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  1. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A English test 5 I/ Rewrite these sentences beginning with the given words: 1. They were unable to finish their game of tennis because a heavy shower.  A heavy shower .................................................................................... ........ 2. I didn’t realize he was your brother until I saw the photograph.  It was only ................................................................................................. 3. The president is the statesman I admire most of all.  There is no ............ 4. “ It certainly wasn’t me who took your car”, said Bob. Bob denied ......... 5. It is quite pointless to complain. There is no ........................................... 6. The only thing prevented the passing of the bill was the death of the Prime Minster.  Had it not ....................................................................................... ............. 7. I’m sorry I missed professor Baker’s lecture. I’m sorry not ..................... 8. Their chances of success are small. It is not likely ................................... 9. I’ll only help you if you promise to try harder.  Unless............................. 10. “ You are cheating”, said Carol to Helen. Carol accused ...................... 11. They believe he was armed. He .............................................................. 12. Our house is going to be painted by a firm. We ...................................... 13. She can’t have any more children because of her age. She is too ........... 14. It isn’t necessary to shout. You ............................................................... 15. It was such a dull play that he fell asleep. The play ................................ 16. “ Where is the nearest tube?” she asked. She enquired ........................... II/ Give the correct form of the words in blankets: 1. I don’t expect such (familiar) from my staff. 2. He made an (apply) for the position of manager. 3. We were shocked by his (refuse) to see his son. 1
  2. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 4. I am afraid I was very (satisfy) w ith the travel arrangements. 5. The connection hasn’t been (science) proved yet. 6. In the past few years this area has become heavily (industry). 7. The (demonstrate) all sat down in the middle of the road. 8. She studied (economy) at University. 9. His behavior always ............................ me at parties. (Embarrass) 10. The new film is ................... good. (Exception) 11. She felt a sense of ................ when her friend went away. (Lose) 12. I’m afraid you aren’t suitably .................. for the job. (Qualify) 13. The weather will be bright with ........................showers. (Occasion) 14. Most birds .................... in the winter. (Migratory) 15. He draws a cartoon for a ....................... magazine. (Humor) 16. Do you have a ...................... costume in your country? (Nation) III/ Give the correct form of the verbs in blankets. 1. Gene (eat) dinner when his friend called. 2. John (go) to the store before he went home. 3. George (work) at the University for forty- five years before he retired. 4. A number of the reporters (be) at the conference yesterday. 5. None of the students (finish) the exam yet. 6. She finally got used to (eat) our food. 7. The appreciate (have) this information. 8. You would be better off (buy) this car. 9. English (teach) in the school of almost every nation. 10. My friend (write) to me about it several times now. 11. David (promote) to the rank of sergeant last week. 12. Almost everyone (enjoy) the lecture last night. 2
  3. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 13. Not much (say) about the matter since that time. 14. Everything (go) well so far. 15. The reporter (not examine) yet. 16. Cocktails (serve) to the guests about 10 minutes from now. IV/ Fill in each space with one suitable preposition: 1. I was delighted (1)................ the present you gave me. 2. They didn’t reply (2)............. our letter, which wasn’t very polite (3)........... them. 3. I can’t understand people who are cruel (4).............. animals. 4. There are some differences (5)..................... British and American English. 5. What was the answer (6) question 3 in the test? 6. These photographs were taken (7)................ a very good camera. 7. There was an interesting program (8) .............. the radio this morning. V/ Put in a/ an of the in these sentences where necessary. 1. I lay down on (1)............... ground and looked up at (2)........ sky. 2. Peru is (3)............ country in South America. (4) capital is Lima. 3. He switched on (5)............. torch, read (6).............. meter and wrote the reading down on (7)......... back of (8)............. envelope. VI/ Choose the best word or phrase which has similar meaning to the underlined words. 1. I suggested that you review these figures before you submit them in your final report. a. go across b. go over c. go up d. go on 2. If you happen to meet Bob, would you please tell him that I am looking for him. a. run to b. run down c. run into d. run over 3. The director needs an assistant that he can trust to take care of problems that may occur in his absence. a. count on b. count for c. count of d. count to 4. Because of advances in technology in recent years, Americans are enjoying more leisure. a. free time b. business c. new things d. money 3
