects of thesis is “quality of managing workforce in the Customs in the current period. provinces and cities Customs Department under the Central The modernization of the Customs process is putting new Government”. demands on the management of customs, a team of customs officers The scope of the research is determined: (1) space: selecting and especially the requirements for customs managing workforce, research survey in some agencies of key Customs Department; (2) including customs managing workforce on localities that have a very time: 2010 – 2014; (3) Survey Subjects: The managing workforce important role in the implementation of the customs duties. in the provinces and cities of Customs Department under the Developing a Customs managing workforce in general and local Central Government. customs in particular, has not only significance in the industry but also 4. New contributions of the the thesis more important is the contribution of human resources into the task of (1) The first, project has clarify the factors affecting provinces and state management of national customs, positively contributing to the cities Customs managing workforce and thereby select appropriate national economic development - society. researching model to propose measures to improve quality of That is the reason and also the urgency of research project: managing workforce. (2) Second, the topics simultaneously “Improving the quality of managing workforce on city, approached to provinces and cities Customs managing workforce provincial Customs, in conditions of Vietnam Customs from different perspective: from the perspective of scientific labour modernization”. Organization, the administrative perspective and the perspective of 2. Research objectives and tasks human resources Management and development. (3) Third, topics has 2.1. Research objectives: conducted the sociological surveys with questionnaires to collect actual On the basis of systemizing the theoretical issues on managing information from the objects within the research; as a reality basis workforce and managing workforce’s quality; the topics is focus on illustrated the analysis and evaluation of the quality of provinces and
  2. 3 4 cities customs managing workforce. (4) Fourth, topics conducted to resources. analyze, clarify the status of quality of provinces and cities customs The local scholars were interested in the contents above with managing workforce by qualitative and quantitative methods, different perspective, such as (1) scientific program of the State level: contributing to allowing assessment in more detail, scientific on the “ Vietnamese - aim and motivation of social- economic development” basis of criteria affecting labor quality of customs managing Prof. Dr. Nguyen Manh Duong as chairman, and (2) The key research in workforce. (5)Fifth, topics has proposed criteria for competence, skills ministerial level by the National Economics University, done in 2003 and quality of managing workforce, as well as the requirements for with topics “ Knowledge economy with training human resources in personnel work to develop Customs human resources in terms of Vietnam on the first decade of the century XXI ”. current integration. 1.1.2. Studies of administrative labor 5. Meaning of theoretical and reality of the thesis «Managerial labor» is a concept that is being debated currently. With codifying the labor theoretical issues, management labor and The international research approaches under different views, in which quality of customs management labor at the provincial, city Customs most concepts are approached from the academic perspective such as Department, topics have contributions and certain significant with psychology, learning management, sociology, political science or building and perfecting the system of labor theories, management administration. Summary of this study shows: labor and quality of management labor. First, managerial labor is a peculiar form, performed by Topics have contributions and certain significant include: (1) set individual, managers, including discovery opportunities, set goals, out the overall development solution of customs human resources, (2) forming strategies and plans to use the dark advantages of resources, specific proposals on capacity building, skills and moral qualities for including the connection between the members to lead the managers; and (3) suggestions on personnel issues such as planning organization to achieve its objectives. and appointment of staff. Second, managerial labor not only perform the above activities, 6. The structure of the the thesis but also connecting, encouraging the members of his unit and Besides the introduction and conclusion, abbreviations, lists of perform the proposed plan to achieve its goals. references and appendices, survey results, together with the survey, Third, in the public sector, managerial labor, with an important the thesis includes basic content, is presented under 4 chapters and 18 role in every public office, also showed a personal touch depending information. on the style of management, in particularly the administrative managing system, and national and regional cultural factors. CHAPTER 1 1.1.3. The research on the management and development of OVERVIEW OF RESEARCH PROJECTS RELATED TO officers and employees. THE QUALITY OF MANAGEMENT LABOR OF CUSTOMS The concept of managerial staff, or more generally as managerial AND RESEARCH METHODS labor, today already existed through the feudal dynasties. Under the 1.1. Overview of research projects reign of Le Thanh Tong King, « functionary» is a dual concept, made 1.1.1. Studies on human resources up of two elements: Quan and Lai. Today, instead of using the The foreign researchies from the 1990s mentioned contents on functionary term, the public administration under the socialist regime human resource development, human resources and training human used the officer term, which in this thesis referred to as managerial resources in a systematic, especially the US, United Kingdom, Japan officers. Managerial officers in the public sector are understood as and many other growing countries. Scholars have published the assumed managing positions in public bodies. research to clear the concepts, the impact factor, the research Currently, in our country, employees in state agencies in perspective, the research methodology for developing human particular and the political system in general, is: officers, civil
