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The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P16

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Nội dung Text: The Adobe Illustrator CS Wow- P16

  1. MAX, 410,411 Mini Cooper, 66, 339 Neal, Thomas, 69,410 Maxson, Greg, 341, 410 Minus Back Pathfinder, 70, 72 negative space, 89 McCollum, Scott, 410 Minus Front Pathfinder, 206, 209 Nelson, David, 142-143,163,167, McDonald's packaging, 99,176 mist effect, 289 190,410 McShane, Patricia, 48, 410 Mitch Shostak Studios, 411 neon sign, 387 measurement units, 7, 15,228 Miter joins, 75-76 "Nested Layers" lesson, 174-175 mechanical objects, 78-80, 404 Miyamoto, Yukio New Art Has Basic Appearance medallions, 345 cat, 224, 256 option, xviii, 265, 266, 268, Medical and Biological Illustration, contact information, 410 296 410 French horn, 251,356 Newman, Gary, 70,201,410 Medical Economics magazine, 238 Gallery pages, 250-251 newsletter template, xxii Medical Illustration & Graphics, 408 motorcycle, 250 Newsweek infographic, 236 medical illustrations, 137,145,408 mockups, 37 Niagara Falls image, 115 memory. See RAM "Modeling Mesh" lesson, 350-352 North Face camping equipment, 237 menus modifier keys, 42 Nunes Farms package design, 241 Illustrator CS, 5-6, 6 monitor О restaurant, 372-373 calibration, 28 Merge Pathfinder, 72, 206 resolution, 2 mermaid, 125 Monroy, Bert, 134,136, 378-379, Object Highlighting preferences, 28 mesh objects, 224. See also meshes 387,410 "Objective Colors" lesson, 96-97 mesh points, 224 moon-glow effect, 151 objects. See also shapes Mesh tool, 224, 245, 248, 251, 252 Moonlightpress Studio, 411 appearance attributes for, 16 meshes. See also gradient meshes Mordy Golding Gallery, 323 applying effects to, 293 adding columns/rows to, 248 morphing, 220, 230 See also effects aligning/straightening, 351 motion effect, 379 applying gradients to, 223, 238 applying shading effect with, motorcycle, 250 See also gradients 314-315 mouse, drawing freehand with, 12 applying graphic styles to, 16-17 coloring, 352 movie poster, 311 See also graphic styles combining masking techniques MS Office, xxii, xxiii assigning URLs to, 359-361 with, 250 Miiller-Lance, Joachim, 206,410 controlling stacking order of, complexity of, 224 multi-column layouts, xxiv 160-162 converting gradients to, 244-245 multinational fonts, 188, 190-191 creating custom guides from, 27 converting paths to, 224 MultiPage, 412 creating see-through, 284-285 creating envelopes from, 300 mural, 397 creating simple, 53 editing, 245 Murphy, Mark, 372 deleting stray points from, 10, 77 lessons on, 244-248, 350-353 deselecting, 56-61 N modeling, 350-352 distorting, 76-77 painting with, 151 distributing to layers, 122, 361 and photorealism, 224,249 Name View, Swatches palette, 99 extruding, 294-295, 321 printing, 248 naming filling, 16, 65, 79 rotating portions of, 350 brushes, 121 grabbing, 56, 57 setting resolution for, 258 colors, 97 group-selecting, 60,61 shading with, 314-315 files, 23 grouping/ungrouping, 13, 285 "Meshsmith" art piece, 350-352 gradients, 227 hiding/showing, 162 meta tags, 376 images, 23 highlighting, 274 metallic reflectivity, 234 layers, 157 inserting in masks, 332 metallic surfaces, 341 patterns, 117 joining, 46 MetaTools, 404 sublayers, 269-270 linking text, 184 Microsoft swatches, 97,98 locking/unlocking, 161 Excel, 290, 384 views, 24 making compound, 49 Office, xxii, xxiii National Park Service, 324, 410 moving, 56-61, 173 Windows. See Windows naturalistic images, 282 overlapping. See overlapping Miles Fridberg Molinaroli, 409 See also photorealism objects "Millard and the Pear" animation, Navigator palette, 26 resizing, xxvi, 6 368-371 Neal, Brad, 234-235, 338, 410 General Index 425
  2. objects, continued "Organic" text, 284-285 with brushes, 140-141,150-151 revolving, 295, 318-319, 320, organizing lesson on, 268-271 322, 324 artwork, 156,174 with meshes, 151, 246 rotating, 296, 324 brush strokes, 267 with symbols, 150-151 scaling, 20,21,22, 50-51 colors, 96, 98 palettes. See also specific palettes selecting, 12-14, 160,161 layers, 170-172, 284 accessing, 15 snapping to guides/points, 9 objects, 13,285 cycling through expanded/ specifying numerical location sublayers, 170 collapsed views of, 16 for, 20 "Organizing Layers" lesson, 170-172 hiding/showing, 16 stroking, 16,65 origin, ruler, 26,161,202 regrouping, 15 targeting, 161 Orlando bus map, 142-143 resizing, 15 tinting, 79 ornaments, 187 restoring default settings for, using as "libraries," 94 out-of-gamut warning, 32, 66,363 15-16 using color labels to find, 97 out port, 182, 184 setting measurement units for, wrapping text around, 185 Outline mode, 7-8,42,158,167 7,15 ocean trenches, 236 Outline Pathfinder, 72 setting up, xvii-xviii "Off in a Flash" lesson, 368-370 Outline Stroke command, 91,100, tear-off, 6 Office, Microsoft, xxii, xxiii 208 panda, 322 Offset command, 91 outlines Pantone Offset effect, 215 converting text/type to, 189-191, Color