  4. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A VI/ Fill in each space with one suitable word: There is (1)................ an increasing concern about the world’s energy resources, particularly (2).......................... those involving fossil (3)..................... In less than a hundred years, we shall probably exhaust (4)............................ the present sources of oil and gas. The world’s coal reserves should last longer but, (5)........................... used, these can not be produced. It is important (6)............................... that we should develop such alternative sources (7)....................... energy as well as solar energy as well (8)................. water and wind power. VII/ Rewrite the sentences, using the emphatic “ It” with the underlined. 1. Shakespeare wrote Hamlet. 2. Hyde Park is the largest park in London. 3. English is now an effective medium of international communication. 4. I myself like going to the Opera House. VIII/ Turn into passive 1. They are employing some men to protect the castle. 2. You'd better let them check your car. 3. We are to finish this test by 7.00pm. 4. Seldom had they seen such a thing before. 5. Don't let your failure depress yourself. The end English test 2 I/ Write conditional sentences in these cases: 1. I have no more wood. I can't knit another sweater. 2. I didn't know you were here. I didn't come soon. 3. It was too late so we had to come home. 4. I think he'll fail because he doesn't work hard. 5. Susan watched 3 films yesterday. She was very tired this morning. II/ Use the correct verb tense. 1. She has ever thought you (work) in a tourist office since you (leave) school. 4
  5. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 2. I didn't know whether she (come). 3. Bill sued (work) 12 hours a day, so he got used to (go) to bed early. 4. She reminded me of (remember) (send) her a postcard when I arrived in London. 5. If he (eat) another cake, he (get) sick. So tell him to finish now. 6. It (be) impossible for me to finish my work unless you stop making noise now. 7. There (not be) such a regrettable misunderstanding if we had investigated the problem more carefully. III/ Turn into indirect speech. 1. " I never eat meat. I'm on a diet." 2. " I'll be suing the car myself on the 24." 3. " Could you have lunch with me tomorrow?" 5. " What a beautiful girl!" 6. " If I could drive, I'd take you there myself" IV/ Turn into passive 1. It astonished us to hear that you had not received our letter. 2. His failure bitterly disappointed his parents, especially as they had been counting on his success. 3. It's time someone told him what is wrong. 4. Owing to your help I finished my work on time. 5. People believe that she's having an unhappy life. V/ Combine these sentences, using a relation pronoun. 1. The mother was very sad. Her son was sent off from the school. 2. What did he say? I don't remember it now. 3. This doesn’t show the place. The birds come from that place. 4. It is that man. He wrote these novels. 5. My English teacher wants to speak to you. You met her at our school yesterday. 6. Trams were made long ago. They are still used in many cities. 7. The headmaster wanted to speak to those boys. Their work was below standard. 8. Thank you very much for your letter. You told me an interesting story of your holiday in your letter. VI/ Combine sentences use the given words. 5
  6. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 1. The man left his house when it was still dark. He didn’t want anyone to see him. (So that) 2. He locked the office door. He didn’t want to be interrupted as he was watching a football match. (so as....) 3. Huckleberry was filled with happiness. He didn’t want anything better. (so ...... that) 4. Here people can’t come. They can’t kick and worry me, either. (Nor ........) 5. He’s getting old enough to go to school. He prefers staying at home. (Although) 6. Our life is becoming more and more comfortable. The reason is that the national economy is developing steadily. (because of ...) 7. He failed the exam. He didn’t work hard. (a result) 8. He had to rush to the bus- stop. He need to catch the last bus of the day. (order) English test 3 I/ Use the correct verb tense. 1. After (read) this article you will give up (smoke). 2. We got tired of (wait) for the weather (clear) and finally decided (set) out in the rain. 3. It’s not good for children (eat) too many sweets. 4. How often you (have) your eyes (test)? 5. There (have) too many interruptions in this class recently. 6. Neither Jim nor his parents (see) this movie before. II/ Give the correct forms of the words in blankets. 1. (Cook) is one of my favorite activities. 2. I understand (perfect) what you are saying. 3. A (science) discovered penicillin in 1928. 4. I didn’t like the food. I found it most (pleasant). 5. How do you find your English lessons? - I like them. They are (use) and (interest). 6. The (die) of the Hollywood actor, Jimmy Halton, was (announce) last night. III/ Combine the following pairs of sentences, suing the relative clause: 1. The parks are the “lungs” of London. They are like green islands of peace and quite in the middle o f a noisy sea. 2. Some British irate people occasionally complain about the lasted American T.V series. They are unable to understand a word of these series. 3. Parrots are tropical birds. They have curved beaks. 6