  3. 5 6 servants and public employees. In which, of course, officers is Capability of managerial labor, because officers were elected and held that post managerial labor under tenure. But civil servants and public employees are not managerial labor. Managerial public employees and the civil servants Quality of are appointed to managerial positions.. Skill of managerial labor 1.1.4. Research on customs human resources of Customs managerial labor Department Through the study of the customs human resources, following of Customs Department remarks mentioned in the thesis: (1) The research mentions the important content of the construction of workforce in general. Quality of However, the above works, or just analyze aspects of completed managerial labor macroeconomic management, or delve into specific business, and mentioned the managing factor, human using, but no overall and The characteristics of the subjects: systematic research project about assessment of the real situation of age, gender, qualifications, … customs human resources manner which is essentially quantitative methods, but only follow qualitative traditional method (2) until the present time, there is no scientific projects published on Vietnam customs managerial labor, particularly local customs managerial labor. CHAPTER 2 1.2. The approach GENERAL THEORETICAL ISSUES ABOUT That's interdisciplinary approach from different viewpoint: The MANAGERIAL LABOR AND QUALITY OF viewpoint of Scientific Labour Organization, human theoretical THE LOCAL CUSTOMS MANAGERIAL LABOR perspective, the perspective of human resources developing and the 2.1. The basics of labor and management human resources management in the state administration agency. The 2.1.1. The basics of labor research, applying and use the concepts, tools and research methods from Labour is conscious, purposeful activity of human to alter the different perspectives above is necessary for the study object of topic is the natural objects to suit the people’s needs. The concept of labor can be issue of quality and quality improvement of local customs managerial developed from two aspects of this term: (1) Labor is as an activity; labor. (2) Labor is as workers. 1.3. Research Methods Workers who provide the working for employers, working prices Subject combined Marxism - Leninism methodology and the are measured in real wages that employers pay for workers. specific researching methods include: Analysis of secondary data The social labor division is the specialization producer, each method, Survey method using questionnaires, Document analytical person produces only one or a certain number of products. The social methods. Based on theory and research methods, the author has labor division is adjusted by limited an individual adaptation to developed the following research model: specific professions. Labor relations are the relations between workers and employers, throughout the working process, before signing labor contracts (labor prior relations), during working (relations in labor) and after the termination of the labor contract (following labor relations).
  4. 7 8 2.1.2. The basics of management resources developing strategic of the organization; labor governance ; Management is an oldest active form, most popular and most management, human resource development; the opportunity to important. Collectively, “Management is a continuous process, in which develop managerial labor; and quality of current and adjacent people coordinate to used the resources, tools and methods to influence managerial labor. the objects, in order to achieve certain goals”. 2.3. Administrative organizations and managerial labor in Management process includes fundamental processes: planning, state administrative organizations organization, leadership and inspection, which are the basic functions 2.3.1. The basics of state administrative organizations of management. State administrative organizations is organization in the state Manager: who led, leader and guide managerial activities for an apparatus, which functions exercised executive. The state organization or a group or a certain object through the use of administrative organization are organized from the central to local resources (human and material resources and financial resources, under different organizational models and ways, depending on each knowledge & information) that organization accomplish country. The system of state administrative organization composed to predetermined goals. Managers must ensure that the requirements on state administration (public administration) management style, the quality, capacity and ability to adapt to 2.3.2. Managerial labor in state administrative organization specific conditions and managerial subject. Managerial labor in the state administration organization are 2.2. Issues on managerial labor and quality of managerial divided into three basic categories: (1) Officials are Vietnam citizens, labor elected, approved or appointed to positions and titles terms in the agency 2.2.1. Managerial labor of the Vietnam Communist Party, State, socio - political organizations in Managerial labor is a managerial action of the managers in the central, province or city under central authority (collectively referred to organization, includes the identification of organizational goals, as