Specifier, 98 "Offset Fills" lesson, 214-215 197, 198 contact information, 412 Offset Path command, 224 Illustrator CS course, xvi swatch libraries, 30,67,101 Offset Path dialog box, 215 outlining Papciak-Rose, Ellen, 131, 209, 252, olives, 224, 355 dashed strokes, 76 304-305, 410 Olson, Robin AF, 121,158 paths, 91 Paragraph Styles palette, xxiv, 180, Olympic Games mascots, 388-391 small type, 190,191 185-186, 187 opacity masks, 255-257 "Outlining Dashed Strokes" tip, 76 Paste As Paths option, 379 creating/applying, 217, 218, 256, overlapping objects Paste As Pixels option, 379 287, 354 applying Soft Mix to, 90-91, 283 Paste in Front/Back commands, 161, creating monotone image with, creating/positioning, 86-87 198 256 designing images/symbols with, Paste Remembers Layers feature, disabling, 257 82-83, 88 159,332 editing, 255 dividing, 88 Pastels effect, 395 and fills, 217 Overprint Fill option, 100 pasting identifying, 256 Overprint Preview mode, 25, 35,261 artwork, 370, 383-384, 385 lessons on, 286-287, 348-349 overrides, 186 frames, 379 purpose of, 255 paths, 46, 390 р source materials for, 287 Path Type Effects options, 183 tips for working with, 256-257 Path type object, 191 "Opacity Masks 101" lesson, 286-287 package design, 241,288,289 Path type tool, 183, 185 Opacity slider, 269, 273, 285 page layout programs, 180, 184, 202, Pathfinder commands Open Library command, xxvi, 31 374-375 See also Pathfinder palette; "Open-Type_Guide.pdf" file, 187 Page Setup dialog box, 4-5, 34 specific commands OpenType fonts, xxiii-xxiv, 186-187 page tiling, 4 basic path construction with, OpenType palette, xxiv, 180,187 Page tool, 4 82-85 Optical Kerning feature, xxiv PageMaker, 29, 37,180 chart, 72-73 Optical Margin Alignment feature, Paidrick, Ann, 224, 354-355, 410 creating objects as basis for, 90-91 xxiv Paint Bucket tool, 67-68, 68, 190 "destructive" nature of, 69, 74 Optima font, 216 paint programs, creating brush permanently applying, 82 optimizing strokes in, 140-141 purpose of, 69, 74 GIF files, 360 Paintbrush tool, 266-267, 269 Pathfinder effects, 300-301 patterns, 117 Painter, Corel, 8, 140-141, 412 Pathfinder group alert, 301 slices, 362-363 Painter Wow! Book, The, 141 Pathfinder palette Web graphics, 358, 360, 361 painting combining objects with, 68-69 "Organic Creation" lesson, 150-151 along paths, 121 commands chart, 72-73 426 General Index
  3. lessons on uses of, 69 "PDF compatibility" option, 24, 383, photographs restoring Hard/Soft Mix to, 91 385 posterizing, 276, 328, 346, 347, setting traps in solid objects with, PDF format 386, 399 30 and AI files, 24 tracing, 130, 251,308, 346 Pathfinder Trap filter, 100 choosing specific version of, photorealism. See also product Pathfinders xxiii, 31 illustrations; realism See Pathfinder commands and commercial printers, 32 with blends, 234-235, 308-310 paths creating files in, 385 with effects, 308-310 adding strokes to, 305 and crop areas, 386 with gradient meshes, 224, 249, applying brushes to closed, 133 editing files saved in, 386 250 automatically creating flavors of, 262 with gradients, 250 intermediate, 232 Illustrator CS support for, xxiii, Photorealistic Techniques with closing, 85 31-32 Photoshop & Illustrator, combining into new objects, 9 and Mac OS X, 19 387 constructing with Pathfinders, meaning of acronym, 31 Photoshop, 388-405 82-85 presets for, 31-32 and Adobes Creative Suite, xx converting compound shapes purpose of, 385 books about, 141,387 to, 87 and transparency, 262 creating brush strokes in, 140-141 converting to meshes, 224 Peachpit Press, 411 exporting layers to, 160 creating, 49, 88 Pelavin, Danny, 334-335,410 exporting paths to shapes in, creating custom guides from, 27 "Pen and Eyedropper" technique, 392-393 cutting, 11,46,85 308 Gallery pages, 387, 391, 394-405, defined, 6 pen-and-ink drawings, 126-127,152 407 deleting excess anchor points Pen tool integration of Illustrator with, xx, from, 77 Auto Add/Delete function of, xxii-xxiii, 384 deleting sections of, 10-11 9-10 lessons on, 388-390, 392-393 dividing overlapping, 88 avoiding common mistakes with, moving artwork from Illustrator joining, 85 10 to, 384 making blends follow, 221-222 basic cursor feedback for, 8-9 pasting frames into, 379 making compound, 49 creating anchor points with, 7 rasterizing in, 30 offsetting, 91 creating Bezier curves with, 7, 8 Text Warp feature, 299 outlining, 91 drawing curved path with, 194 tutorials, 412 pasting, 46, 390 tracing templates with, 165 Photoshop Studio with Bert Monroy, placing text along, 183, 194 Pencil tool 387 positioning, 88 Fidelity/Smoothness options, 12 Photoshop Wow! Book, The, 141 reshaping, 10 refining lines with, 165 pie chart, 290, 384 rotating part of, 52 reshaping paths with, 10, 193 Piguet, Yves, 358 selecting, 12-13 setting options for, 166 pimentos, 355 simplifying, 142 tracing with, 165,166-167 Pirman, John, 88,410 smoothing points on, 10 pencils, 334-335 Pixel Preview mode, 25, 358, 365, tools for editing, 9-11 