  7. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 4. My father saw the whole things. You can rely on his words. 5. Very few people understood his lecture. The subject of his lecture was very strange. 6. Thank you very much for your help. Without your help my book couldn’t have been published. IV/ Give adjectives of the following words. 1. Creation 2. Attraction 3. Commerce 4. To enjoy V/ Put a suitable word in each numbered gap. Finding a job is often d ifficult for a young person today. But it will be easier (1)............ you follow these steps. F irst, you (2)............ to decide what kind of job you want. Think (3)........ any kind of work you like to do. You should (4) your friends and your family about it. You can also talk to some people with (5).................. kinds of jobs. Next you need to write a resume. This (6).............. about your education and your earlier jobs. It should be (7)............ types. Then you are ready to start (8)............... for a job. VI/ Find the words with different vowel sound. 1. a. Ghost b. lost c. most d. post 2. a. sung b. lounge c. young d. tongue 3. a. height b. weight c. eight d. maid 4. a. ache b. shake c. break d. weak VII/ Turn into indirect speech. 1. " Eat more fruit and vegetables" 2. " Let's not say anything about it till we hear the facts." 3. " Could you lend me your car, please?" 4. " Do most children wear glasses?" 5. " Whose dictionary is it" 6. " Why hasn't he come yet? It's 9.30 now" VIII/ Turn into passive 1. The sweet smell of ripe fruit filled the air in the garden. 2. You ought to do all these exercises. 3. I remember my father taking me to HoChiMinh city when I was five. 4. They said that this tree was 1000 years old. 5. They supposed that he had gone away with the money. 6. Can you imagine someone stopping you on the road? 7
  8. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 8
  9. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A English test 4 I/ Put these adjectives in the correct order: 1. Kensington is a/an (London/ old/ fashionable) suburb. 2. Detroit is a/an (industrial/ American/ old) city. 3. Sorrento is a (charming/ summer/ Italian) resort about 17 miles south of Naples. 4. Kingston is a (Canadian/ university/ medium-sized) town in Ontario. 5. Bali is a (tropical/ little/ fascinating) island in Indonesia. 6. Quebec City is a (pleasant/ French-speaking/ old) city in Canada. 7. My hometown is a (pleasant/ faming/ little) town about two hundred miles from here. 8. A/an (red/ yellow/ enormous) umbrella. 18. A (metal/ small/ black) box. 9. A/an (French/ old/ interesting) painting. 10. (Long/ black/ beautiful) hair. 11. A/an (little/ lovely/ old) village. 12. A/an (black/ big/ fat) cat. 13. A (wide/ long) avenue. 14. A (sunny/ lovely) day. 15. (black/ big) clouds. 16. A (thin/ long) face. 17. (leather/ black) gloves. II- Rewrite these sentences, using the word in blackest: 1. I’d rather we started at seven (preference). 2. The accident wasn’t his fault (blame) 3. Most people know that Britain’s economy is heavily dependent on North Sea oil (common) 4. I’d be grateful if you would check these accounts for me (mind) 5. It’s unlikely that the contractor will complete the work before February (take) 6. That jumper you knitted for my daughter no longer fits her (grow) 7. I would always do what you advised (advice) 8. He did the puzzle in two minutes (solution) 9. There was not a single copy of the new book left in this shop (sell-out) 10. Only if you work hard now, have you any chance of success (depends) III/ Rewrite these sentences, beginning with the works given: 1. The prime minister was determined to remain in office 9
  10. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A  The prime minister had no........................................................................ 2. She is proud of being such a good cook  She prides............................. 3. My protests were ignored  Nobody..................................................... 4. You pay $20 a month for a period of one year.  You pay in twelve successive. ................................................................. 5. He’ll settle down. Then his performance will improve.  Once............... 6. Provided your hand- writing is legible, the examiner will accept your answer  So long as the examiner.............................................................. 7. My boy-friend is very short-tempered.  My boy friend loses................ 