provincial), in districts, towns and cities under provincial (collectively strategy, plans aimed the goal and leading organizations, promoting referred to as district), on the payroll and wage from the state budget. membership in the organization in order to achieve the targets. Civil servants are Vietnam citizens, recruited and promoted to the Accordingly, managerial labor is based on the division of labor, rank, position, position in bodies of Vietnam Communist Party, the first of all, managerial labor is also a kind of labor but are assigned to State, socio - political organizations, at the central level, provincial the function, assigned to the social workers, assigned internally of and district level, in agency and units of the People's Army, which is each division. It manipulate energy (labor power) in the management not the officers, professional army, defense workers; in agency and field, become skill and peculiar to perform a target. units of the People's Police that are not officers, professional soldiers 2.2.2. Quality of managerial labor and in the leadership and management of the public service unit of Quality of labor in general and quality of managerial labor in the Vietnam Communist Party the State, socio- political particular is the most important factor, to ensure that all activities of organizations (hereinafter collectively referred to as public service the organization to effectively achieve. That is the result of unit), on the payroll and wage under state budget; for civil servants in managerial labor activity, demonstrated by the quality of the products the leadership and management of public business units, the salary from that managerial labor activity created; reflects the ability to meet the the salary fund of public service units in accordance with the law. managers requirements of individual assigned and contributed to Public employees are Vietnam citizens, employed under job personal development and the overall work of the organization. placement, in public service unit under the labor contracts regime, Quality of managerial labor are formed in a managing process, wages from the funds of the public business units in accordance depending on the quality of the labor activities of managers. under the law. Factors affects quality of managerial labor includes: human 2.4. Quality of local customs managerial labor
  5. 9 10 2.4.1. Assessing the quality of managerial labor employees promotion. (4) Remuneration for France public Assessing the quality of managerial labor based on(1)persuant to employees, including basic wages and allowances, is considered an the provisions of the law; (2) based on the requirements for managing important factor to enhance the quality of public employees. workforce; (3) based on the requirements of the management; (4) Particularly for training, recruiting officers and public employees based on the results of work; and (5) based on the working resources and working in the customs service, also has three training form : i) Initial conditions. training; ii) Examinations Training; iii) Training during working. 2.4.2. Features of the local customs managerial labor 2.5.2. The experience of Japan The local customs managerial labor have characteristics: 1) Rule Japanese public employees are very respected by the social, state of law; 2) administrative and service; 3) Synthesizing; 4) the regular regime was very favorably, because Japanese officials are all operation; 5) The complexity of profession; 6) The international; 7) excellent people, were recruited through the seriously examination Modernity; and the training, continuous training in different positions after 2.4.3. Assessing the quality of customs managerial labor recruits. To assess the quality of managerial labor should be based on the Every year, the Japanese Institute of Human Resources (an following specific content: i) Adherence; ii) quality of managing independent state agency with the ministries) open 3 exams: exam for workforce; iii) quality of management activities; iv) results of type I officials (senior), exam for type II and type III officials. who implementation; v) the contribution, vi) quality of internal are admitted Type I, will be trained to become leaders in the future. governance; vii) development trends. who are admitted Type II and III, mostly for professional work. Besides, to assess the quality of managerial labor should be based Ethics of Public employees is considered very important in the on different methods. For example, using scales to measure the quality of public employees in the Japanese. Morality here is the results of the work of a civil servant, usually have 5 assessed actors: public-mindedness, integrity and high sense of responsibility, which i) self-assessment of Civil servants; ii) evaluation of colleagues in the was formed through the process of training and rigorous recruitment, work unit; iii) Assessment of the commander, directly manager; iv) specifically: i) Open competition, fairness regime, so only excellence evaluation of human resource management department, and Evaluation person are employed to public officials; ii) public officials living in of competent heads. the Japanese are guaranteed for all life by the regime for housing, 2.5. Experience of managing and managerial labor developing wages, pensions. iii) The supervision and criticism of society to 2.5.1. The experience of the French Republic public officials very tight, strict making public officials to the utmost The experience of the Republic of France is mentioned on the to preserve, caution; iv)Tenure of the leaders in the often very short, contents of: (1) Public employees recruited regime in France, based on just two years, the structure of public officials has always been two principles: i) The principle of equality: irrespective of their sex, rejuvenating and easily avoid these negative