Pendarvis, Cher Threinen-, 141, 200, 374, 375 pattern brushes, 121, 134-135, 151 410 pixelated effect, 397 patterns performance considerations pixels, 364 creating, 76, 214 Layers palette, 162 pixels per inch, 383 creating fabric textures with, 118 rasterizing/screen redraw, 117 Place command, 82, 112, 194 designing complex, 116-117 perspective Placement Options command, filling lettering with, 215 adding to images, 176-177 365-366 manual trapping of, 100 changing objects, 296 placesetters, 32 naming, 117 creating, with Free Transform placing painting along paths, 121 tool, 107 color, 161 repeating, 117 guidelines, 105 images, 112 testing/optimizing, 117 Perspective (hot door), 412 sketches, 82 trapping, 30 Petit, Teri, 221 text along paths, 183, 194 Patterson, Tom, 324, 410 PlanTea logo, 198 Plastic Shading option, 297, 321, 322 General Index 427
  4. playing cards, 302 PNG format, xxii, 363 and Page Setup options, 4-5 previewing page with, 5 R "point map" technique, 220, 235 Print presets, 5 rabbit, 388-390 Point Type objects, 181, 191, 203, 221 printers radial gradients. See also gradients Pointillize effect, 346 calibrating, 101 creating stylized look with, 239 Polar Grid tool, 12,344 PostScript, 2, 33-34, 258 defined, 223 Polygon tool, 11,44,45 preparing PDF files for editing, 244 portraits, 249 commercial, 32 filling objects with, 109-110, 243 ports, in/out, 182, 184 resolution considerations, 383 lessons on, 109-110,238 "Ports illustrated" tip, 182 separation ICC(M), 28-29 relocating center of, 238 posterized effect, 276, 328, 346-347, printing rainbow, 285 386, 399 to file, 383 Rainbow effect, 183 PostScript gradient mesh objects, 248 RAM emulation, 33 hidden objects, 160, 162 and blends, 220 language, 33, 34 layers, 158 and masks/masking paths, 333 printers, 2, 33-34, 258 new features, xxv, 4-5 system requirements, 2 "white paper" on, 34 previewing prior to, 5 raster effects, 293. See also rasterizing Pounds, David, 399,411 profiles, 28-29 raster images. See also rasterizing power-keys. See also finger dances proofing prior to, 34 contrasted with vector, 261 importance of mastering, 41, 54 troubleshooting, 34, 258 converting vector art to, 359 lessons on, 56-61 Web-ready, 34 dimming, 158 quick reference card, 54 Private Chef logo, 210 distorting, 76 rules for using, 54-55 problems. See troubleshooting and Knockout controls, 257 ppi, 383 process colors masking, 390 Precision Graphics, 341 converting spot colors to, 97 and trapping, 30, 100 Preferences, 2 and printer calibration, 101 and Web applications, 359 Premier (Adobe), 358 selecting from swatch libraries, Raster/Vector Balance setting, 258, "Preparing Art" lesson, 132-133 30, 67, 97, 101 261-262 prepress/production services, 412 procreate (Corel), 412 Raster/Vector slider, 35 See also service bureaus product illustrations, 78-80, Rasterize and Flatten Transparency Preserve Text Appearance option, 338-341 command, 30 193 See also photorealism Rasterize dialog box, 309 Preserve Text Editability option, 193 progressive JPEG, 362 rasterizing presets Projecting caps, 75 defined, 359 compression, 361 proofing of drag-and-drop artwork, 384 flattener, 259-261 for final printing device, 28-29 and Gaussian Blur effect, 310 PDF, 31-32 and ICC(M) profiles, 28-29 in Photoshop, 30 Scribble effect, 327 on laser printer, 34 with Rasterize and Flatten transparency, 254 on-screen, 29 Transparency, 30 pressure-sensitive devices, 126 with Overprint Preview, 35 resolution settings for, 348 Preview mode PS3 "white paper", 34 to speed up screen redraw, 117 interrupting, 25 PSD format, 388-390, 391, 392, 393 Ray Dream Studio, 407 toggling between Outline mode Pucker & Bloat filter, 77 rays, 311 and, 158,167 Pucker tool, 76 Reactor Art + Design, 208 previewing pumpkins, 222 Reader (Adobe), xxiii, 24 animations, 370 realism. See also photorealism flattening, 260-261 from geometry/observation, layers, 167 overprints, 260 Q 78-80 unlocking, with blends, 234-235 "Quality Control" illustration, 242 prior to printing, 5 QuarkXPress, 29, 37, 180, 202 Rectangle tool, 44, 78 primitives, geometric, 11 Quartz, 262 rectangles, 44, 78, 183 Print dialog box "Quick & Easy 3D" lesson, 316-317 Rectangular Grid tool, 12 controlling page size/orientation Quick Masks, 388 Red Grape, The, 372 with, 4-5 QuicKeys, 55 Reflect tool, 47, 85, 341, 344, 367 new features, xxv, 34 QuickTime, 412 reflections, 234-235, 336-337, 355 428 General Index