8. You can use it as long as you like and it won’t wear out. No matter .... IV/ Choose the correct answer: 1. ......................goods were sent to the shop a. A great deal of b. Much c. A large number of d. a little 2. You have made................. mistakes in your test. a. a little of b. a great deal of c. a lot of d. much of 3. ...........children are ill- prepared for employment. a. Much b. most c. little d. every 4. ............. his time has been given to training. a. A great deal of b. A large number of c. A great many d. Only a few of 5. Would you like ............. more wine? a. A few b. a little c. some d. b and c are correct 6. .....................the butter left in the fridge is bad a. All b. All of c. Most of d. All are correct English test 5 I/ Put in the correct prepositions or adverbs. 1. He wasn’t rich by any means, but he never turned (1).............. any one who needed help. 2. I turned (2)............ the job because it was badly paid. 10
  11. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 3. The lion turned (3)............. the lion- tamer and knocked him senseless. 4. I haven’t much time for housework but I try to turn (4)...... one room in the house every week. 5. In this book the mysterious stranger turns (5)....... to be the long-lost son of the duke. 6. She was plain as a child but she turned (6)......... remarkably pretty. 7 The new factory turns (7).......... surgical instrument as well as cutlery. 8. The boat turned (8)......... and threw us all into the water. 9. We arranged to meet at the theatre but she didn’t turn (9)......... 10. A huge crow turned (10)........... to see international football match. II/ Choose the best answer among a, b, c, or d. 1. That minister ............. of party politics is well- k nown to the public. a. disgust b. objection c. dislike d. opposition 2. He lost his job ................. no fault of his own. a. through b. by c. with d. over 3. He was completely ............. by her tale of hardship. a. taken away b. taken down c. taken in d. taken up 4. The painting was a valuable family possession which had been .................. from generation t o generation. a. handed over b. handed down c. handed out d. handed 5. ........... a fire, hotel guests are asked to remain calm. a. as a result of b. in the even of c. by reason of d. in the time of 6. She can’t be interested in the lessons, ........... that she always arrives late. a. viewing b. seeing c. noting d. judging 7. The lecture .......... from prehistory to modern times and gave the audience much to think about. a. covered b. included c. ranged d. dealt 8. It’s a foregone ............. that he’ll be top of the class again. a. concept b. proposal c. conclusion d. prediction 9. He sold me a dozen eggs,................... them were rotten a. half b. half of c. a half d. every half 10. ........................ these young people are my students 11
  12. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A a. A few b. All c. All of d. b and c are correct III/ Rewrite these sentences beginning with the given words. 1. It’s such a pity your sister can’t come as well. (If only ..............................) 2. The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months.(It looked.. 3. These new machines have put an end to queuing. (Before these ................) 4. Though my house was cheaper than Norman’s, it’s bigger and more attractive. (Norman’s house may ..................................................................... ) 5. Every one heard about the accident before I did. (I was the ........................) 6. “ If you must go out tonight, at least finish our homework fir st” said Sarah’s father. (Sarah’s father said that if .............................................. ..........) 7. The instructions say you just add boiling water to the soup powder. (The soup power ......................................................... ..............................................) 8. We couldn’t realize who he was when he wrote his dark glasses. (Only when ....................... ..........................................................................................) 9. I didn’t arrive in time to see her. (I wasn’t early .........................................) 10. I’m sorry I was rude to you yesterday. (I apologize ..................................) 11. He didn’t hurry, so he missed the train. (If ................................................) 12. Janet is the best tennis- player in the club. (No one ..................................) 13. We’ve never talked to an interesting person like you before. (Never before ..................... ..........................................................................................) 14. She can succeed only with your help. (Only .............................................) 15. The government does little about pollution in big cities. (Little ...............) 16. I’ll never give up my hope in no circumstances. (In no ............................) 17. He had no sooner arrived than things went wrong. (No sooner ................) 18. There have seldom been any visitors to such a dry and cold desert. (Seldom ............................................................................................................) 19. Our country no longer has to depend on the other countries. (No longer...) 20. He had hardly told her the news when she fell down. (Hardly ..................) 21. The book was so interesting that he couldn’t put it down. (It was such.....) 22. Why didn’t you tell me about this? (You should .......................................) 23. If you don’t pay attention you’ll early make a mistake. (Unless ...............) IV/ Rewrite these sentences using the word in bracket. 1. That sort of behavior is deplorable, in my opinion. (approve) 2. The new lecture was unpopular with his students. (take) 12