privileges, rents. property, birth, political orientation, religion, culture; ii) Principle Japan made up of wages and increasing mode on the seniority. recruited through examinations: public with written and oral form. (2) Training, development of customs human resources French public employees are divided into four categories; Type A is Customs staffs, officers in Customs Department have high the university graduate, was appointed leader or high position; Type professional knowledge. The Government of Japan and especially the B is the people through high school, are the intermediate public Japanese General Administration of Customs is very interested in the employees,Type C is public office of primary diploma; Category D is training and retraining of customs staff. Therefore, the officials and public employees qualified primary, their jobs do not require skilled public employees newly recruited, will have to undergo training to or less well-trained. (3) Annually public employees are evaluated to enhance professional skills and professional. Training agency of job performance and their professional ability and upgrading, public customs is the National Customs Academy (Customs Training
  6. 11 12 Center) public employees of some countries, we can draw some lessons as: Training forms include: i) Long-term training, includes 2 months (1) State must fully enacted legislation to unify the construction, or longer training courses, mainly equipped with the rationale and the managing and use of state public employees and managing rookie public employees; ii) Short-term training aimed to equip employees. (2) public officials, especially customs officials, public directly knowledge to job; iii) Distance Learning (both short term and employees must be trained in schools and trained and retrained long term), equipped with knowledge to improve customs expertise immediately after recruitment; forged through the actual necessary for remote officers.. position, excellent capacity and convergence relatively full the 2.5.3. The experience of Malaysia necessary qualities of a virtuous state officials, most notably in the Malaysia is a country in Southeast Asia, there are a lot of customs sector. (3) Building specific standards, titles for each similarities with Vietnam. Customs officers, public employees of the position, job. Titles standard for each position in the Customs will be Malaysian Royal Customs is divided into 3 categories according to the basis for the selection, using, and evaluate performance of public qualification: employees and as the benchmark for public employees to strive, Type 1: Has graduated from college or higher, includes those new training. (4) Organizations perform fairly, seriously public employees to the industry or just moved in to their subordinates; have stable service exams, are one of the best selection of management team of qualifications or profession, have seniority and are often arranged to the state in general and the staffs, customs managing public hold leadership positions. employees with high quality. (5) Construction, streamlining Type 2: Professional secondary education, including new to the ergonomic management apparatus. Layout, use reasonable managing industry or just moved in to their subordinates; with seniority have team of customs officials, arranged the right people, right work to undergone training courses as prescribed by the National Customs promote their best work and their individual forte. (6) Staying close Academy, have work experience and have confirmed their positions. regularly managing mode, monitoring, awards and punishment for Type 3: Graduated from high school, including new to the officials and public employees. Check, an annual evaluation in industry; have at least 3 working years and have undergone earnest and according to specific criteria, obviously, help promote the professional training at the National Customs Academy. strengths and limitations of each individual defect. (7) Implementing The training courses at the Malaysia National Customs Academy deserved remuneration for officials and public employees and that include: 1) Mandatory course for all 3 types of new public employees are regime need to be completed. employed in the sector 2) Basic Course for all 3 types of new public employees are employed in the industry or from subordinate. Training CHAPTER 3 contents and programs depending on the type of public servant. After MANAGEING LABOR QUALITY STATE AT LOCAL 3 years of probation, public employees continued be educated CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT advanced courses, professional skills training, auxiliary training. Time, agenda and content of the courses are built in accordance with 3.1. Overview about Viet Nam customs management agency. each public employees category and level, Career. Currently training General Department of Vietnam Customs which is the agency model of the Malaysian Royal Customs are sampled in seminars by a belonging to Ministry of Finance supports Minister of Finance to lot of customs experts in the introduction of customs training for implement functions of specialized management about customs, Vietnamese officials. performs Customs Law in whole of Viet Nam. Therefore, Ministry of 2.5.4. Lessons Learned for improving the quality of labor Fiance will regulate all acitivities of customs supervision and From experience in building and improving the quality of state management. public employees, improving the quality of cadres and customs 3.2. Quality state of customs officers basing on data of