  5. "Reflective Masks" lesson, 336-337 rolling hills, 244-245 files, 22-23 registration problems, 100 "Rolling Mesh" lesson, 244-245 images, 22-23, 166 Release to Layers command, 361 "Roman Life" illustrations, 105 mixed colors, 66 Remington, Dorothy, 101, 411 Romero, Javier, 191, 353, 411 in PDF format, 31-32 rendering engine, 262 Rotate tool, 44, 344, 350, 351 resolution settings, 36 Rendez-vous Cafe image, 134,136 rotating slices, 376 Replace Spine command, 222 3D objects, 296, 324 swatch libraries, xxvi, 67 replacing around center point, 52 transparency settings, 254 brushes, 143 parts of meshes, 350 warp effects, 313 fonts, 188-189 parts of paths, 52 saw blade, 341 graphic styles, 302 rectangles, 44 Scalable Vector Graphics format spine of blends, 221-222 symbols, 148 See SVG format Reset Palette command, 16 rotation lessons, 52 scale, self-adjusting, 144 Reshape tool, 22 Rough Pastels effect, 395 Scale Strokes & Effects preferences, resizing Roughen dialog box, 215,216 124 appearances, 306 Roughen effect, 215 Scale tool, 6 objects, xxvi, 6 Roughen filter, 77,110 scaling palettes, 15 Round caps, 75 artwork, 122 selections, 6 Round joins, 76 brushes, 122 symbols, 147 Rounded Rectangle tool, 11-12, 78 effects, 292 text, 190 rows lesson on, 50-51 resolution adding to meshes, 248 objects, 20, 21,22, 50-51,320 gradient, 258 creating from non-type objects, "Scaling & Scatter" file, live effects, 261 183 124 mesh, 258 defining characteristics of, xxiv Scallop tool, 76 monitor, 2 rulers ScanFont plug-in, 211 of placed images, 383 hiding/showing, 26 scanning ppi, 383 origin for, 26, 161,202 artwork, 164-165 printer, 383 setting measurement units for, 7, black-and-white images, 168-169 raster effects, 293 228, 364 and blending modes, 161 rasterization, 348 grayscale, 161 resolution templates, 36 resources, 412 restaurant menu S sailboat, 343 sketches for use as templates, 90 scans, tinting, 282-283 scatter brushes, 121, 124, 150,406 artwork, 372-373 sailor boy, 164 Schneidman, Jared, 95, 236, 409, 411 template, xxii, 4 salamander, 282-283 Scholastic Book Fairs cover, 394 Retrospect, 23, 412 sampling, color, 68, 114, 115 Schwabauer, Mike, 298, 320, 411 Reverse Front to Back command, sand effect, 151 Scissors tool, 11,85, 132 222 Santa, 277 "Scratchboard Art" lesson, 304-305 Reverse Spine command, 222 Saturate filter, 74-75 Screen Blend mode, 352, 355 Revert command, 24 saturation sliders, 98 screen redraw, speeding up, 117 Revolve command, 295 Save As command, 22, 31 Screener tool, Symbol, 123, 147-148, RGB color Save as PDF button, 19 149 converting to/from CMYK, Save As Template command, 36 "Scribble Basics" lesson, 326-327 29-30, 359 Save for Microsoft Office command, Scribble effect meaning of acronym, 28 xxii, xxiii changing settings for, 214, 298 and monitor calibration, 28 Save for Web command, 358, 360, creating "antiqued" letters with, and print output, 29 361, 362-363, 376 216-217 and Web output, 358-359 "Save for Web" tip, 361 creating hatches with, 124, 298 RGB-to-CMYK conversions, 29-30, Save Library command, xxvi creating holiday card with, xxi 359 Save Swatch Library command, 67, creating irregular pattern with, rings, 311 68 214 Rings option, Flare tool, 311 saving lesson on, 326-327 "Road Lessons" illustrations, 243 appearance attributes, 302 purpose of, xxi, 298 rocket ships, 318-319,403 effect attributes, 292 settings/presets for, 327 General Index 429
  6. Scribble Options dialog box, 214, shapes. See also objects exporting, 361 298 combining simple, 68-69 layer-based, 361 scripting compound. See compound shapes optimizing, 362-363 guide, 37 creating simple, 48-49 purpose of, 360, 376 languages, 36 exporting paths to, 392-393 saving, 376 new features, xxvi mapping artwork onto, 297, 319, user, 361 Scripting Guide, Adobe Illustrator 323 sliders CS, 37 Sharif, Robert, 321,411 color saturation, 98 Scruncher tool, Symbol, 123 Shear tool, 22,338 opacity, 269, 273, 285 Seabaugh, Max, 411 Shields, Charles, 411 raster/vector, 35 seascapes, 231 Shifter tool, Symbol, 148 Smart Guides seashells, 128 shoe yev ska design, 411 and envelopes/warps, 300 see-through effect, 284-285 shortcuts. See keyboard shortcuts incorporating in workflow, 27 selecting Shostak, Mitch, 411 and large files, 28 all objects, 160 Show All command, 162 preferences for, 28 anchor points, 12-13 Show Grid command, 27 and Scissors tool, 85 artwork, 162 Show Page Tiling command, 4 Smart Objects, 365 color spaces, 29-30 Show Tool Tips option, 5 smoke effect, 350, 351-352 layers, 156 Show Transparency Grid command, Smooth tool, 10, 12, 167 with Layers palette, 162 27 Smoothness option, 12 objects, 160, 181 showing/hiding snap-to arrows, 9 paths, 12-13 bounding box, 20 Snap to Grid command, 27 stray points, 77 edges, 22, 28, 327 Snap to Pixel option, 375 text/type, 180, 181 grids, 27-28 Snap to Point option, 9, 92-93 troubleshooting, 159 layers, 156, 158, 167 snap-to property, for grids/guides, 9, vs. targeting, 161 masks, 333 27, 177 "Selecting type by accident" tip, 180 objects, 162 SnapzPro/ProX, 412 Selection tools, 12-13 palettes, 16 sneaker logo,102 separation ICC(M) printers, 28-29 rulers, 26 sneakers, 340 Separation Setup dialog box, 34 text threads, 184 Snoopy, 99,176 service bureaus tiling, 4 snowman, 53 and color matching, 101 silhouetted human figures, 88-89, "Soaring Hearts Futons" logo, 23 cost considerations, 34 153 Soft Mix Pathfinder, 72, 74, 90-91, and font licenses, 190-191 Silicon Graphics, 405 301 preparing images/files for, 33-35 "Simple Realism" lesson, 