  13. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 3. The last political scandal of this kind took place fifty years ago. (since) 4. Don’t run away with the idea that his job is easy. (conclusion) 5. You must drive more slowly in town. (reduce) 6. He does everything. He is successful at everything he does. (Whatever) 7. Every time I come to see him. He’s in the bed. (Whenever) V/ Give correct form of the words in brackets: 1. Why didn’t you get this job? It was very (promise), you know. 2. We’d rather (simple) things than make them more complicated. 3. A shy child needs a lot of (courage) to build self- confidence. 4. Of the two shirts, this one is the (pretty). VI/ Fill in each space with one suitable word. Throughout Europe and also in other areas of the world, forests are being (1).................. Acco rding to one prediction 90% of Germany’s forests will have vanished (2)........... the end of the century. This (3).............................. is caused by air pollution. Power stations and cars mainly responsible- they emit gases into the air (4)..............., after series of chemical changes, turn (5)............... toxic acids. T hese acids (6)............ as “ acid rain”, raising the level of acidity (7)............. the soil, lakes and rivers to dangerous level and destroying not only tress but also fish and other wild life. Urgent action is needed to reduce air- pollution, otherwise our environment will be damaged beyond repaid. VI/ Translate into English 1. DÉu ®Êt n­íc ta giµu tµi nguyªn thiªn nhiªn, nh­ng chóng ta ph¶i sö dông tµi nguyªn thiªn nhiªn mét c¸ch hîp lý vµ ph¶i biÕt c¸ch gi÷ g×n. 2. Nh÷ng ph¸t minh vµ kh¸m ph¸ míi nhÊt ®· cho con ng­êi nhiÒu thuËn lîi vµ tho¶ m¸i. MÆt kh¸c nã còng lµm cho chiÕn tranh thªm khèc liÖt. VII/ Write the correct word in each blank. The first letter of the word has been give to help you. Dear Ali, Yesterday I met Billy Brewster, the f.......................(1) pop singer. As you know, he got m........................(2) last month. After the concer t, he visited our college with his wife. He talked about the important e.....................(3) in his life. Before he became s....................(4), he was very poor. He was b................. (5) in a village in Ireland and f.........................(6) in all examination at school. Then he became i............................(7) in music. It was all very exiting. Your tru...............(8) George. VIII/ Give the correct forms of the verbs in brackets. 1. Don’t phone after 8.00. I (have) a dinner party. 2. I’ll let you know when he (arrive). 13
  14. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 3. I suddenly felt an insect (crawl) up my leg. 4. Nobody else understands her as well as you (do). The end English test 6 I/ Choose the best answer. 1. Are there enough apples for us to have one ...........? a. every b. each c. individually d. self 2. She is the most ......... manageress we have ever had. a. good b. working c. active d. effective 3. Her parents were very ....... because she was out so late that night. a. responsible b. sorry c. worried d. overcome 4. After a lot of difficulties, he ....... to open the door. a. managed b. succeeded c. obtained d. realized 5. I have been looking for this book for months, and ........ I have found it. a. at last b. in time c. at the end d. at present 6. My employer’s .......... of my work does not matter to me at all. a. meaning b. belief c. opinion d. expression 7. The purpose of the examination was to ....... the students’ knowledge of the subject. a. try b. inspect c. prove d. test 8. I’ll have to ........ to you, otherwise he’ll hear. a. shout b. say c. whistle d. whisper 9. As soon as the fire-bell rang every one walked quickly downstairs and out of the building, .......... gathered in the car park. a. while b. then c. before d. to 10. They are ......... to be married next year. a. planned b. prepared c. intended d. engaged 11. .............playing professional basketball, she also enjoys tennis. 14