  7. 13 14 organizing operation and equivalent, especially managemant position is Manager and 3.2.1. Quality state of management officers basing on Deputy Manager at local customs department. This figure is 537 assessment criteria people holding 45.58%. Meanwhile, the officer rate working at General Department of Vietnam Customs has 10,286 officers and management position is vice chief of department and deputy manager equivalent including 320 management officers working at general having rank is official and equivelant holding high rates with 408 department, 1171 management officers working at department and people, 34.84%. local customs department and 8,792 operating officers by 2014. This According to officer qualification by education degree: study object is management officers working at local customs management officer at local with university degree is 962 people department and having structure about quantity and management holding 82.15% and officers with master qualification are 116 holding position as chart below: 9.91%. Besides, the more high management position is, the more high qualification is. However, at position of deputy head of division and deputy manager, the number of people has university and college degree holding higher rate. Qualification trained about political theory & state Cơ cấu theo số lượng và vị trí quản lý tại các management: most of leaders such as director and deputy director with senior political theory qualification; meanwhile managemen cục hải quan địa phương officer at lower level primarily have junior political theory. Only some managemen officer at lower level are trained about political theory. This is similar to knowledge of state management trained and Cục trưởng cục hả fostered for management labour team at local customs department. Officer quality as computerization qualification: The data of General Department of Customs shows that 1144 people holding Phó cục trưởng cụ 97.69% with basis computer skills. It is noteworthy that 100% of offcers is director, deputy directors and 419/425 of managers with basis computer skills. Some management position with high computer Trưởng phòng, chi c skills are university qualification. trưởng và tương đươ Officer quality through training foreign language: The officer rate with university foreign language and C level holds 38% equivelant 446 people. However, the number of officer with foreign Phó phòng, phó chi c language at B level hold the highest rate 46.45%, equivelant 544 trưởng và tương đươ people. 3.2.2. General assessment about management team According to secondary data of the General Department of According to analysis of officer quality as above, we can conclude Customs, quality of management officers at customs department of some advantages of offcer quality assuming leader position province and municipalities is estimated through the following including: (1) management team in general and management officer criteria: in particular are trained through practical revolutionary struggle, most According to customs officer qualification by rank: Most of of officers promoted lorious national tradition and expressed strong management officer at department with officer rank is main official political spirit, independence consciousness, being consistent with
  8. 15 16 goal of socialist republic, loyal with the Party, with citizen, and world. (3) The integration process is taking place quickly, dedicating intellectualization and talent of the country. (2) leading to a change in job functions and tasks, change the criteria for Management officer team with democracy style is trusted and the work. Thereby making the gap between the requirements of the supported by officers at all level. This is one of important advantages job and the qualifications of job performance tends growing. of management officers. (3) Quality of management officers is Subjective reasons: includes: (1) The lack of consistency of public trained and fostered about the professional qualifications, knowledge employees institutions managing. (2) Human resources managing is and skills, working experience and capacity to implement public not interested in doing a Scientific in the state administrative system. services. (4) Management team with high discipline ready accepts (3) Lack of policies and measures to encourage and motivate public challenges and being creative in implementing tasks. employees to be assured, sticking with the job, with the state Besides advantages are mentioned above, requirement of administrative system. international economy integration period, promoting computing 3.3. Assessing the quality of managerial labor through surveys appication, modernization of Viet Nam customs currently, 3.3.1. Survey ballot and sample requirement of building professional and mordern administration, The contents of the questionnaire are referenced from the customs officers aslo revealed shortcoming, including: (1) high rate international research and practical manipulate in the field of customs of management officers with skills and qualification do not meet the management, and is divided into 2 parts: Personal information of working requirement. (2) Working experience is one of big shortage respondents, and the assessment of the quality criteria public of current customs management officers. (3) many customs employees Customs management. management officers have not understood about functions and tasks The process of transmitting and receiving questionnaires shall of working as well as functions and tasks of organization and agency comply with the requirements of a sociological survey. Overall where they are working. (4) Customs officers are not fully aware sample size was identified as: N = 1171. Then the sample size (n) is about working changes in the future and not willing to prepare for determined by the formula: those changes. (5) Age of customs management officer holds the N n= leader position is high, relationship between generation and age 1 + N (e) 2 group is not clearly expressed. (6) Co-operating, co-ordinating in With e = 0.05, equivalent to level of reliability is 95%, the sample work, sharing information, spirit and group working methods of size is calculated is n = 298. Accordingly, 300 ballots