78-80 "Software Relay" lesson, 388-390 and RGB-to-CMYK conversions, Simplify command, 77, 117, 142, 224 Sonoran Desert map, 324 29 Simulate Colored Paper option, 255 "Special Brushes" supplement, "Shades of Blends" lesson, 228 Simulate Paper option, 262 152-153 shading Single-line Composer, 188 special characters, 187 creating highlights with, 321 Sizertool, Symbol, 123, 147, 149 See also Glyphs palette with meshes, 314-315 sketches Special Modern Design, 103 surface, 296-297, 322 creating, 82,168-169 speed vertical line, 228 lending painterly look to, 125 blend, 220, 235 shadows. See also drop shadows placing, 82 screen redraw, 117 creating, 80, 283 preparing for tracing, 267 of swatch creation, 97 preventing double, 283 scanning for use as templates, 90 Spindler, Steve, 138,411 preventing overlapping of, 283 Skew effect, 183 spine, blend, 221-222 showing change of light to, "Skin Deep" image, 145, 386 Spinner tool, Symbol, 123, 148, 149 244-245 sleeping bag, 237 Spiral tool, 11 simplifying, 283 Slice Select tool, 362, 376 Splash brush, 205 simulating colors for, 248 Slice tool, 361,376 Split into Grid command, 183 using blends for, 227 slices Spollen, Chris, 403, 411 Shape modes, 71 applying to objects, 360 spot colors, 96-97, 259 Shape Options dialog box, 281 creating, 360-361, 376 Sprayer tool, Symbol, 123, 147 "Shape Shifting" lesson, 392-393 deleting, 376 stacking order 430 General Index
  7. for Appearance palette, 265 Styler tool, Symbol, 123, 147-148 naming, 97,98 for layers, 157 styles sorting by name, xvii for objects within layers, 160-162 character/paragraph, xxiv, 180, speeding creation of, 97 for symbols, 148 185-186, 187 Web-safe, 359 for text boxes, 191 end cap, 75 Swatches palette Stahl, Nancy, 170-173, 275,411 graph, 17 accessing swatch libraries via, Stainer tool, Symbol, 123, 147-148, graphic. See graphic styles 30,67 149 group, 279 default settings for, 30-31 Stair Step effect, 183 Styles palette, 292 saving as custom swatch library, Standard Screen mode, 25 Stylize commands, 299 67 Stankiewlcz, Steven, 233,411 stylized images, 239 saving mixed colors in, 66 Star tool, 11 sublayers and Sort by Name option, xvii stars, 150,319,343 creating, 269 using global colors in, 68 Statue of Liberty, 225 deleting, 172 viewing color names with, 99 Stead, Judy, xxi, 326-327, 394-395, exporting, 156 SWF format, 123, 363-364, 373 411 and hierarchical layer structure, "Symbol Basics" lesson, 146-148 Steuer, Sharon 160-161 symbol instances, 123-124, 369, 371 "Bubbles" image, 274 importing art into, 172 See also symbols contact information, 411 naming, 269-270 Symbolism tools, 123-124,146-149 dog pen-and-ink drawing, organizing, 170 symbols, 123-124, 146-151 126-128 and print productions, 158 adding to instance sets, 123 flower painting, 268-271 purpose of, 156 as alternative to artwork copies, Gallery page, 149 selecting items on, 162 80, 363, 367 house drawing, 266-267 troubleshooting, 162 applying, 147 message from, xvi Subtract Pathfinder, 72, 88-89 assembling artwork from, 367 pumpkins, 222 subtractive colors, 29 blending between, 221 rolling hills, 244-245 subway exit, 347 changing color/transparency of, stars and trees painting, 150-151 Sudick, Barbara, 189,411 147-148 Web site, xvi sun, 107 changing intensity of, 124 "SteuerSharon-Pumpkin" surfaces changing stacking order for, 148 file, 222 mapping artwork onto, 297 creating, 123, 147 Steve Spindler Cartography, 411 reflections off of, 355 deleting, 148 stitching, 258 shading, 296-297, 322 editing, 371 stock car, 338 Sutherland, Brenda, 265, 297 Gallery pages, 149 Stone, Sumner, 206 SVG 3.0 plug-in, 363 lessons on, 146-148,150-151 Strata, 386,412 SVG format managing, 142-143 Strata3Dplus, 412 and alpha channels, 363 mapping, 297 stray points, 10, 77 benefits of, 364-365 moving, 148 Streamline, 112,129,386 compressing/decompressing, 364 painting with, 150-151 "Stretching Type" lesson, 196-197 exporting, 365 resizing, 147 Stroke icon, 16 and JavaScript, 365 rotating, 148 Stroke palette, 75 meaning of acronym, 364 and Scale Strokes & Effects stroke weight, 6 and Save for Web dialog box, 363 preferences, 124 strokes. See also brush strokes and Symbol artwork, 123 separating onto layers, 123 adding to appearances, 264-265 viewer for, 363, 364 and Shockwave Flash files, 80 adding to paths, 305 SVG Interactivity palette, 365 spraying onto documents, 123 copying, 17 SVG Viewer, 364 and SWF files, 363 defined, 64-65 SVGZ format, 364 updating graphs with, 20 offsetting, 304-305 Swap Fill/Stroke arrows, 85 vs. scatter brushes, 124 outlining dashed, 76 swashes, 187, 303, 327 Symbols palette, 123 setting measurement units for, 7 swatch libraries, 30-31, 67, 359, 364 symmetrical designs, 344 swapping attributes for, 65, 85 Swatch Options dialog box, 66-67 system requirements, 2 using transparency with, 254 swatches Szujewska, Laura, 194-195, 411 Structure Tone brochure, 95 changing attributes of, 66-67 Style Sheets, Cascading, 365 deleting, 67 General Index 431