  15. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A a. Besides b. Moreover c. Apart d. Together 12. She wondered ...... her father looked like now, after so many years away. a. how b. whose c. that d. what 13. I like to ......... the crossword puzzle in the newspaper everyday. a. fill b. make c. do d. answer 14. There is ........................ to be frightened of the dog; he’s quite harmless. a. a fear b. no fear c. no need d. any reason II/ Read the following passage carefully and then choose the best answer to each of the questions below it. In nineteenth century American, the cult of true womanhood arose. In a society where the values changed frequently, where fortunes rose and feel with frightening rapidly, where social and economic mobility provided instability as well as hope, one thing at least remained the same- a true woman was a true woman, wherever she was found. If anyone, male or female dared to tamper with the complex of virtues which make up true womanhood, he was damned immediately as an enemy of God, of civilization and of the Republic. It was a fearful obligation as solemn responsibility, which the nineteenth century American woman had to uphold the pillars of the temple with her frail while- hand. 1. What’s the main topic of the passage? a. The obligations and responsibilities of nineteenth century American women. b. How a woman could be a true woman in nineteenth century America. c. Image and expectations associated with being a woman in nineteenth century America. d. The impossibility of attacking the cult of true womanhood in nineteenth century America. 2. Which of these is not true of the nineteenth century America? a. Society was on the move. b. Money could be made and lost easily. c. There was a mood of pessimism around. d. Marl beliefs were changeable. 3. The popularity of the idea of true womanhood may be at least partly explained by: a. The impossibility of opposing the idea. b. Good social and economic mobility. c. The reassurance it gave people. d. Its links with God, Civilization, the Republic and the Temple. 4. It is suggested that nineteenth century America women were in reality. 15
  16. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A a. rather weak b. centers of stability c. very virtuous d. changing rapidly. III/ Fill in the blank one missing preposition. 1. I don’t know why John insists (1)...... blaming me (2)......... all his troubles. 2. We had to postpone the picnic (3)........ account (4)........... the bad weather. 3. He walked (5)............. the room (6) ............ which we were sitting. 4. He is always (7)....... good health and is never (8)............. need of a doctor. IV/ Insert “ A/ An/ the” if necessary. 1. (1)............fog was so thick that we couldn’t see (2).......... side of the road. We followed (3).......... car in front f us and hoped that we were going (4)........... right way. 2. I can’t remember (5)..........exact date of (6)........ storm, but I know it was (7)......... Sunda y because everybody was at (8).......... Church. On (9)........ Monday (10)............ post didn’t come because (11)...........roads were blocked by (12).. ........... fallen trees. 3. He said that he had had (13).......... book but that it had been in (14)......... fire in Mr. Smith’s house. V/ Give a correct form of the words in brackets. 1. Students in an English program do not suffer from (bore)............... They are too busy studying. They don’t get (bore)................ 2. Scientists consider it (believe).................. that Gods create (volcano)............... eruption. 3. I (consider)................. (emigrate) .................. to Canada now. 4. War is (destroy)..................... It takes human life and (destroy)............... cities villages and agricultural land. 5. Can scientists give a clear (explain)................. of what actually happens deep in the earth? No, some of the details are (explain)..................... so far. 6. This is a (complicate).................. problem, and I can’t find the (solve)................... 7. Houses are (build)................. to live in and not (look).................on. 8. A great city is the schoo l for (study)................. (live)................ VI/ Finish each of these sentences in such a way it means exactly the same as the sentence printed before it. 1. She doesn’t usually stay so late.  She isn’t used to ................................... 2. If I were you I’d look for another job.  I suggest ...................................... 3. “You were cheating” said carol to Jane.  Carol accused........................... 4. We can’t afford to buy the car. The car..................................................... 5. Her grief was so great that she almost fainted. So................................... 16
  17. All reserved by Vuong Yen , M.A 6. You can leave only when I tell you.  Until................................................ 7. She prefers Italian food and French food.  She’s....................................... 8. I’m sure that she didn’t steal the necklace.  She can’t............................... 9. It was so late that nothing could be done. It was too ................................ 10. I asked the hotel porter to wake up me at 8.00 o’clock the following morning. Please ............................................................................................ 11. They’ll have to change the date of the meeting again.  The date............. 12. The garage is going to repair the car for us next week.  We are going.... VIII/ Translate into English Ngµy nay, TiÕng Anh ®­îc sö dông lµ ng«n ng÷ chÝnh thèng ë 44 n­íc trªn thÕ giíi vµ ë nhiÒu n­íc kh¸ c, tiÕng Anh lµ ng«n ng÷ bu«n b¸n, th­¬ng m¹i vµ kü thuËt. TiÕng Anh cßn lµ ng«n ng÷ hµng kh«ng, ng«n ng÷ cña nh¹c Pop vµ thÓ thao quèc tÕ. 17



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