were delivered customs management officers are still low. (7) Some customs to 300 managerial officers at local customs offices from the North, to management officers are not creative, lacking of cultivation and Central and South. leraning, event there are people who fade ideas, deteriorate revolution The results of 210 votes, 70% of the votes emitted. Inspection moral, individualism, bureaucracy, bureaucracy, reduce citizen’s process of ballots, found on 64 ballots can not be used. Final, belief, management quality and operate Customs agency. official ballots collected and used is 146, 69,5% of the votes emitted; 3.2.7. Reasons limited labor quality of management officer and accounted for 48.66% of the questionnaires was sent at. Objective reasons: (1)The war lasting too long affected to Characteristics of survey sample is described through the condition of building formal and modern officers, officer team has following criteria: About gender, 36 persons answered the not still been trained systematically. (2) Vietnam has actually entered questionnaire were women, proportion of 24.7% while the rate of the market economy from the time line of renewal by Congress of the male is 75.3%, equivalent to of 110 persons. The age of the party, many officials and public employees have proved participants in the survey also allocated according to three groups, embarrassing and inadequacy of knowledge before changes in includes group has 48 persons under 46 years of age, accounting for economic conditions convert, require regional economic integration
  9. 17 18 26%; from 46 to 55 years old group had 59 persons accounting for the majority also have a higher age. 40,4%; and groups of 56 and older have 49 persons accounted for With two conflicting trends such, we have found one thing that 33.6% in a total of 146 persons. The primary data collection is also customs sector have a young workforce, high quality, but no done on all three regions in which the North has 42 persons answered opportunity to use. Meanwhile, there is still a no small part had older the questionnaire, 28.8%. The figure is 30 persons in the central officers, the expertise is not strong, but in office for many years, and region, accounting for 20.5%. The South had the most number of it can be a hindrance to the current officers of the sector customs. participants is 74, accounting for 50.7% of survey sample. Second, the foreign language skills and computerization of A very interesting parameter is current managing position of customs officers meet basic requirements of the customs participants answered questionnaires. There are 39 persons currently modernization. The survey data also showed that management assumed managing positions at local level Customs, accounted for officers group qualified computer training and foreign language 26,7%. The rest are 107 officers working at the customs department much higher than the average level of public servants customs sector. and equivalent to, accounted for 73,3%. Information on the number But this is based on a survey according to diplomas and certificates of times was appointed current managing position were collected, of of civil servants. which 84 persons were appointed for the first time, accounting for 57.5%. There are 27 persons had been appointed the current position in the second term, accounting for 28,5%. However, 24%, the THE CHAPTER 4 equivalent of 35 persons have been appointed to three times to the Orientations and solutions to improve the quality admistrative same the current managing position. labor Qualifications includes two groups: people with a university degree accounted for 65.8%, or 96 persons; while the group had 4.1. Essential international and area context effect to the postgraduate qualifications of 50 personsaccounting for 34.2%. quality admistrative labor of customs English level consists of 3 groups: 29 persons, accounting for 19.9%, In the context of Vietnam is used to and is continuing to deeper certificate A; 37 persons, equivalent to 25,3%, certificate B; 80 integration economy of the countries in the region and internationally officers, accounting for 54,8%, certificate C. Among 146 staff and Global customs increasingly has important role. Like the involved answered the questionnaire, 117 persons, accounting for customs authorities on the world, Custom of Vietnam is facing on the 80.1%, with basic computing skills; and the remaining 19.9% have big challenges, the increase in scale and complexity of the activities advanced computer skill. of international trade, terrorist threats, threats Resources 3.3.2. Analysis of quality managerial officers and officers Environment, Public Health, the obligation to implement planning international commitments concerning the customs sector. In the Through the analysis, two characteristics of managerial labor process of reform and modernization, Custom of Vietnam was and is quality as following: in the deeper implementation phase and drastically the program to First, the ratio of officers was appointed on the first time the change the basic mode of operation of custom, striving to keep up current management highest proportion. It is considered the most with the development about the custom of the developed countries. active group, with the highest professional. However, team To achieve this, the urgent requirement is set to raise staff and public management officers are appointed to three times the current servants of the customs, toward change them to the professional staff managing position is also no small proportion, accounting for and public servants of the customs as The 9th Conference of the 10th 23.97% of the survey sample. This is a weaker professional Central Executive Committee about continuing to promote the qualification group, but higher than the level of political theory, and implementation of this impove staff strategy from now to 2020.