  8. т text variables, 365, 366 Text Wrap Options dialog box, 185 performing multiple, 22 repeating, 21 T-shirt logo, 102 texture maps, 407 types of, 19 tab-delimited text format, 17 Thomas-Bradley Illustration & undoing, 19 tab leaders, xxiv, 182-183 Design, 69,234, 336-337, transforming Tabs palette, 182-183 410,411 with isometric formulas, 93 tapered brushes, 143-144 threaded text, 184-185 lettering/type, 212-213, 303 targeting, 161, 264 three-dimensional effects objects, 19-22, 293-294 Tate, Clarke, 99,411 See 3D effects; 3D objects with warps/envelopes, 212-213 Taurus, 338 Threinen-Pendarvis, Cher, 141, 200, transitions tear-off palettes, 6 410 correcting visible, 258 technical illustrations, 78-80,92 TIFF format, 166 softening, 235 Techniques sections, xix tiling, 4 using blends for, 227,235 Template layers, 157, 158,164,166 Tim Girvin Strategic Branding & transparency, 254-263 templates Design, 207 See also opacity accessing, xxii Tim Webb Illustration, 411 changing, for symbols, 147-148 creating documents from, 3-4 TIME magazine, 145, 286, 325, 409, creating cool effects with, file extension for, 3 410 272-273 Illustrator's built-in, xxii, 4 Tinkel, Kathleen, 8, 191,411 creating naturalistic images with, placing, 82 tinting 282 purpose of, xxii lesson on, 282-283 creating posterized effect with, saving resolution settings in, 36 specifying percentages for, 68 276 tracing, 82-83, 165 using fills for, 79 cumulative nature of, 257 using graphs as, 19 "Tinting a Scan" lesson, 282-283 defined,255 Templates feature, 358 Tip boxes, xviii distinguishing from non- Templates folder, 3 Toast Design, 410 transparent areas, tents, 237, 316-317 Todd Macadangdang Gallery, 328 254-255 text. See also fonts; type tomatoes, 224, 354 export considerations, 262-263 changing appearance of stroked, Tool Tip option, 5 and file size, 35 190 tool tolerance options, 12 and Flattener Preview palette, 34, converting to outlines, 189-191, tools. See also specific tools 254, 258 197, 198 assigning shortcuts to, 5-6 and flattening, 262-263 determining where line breaks tearing off subsets of, 6 Gallery pages, 275-277, 288-290 occur in, 188 Torres, Ivan, 246-248, 348-352, 367, and Hard/Soft Mix Pathfinders, distorting, 210, 213190 411 301 formatting, 185-186 Toyo.30, 101 and Knockout Group options, getting professional help with, 189 tracing 257-258 hyphenation in, 188 artwork, 126, 267 lessons on, 255, 266-274, justifying, 188,196 with auto-tracing program, 112 280-287 legacy, 186 lesson on, 166-167 and Microsoft Office applications, placing along path, 183,194 with Pencil tool, 166-167 xxii preserving editability of, 193 photos, 130, 251, 308, 346 and PDF format, 262 reflowing, 190 preparing sketch for, 267 purpose of, 254 resizing, 190 saving images for, 166 saving settings for, 254 restyling, 190 templates, 165 and Web-safe color, 363 selecting, 181 "Tracing Details" lesson, 166-167 "Transparency 101" lesson, 266-267 setting measurement units for, 7 Transform Each command, 19, 20, Transparency Flattener Preset stacking order for, 191 22 Options dialog box, 259 using transparency with, 254, Transform Effect dialog box, 307 Transparency Flattener Presets 284-285 Transform effects, 292 dialog box, 254, 259 working with threaded, 184-185 Transform palette, xxvi, 19, 21 transparency grid, 27-28, 255 wrapping around objects, 185 Transform Tools preferences, 28 Transparency palette, 255, 257, text buttons, 265 Transformation Effect, 22 284-285 text engine, 186 transformations, 19-22 "Transparent Color" lesson, 268-271 Text Label Hints preferences, 28 modifying, 21 transportation map, 163 432 General Index
  9. Trap filter, 100 new features, xxiii-xxv, 180 and choosing appropriate trapping outlining small, 190, 191 rendering intent, 359 defined, 100 selecting by accident, 180 and color management, 28, 29,30 of gradients/patterns, 100 stretching, 196-197 and color shifts, 29 misregistration of CMYK inks, 30 using Appearance palette with, and creation/manipulation of and Overprint Preview mode, 25 191-193 type, 180 and raster images, 100 Type & Auto Tracing preferences, and creation of patterns, 76 "Trapping issues" tip, 30 181,188 and data-driven graphics, 37 traps, previewing, 25 Type engine, 180, 193 and file format considerations, "Travel" file, 37 Type Object Selection by Path Only 384 Traveling Radio Show logo, 210 option, xvii, 180 and Illustrator/Photoshop trees, 150-151 type objects, 191-193 techniques, 384 Tremblay, Jean-Claude, 159,411 Type on a Path Options dialog box, and legacy files, 32 Trim Pathfinder, 72 183, 184 and Path Type Effects options, troubleshooting. See also User Guide Type tool 183 with Adobe Online, 35 accessing, 180 and pattern-making basics, 116 changing appearances, 263 and cursor appearance, 185 and PDF settings/presets, 32 drawing problems, 287 making new text object with, 185, and Placement Options with Help menu, 35 280 command, 366 join problems, 14 selecting text with, 181 and setting traps in solid objects, layers, 162 toggling between horizontal/ 30 masks, 333 vertical mode for, 185 and Symbolism tools, 148 misregistration of inks, 100 type options accessible through, and Tabs palette, 183 overprinting problems, 169 181 and text wrapping, 185 Pathfinder effects, 301 typeface, handwritten, 211 user slices, 361 printing problems, 34 selection of objects, 159 snapping-to-point, 92 stitching, 258 U Ultimate Symbol, 412 V Valvoline logo, 338 TruMatch, 30,67,101, 412 Undo command vanishing points, 177 tutorials, 412 and Preferences, 24 variables Turtle, Jean, 98,411 and transformations, 19 changing data in, 366 Tweak filter, 77 "unlimited undos" for, 23-24 defining, 366 tweening, 379 ungrouping objects, 13, 18, 285 importing/exporting, 366 Twirl tool, 76 "Unified Gradients" lesson, 238 types of, 365-366 Twist filter, 77, 110 Uniform Resource Locators ways of using, 37 type, 180-218. See also fonts; text See URLs Variables palette, 37, 365-366 adding strokes to, 190 United States flag. See flags "Varied Perspective" lesson, 176-177 antiquing, 216-217 units, measurement, 7, 15, 228, 364 vector objects converting to outlines, 189-191, Units & Display Performance area, applying Gaussian Blur effect to, 197, 198 Preferences, 7,26 310 default settings for, 181 Universal Access preferences, 55 contrasted with raster images, 261 distorting, 190,210,213 Unlock All command, 161 distorting, 76 editing, 217 "Unlocking Realism" lesson, and opacity masks, 287 experimenting with, 216 234-235 rasterizing, 359 exporting, 193 Urban Wildlife Program logo, 86-87 "Vector Photos" lesson, 112-114 filling with scribble pattern, URLs Vector Studio, 412 214-215 assigning to objects, 359-361 VectorBabe, 214 See also Scribble effect meaning of acronym, 359 See also Cohen, Sandee Gallery pages, 198-199, 201, User Defined mode, 123 vectorizing brush strokes, 141 206-211,218 User Guide, xvi vegetables, 239 getting professional help with, 189 and Average vs. User Defined veggie cuisine logo, 199 "greeked," 180 modes, 123 Venus, xx lessons on, 194-197, 200, 202- and Character/Paragraph Styles Vertical Type tool, 181 205,212-217 palettes, 186 "Victory Climb" illustrations, 243 General Index 433
  10. Mac Wow! Glossary of Terms The Command key (this key may have a or a on it). The Option key can be used to modify many of the tools. The keyboard Arrow keys: Left, Up, Right, Down. Toggle Menu selection acts as a switch: choosing once turns on, again turns it off. Marquee With any Selection tool, click-drag from your page over object(s) to select. Hinged curve A Bezier curve that meets a line or another curve at a corner. Direct-selection Direct-selection tool selects points and paths. Group-selection tool. The first click always selects the entire object, subsequent clicks select "next group-up" in the grouping order. Group-selection Selection tool (selects the biggest grouping which includes that object— if an object is ungrouped, then only that object is selected). Selection Note: See the Basics chapter for help with selection tools. Select object(s) Click on or marquee with Group-selection tool to select entire object. Click on or marquee with the regular Selection tool to select grouped objects. Deselect object (s) To Deselect one object, Shift-click (or Shift-marquee) with Group-selection tool. To Deselect all selected objects, with any selection tool, click outside of all objects (but within your document), or press Shift- -A. Select a path Click on a path with the Direct-selection tool to select it. Note: If objects are selected, Deselect first, then click with Direct-selection tool Select anchor points Click on path with Direct-selection tool to see anchor points. Then, Direct- select marquee around the points you want selected. Or, with Direct-selection tool, Shift-click on points you want selected. Note: Clicking on a selected point with Shift key down deselects that point. Grab an object or point After selecting objects or points, use Direct-selection tool to click and hold down mouse button and drag to transform entire selection. Note: If you click by mistake (instead of dick-and-hold), Undo and try again. Delete an object Group-select the object and press the Delete (or Backspace) key. To delete grouped objects, use the Selection tool, then Delete. Delete a path Direct-select a path and press the Delete (or Backspace) key. If you delete an anchor point, both paths attached to that anchor point will be deleted. Note: After deleting part of an object the entire remaining object will become selected; therefore, deleting twice will always delete the entire object! Copy or Cut a path Click on a path with Direct-selection tool, then Copy ( -C) or Cut ( -X). Note: See the Macintosh Finger Dance Summary for more ways to copy paths. Copy or Cut an object Click on an object with Group-selection tool, then Copy ( -C) or Cut ( -X). For grouped objects, Click on one of the objects with the Selection tool, then Copy( -C)orCut( -X).