  10. 19 20 In recent years, the fact that the legal capacity the state is export and import will decrease due to the impact of the generally weak, many policies remains precarious. The coordination implementation of tariff reduction commitments. of the relevant authorities in the country and economic governance Objectives and tasks of administrative reform and modernization lacks synced that causing many shortcomings. of customs administration, continue to facilitate import-export So in integration context, Vietnam needs to build the country activities. which is really the rule of law. State intervention must comply with 4.1.3. The general view to improve team market rules. Every inspection, supervision does not affect, prevents, The measures taken to improve the quality of administrative labor, harasses.. to business and production activities of the enterprise, based on perspective: (1) Improving quality staff officers from the create favorable conditions for enterprises to overcome the current views and lines of the Communist Party of Vietnam; (2) Improving difficulties, possibly sustainable and stable development in the the quality of cadres and civil servants managing the state towards international environment more volatile. professionalization, based on the basis of job requirements; (3) Want to make those, the sate needs to innovate the organization, Improving the quality of civil servants to ensure the bonding the human resouce of that organization, operational structure, operation among professional and professional ethics; (4) Improving checking structure, administrative work, specially to the custom of the quality of civil servants is a continuous process is performed in Vietnam. sync from recruitment, planning, training and using; (5) Improving 4.1.1 The role and feature of administrative labor at quality public employees are the responsibility of all agencies, provincial and municipal customs organizations, units and individual employees in the administrative Being resourse that has deciding role about innovate productive branch of the State. and validity of administrative organazation for the local customs, has 4.2. Development orientations of Vietnam Customs Sector role in the process of modernization of the customs of Vietnam. 4.2.1 The views and objectives of the development strategy The feature of administrative labor custom in the process of Building the Vietnam Customs becomes to more modern, have modernization is; the first, being the organization directs to do with mechanisms and adequate policies, transparency, simple customs Import - Outpost Enterprise, being the unit responsible the unit procedures, harmonized international standards, based on the responsible for managing the State Customs, being subject to great application of information technology, data processing concentration pressure from work, including the organization of policy and widely applied method of risk management, reaching the implementation in practice, ensuring that the success of policies and equivalent level of advanced countries in the region South East Asia. management mechanisms of the State customs is issued; working Building customs force reaches professional qualifications and in- complex conditions , active conditions, changes over time, the need depth, with the equipment, skills modern technology, effective to always update their knowledge regularly more; perform tasks for operations, efficient contribute to facilitate the legal commercial national doorman economic fronts. activities, tourism development, attracting foreign investment, 4.1.2. The objective and direction of the customs branch to warranting national security, social order and safety, protecting the 2020 interests state, legal rights and obligations of organizations and The process of economic development - economic development of individuals. Vietnam in this period will be subject to the impact of the establish . the ASEAN Economic Community by 2015; Free trade agreements 4.2.2 The content of the strategic development of Customs with the EU, the Partnership Agreement regularly Pacific TPP; Development strategy of the customs focused on the following implementation of ASEAN tariff reduction, become market economy contents: (1) Regarding institution building; (2) Working on customs in 2018 according to WTO commitments, therefore revenues from operations; (3) organizational apparatus and human resource; (4) the
  11. 21 22 facilities, equipment, information technology and customs statistics; Fourth, the content of the human resources planning must clearly (5) communication and building partnership program customs - specify for each specific audience enterprise. To improve the planning of human resources for the customs 4.3. Solutions improve labor quality management System sector 4.3.1. Solutions related institutions, policies and laws 4.3.3. Solutions related to personnel training and retraining - Developing a policy and legislation on managing the - Identify the training and retraining of the civil servants in each administrative of the customs, is the foundation, the source of the grade category of public servants; management. - Determining the content and form of training, retraining each - Improving the system of policies and laws on customs officials type of officer to develop human resources Customs administration. attached to the administrative reform, Customs modernization - Based on the level of civil servants affected by the difference conformity with international standards; develop human resources in level through evaluation and setting group to have policies and and improve the quality the amount of public officials, the various training measures. application of information technology in all the activities of the - Develop self-learning mode of learning and self-training for Customs. administrative workforce of the local customs to ensure respond in - Recommendations for improving policies and laws for customs accordance positions, public servants, in the planning, service officers carried out simultaneously with reform administrative, and conditions, rotation etc... perform sizing based build specific job positions to improve - To diversify the forms and cooperation in the field of training effectiveness. Decentralization of management staff and employees and retraining in a uniform, constructive positions associated with public servants, Improving professional ethics, working style of officials to streamline and consolidate the organizational structure of clean To fix, solve the limitations still exist nowdays and continue and strong. promoting the values reached, in next stages, the customs need to do: - Rebuilding the management rules of civil servants, perfect Firstly, should regularly and widely organize the contests of ideas, management system and standardized staff management including ethics Ho Chi Minh, live and learn in the moral example of Ho Chi new recruitment, retraining, training, use and assessment reviews, Minh 's revolution, building a team of customs officials recently which, rotation, appointment, reappointment... professional; - Developing regulations on inspection, professional inspection, Second, promoting self-criticism and criticism given to the system internal forces responsible for the personalization for each position of operations frequently recurring; leadership at all levels, business units in the sector. Third, promoting the role of oversight of organizations for civil - To strengthen the discipline, administrative discipline and servants; ensuring integrity in customs. Complete rules on discipline and Fourth, focusing on ethical value of quality of customs officials discipline internally with a tightly regulated system, specify the within the recruitment inputs, and throughout using, for training and nature of each violation group acts together form adequate treatment. retraining, reward and discipline. 4.3.2. Solutions related to the planning, development There are measures to encourage public servants to improve their First, perform regular job analysis, complete and accurate learning and qualifications Second, application of modern forecasting methods 4.3.4. Solutions related to the recruitment and using Third, build long-term plans of the human resources - Focus on recruitment of customs officials from the beginning to have the quality to complement the customs force available and
  12. 23 24 making source to the administrative labor of the local customs in and trade exchanges of our country and other countries in the World. future. The successes achieved by country in nearly 70 years of building and - Solution to appoint, transfer, rotation of civil servants protecting the country in general and the achievements of 20 years of Take care of life and health of customs officials. innovation is the concrete proof of the maturity and enormous Improve policies used and remuneration for civil servants contribution of the sector civil servants Customs. 4.3.5. The measure to complete the organizational structure, The requirements of industrialization and modernization of the arrangement, assignment, classification country, modernization of the customs service and the requirements - Building, developing and implementing strategies and restructuring of the integration into the international economy as the current depth, the organizational system of Vietnam Customs; the quality of civil servants and employees of Customs, especially - To strengthen the organizational structure of the management of civil servants management is not high, inadequate, failing to meet the customs mainly in the model of function with its full meaning; new requirements of the cause of reform and integration of the structuring apparatus according the trend of customs that the develop country, in order to meet the implementation schedule of the public countries in the world and in the region have done. administration reform country, move to a country store. These is the - Increased competence and readjust the functions and tasks of challenges for the political system in general and the state overlap between the parts of the Customs authorities to focus on the management system of customs in particular. Among them, first of joint to improve the depth and professionalism of each of Customs all to improve the quality of team managing civil servants, managers management division. that focus key officials in the customs administration, which role the - The organizational structure must be reasonable, compact, fully Departmental locally is very important in the management team of implement the functions, duties and powers of the agency Customs the customs service in general. modernization, in accordance with the mechanism respect the In order to contribute to the improvement of the quality autonomy of enterprises, implementation of E-customs procedures administrative labor of local customs, this thesis has used a fully. combination of qualitative research results attached, quantitative - Accelerate the construction of the project to locate employment and surveys and analysis on quality assessment public servants middle structure public servants under the guidance of Government about managers in the industry, in relation to the amount, structure and position of job and structure public servants. formation process the development of civil servants and employees Ensure labor structure consistent with industry mandates of the sector. On the basis of theoretical system of civil servants, State administration officials, quality of management, study of CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS lessons learned abroad. The thesis has analyzed the situation analysis team quality customs officers in relation compare with the requirements of the job. The thesis has found the cause of the Team officials and civil servants in general and employees in limitations and shortcomings make quality civil servants be not high, particular the administrative labor of the customs has always been the failing to meet the requirements of current affairs, as well as the product of the organization's staff - the State & Party. From demands the process of international economic integration and inception to date, the Party and State have always attend, care, build promote administrative reform of the country and the modernization staff, civil servants, always as "core" of the country's revolution, of Vietnam customs. Based on theoretical analysis and practical especially for Customs is the public face of the country. Therefore, a recommendations thesis views, system orientation and basic solutions team of customs officials, especially the administrative labor has to enhance the quality of the management team of customs officers, continuously challenged and trained in the process of development
  13. 25 especially the administrative labor of the provincial city during the modernization of Vietnam Customs. A new feature of the thesis in this regard is (i) systematization of concepts related to civil servants, the administrative labor ; (ii) The thesis has outlined the criteria for assessing the quality civil servants of grassroots cadres to build job description sheet for the position of Departmental level jobs (Currently the industry is conducting the implementation level Departmental). The analyzes and recommendations of the thesis is valuable to use for further research, to the makers refer personnel work in the construction and development of human resources next time. The Research scope of thesis is wide, referring to the many issues related to all public servants State officials in general and in the field of State management over customs in particular, especially the administrative labor of local customs and their activities in the work; this is a big issue for all of society caring, attention to building systems solutions to the arguments above, there are many something need be time tested and complete; Besides, due to limited research capabilities of the author; time, limited financial and implementation methods are difficult to author surveys in some subjects but not extend surveyed, respondents in the broader scope, assessment solely on diplomas and qualifications of civil servants have been, but no condition assessment about degrees in practice; Problem reasonable labor structure (age, educational level, ...) in the work of the customs service. These are major limitations and also the gaps in the research and write the thesis of the author. Although there are limitations listed above but overall thesis completed purpose and mission.



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