  11. Mac Finger Dance Summary from "The Zen of Illustrator" Object Creation Hold down keys until AFTER mouse button is released. Constrains objects horizontally, vertically or proportionally. Objects will be drawn from centers. Opens dialog boxes with transformation tools. Spacebar turns into the grabber Hand. Turns cursor into the Zoom-in tool. Click or marquee around an area to Zoom in. Turns cursor into the Zoom-out tool. Click to Zoom out. Turns your cursor into a cross-hair. Object Selection Watch your cursor to see that you've pressed the correct keys. The current tool becomes the last chosen Selection tool. Current tool becomes Group-selection to select entire object. Click again to select next level of grouping. To move selection release Option key, then Grab. Toggles whether Direct-selection or regular Selection tool is accessed by the key. Toggles whether an object, path or point is selected or deselected. With Direct-selection tool, click on or marquee around an object, path or point to toggle selection/deselection. Note: Clicking inside a filled object may select the entire object. Clicking on, or marqueeing over objects with Selection or Group-selection, toggles selection/deselection (Group-selection chooses objects within a group). Object Transformation Hold down keys until AFTER mouse button is released. Constrains transformation proportionally, vertically and horizontally. Leaves the original object and transforms a copy. Undo. Use Shift- -Z for Redo. To move or transform a selection predictably from within dialog boxes, use this dia- gram to determine if you need a positive or negative number and which angle is required. (Diagram from Kurt Hess/Agnew Moyer Smith)
  12. Windows Finger Dance Summary from "The Zen of Illustrator" Object Creation Hold down keys until AFTER mouse button is released. Constrains objects horizontally, vertically or proportionally. Objects will be drawn from centers. Opens dialog boxes with transformation tools. Spacebar turns into the grabber Hand, Turns cursor into the Zoom-in tool. Click or marquee around an area to Zoom in. Turns cursor into the Zoom-out tool. Click to Zoom out. Turns your cursor into a cross-hair. Object Selection Watch your cursor to see that you've pressed the correct keys. The current tool becomes the last chosen Selection tool. Current tool becomes Group-selection to select entire object. Click again to select next level of grouping. To move selection release Alt key, then Grab. Toggles whether Direct-selection or regular Selection tool is accessed by the Ctrl key. Toggles whether an object, path or point is selected or deselected. With Direct-selection tool, click on or marquee around an object, path or point to toggle selection/deselection. Note: Clicking inside a filled object may select the entire object Clicking on, or marqueeing over objects with Selection or Group-selection, toggles selection/deselection (Group-selection chooses objects within a group). Object Transformation Hold down keys until AFTER mouse button is released. Constrains transformation proportionally, vertically and horizontally. Leaves the original object and transforms a copy. Undo. Use Shift-Ctrl-Z for Redo. To move or transform a selection predictably from within dialog boxes, use this diagram to determine if you need a positive or negative number and which angle is required. {Diagram from Kurt Hess/Agnew Moyer Smith)
  13. Windows Wow! Glossary of Terms Ctrl will always refer to the Ctrl (Control) key. Alt will always refer to the Alt key, and is used to modify many of the tools. The keyboard Arrow keys: Left, Up, Right, Down. Toggle Menu selection acts as a switch: choosing once turns on, again turns it off. Marquee With any Selection tool, click-drag from your page over object(s) to select. Hinged curve A Bezier curve that meets a line or another curve at a corner. Direct-selection Direct-selection tool selects points and paths. Group-selection tool. The first click always selects the entire object, subsequent clicks select "next group-up" in the grouping order. Group-selection Selection tool (selects the biggest grouping which includes that object— if an object is ungrouped, then only that object is selected). Selection Note: See the Basics chapter for help with selection tools. Select object(s) Click on or marquee with Group-selection tool to select entire object Click on or marquee with the regular Selection tool to select grouped objects. Deselect object (s) To Deselect one object, Shift-click (or Shift-marquee) with Group-selection tool. To Deselect all selected objects, with any selection tool, click outside of all objects (but within your document), or press Shift-Ctrl-A. Select a path Click on a path with the Direct-selection tool to select it. Note: If objects are selected, Deselect first, then click with Direct-selection tool. Select anchor points Click on path with Direct-selection tool to see anchor points. Then, Direct- select marquee around the points you want selected. Or, with Direct-selection tool, Shift-click on points you want selected. Note; Clicking on a selected point with Shift key down deselects that point. Grab an object or point After selecting objects or points, use Direct-selection tool to click and hold down mouse button and drag to transform entire selection. Note: If you click by mistake (instead of click-and-hold), Undo and try again. Delete an object Group-select the object and press the Delete (or Backspace) key. To delete grouped objects, use the Selection tool, then Delete. Delete a path Direct-select a path and press the Delete (or Backspace) key. If you delete an anchor point, both paths attached to that anchor point will be deleted. Note: After deleting part of an object the entire remaining object will become selected; therefore, deleting twice will always delete the entire object! Copy or Cut a path Click on a path with Direct-selection tool, then Copy (Ctrl-C) or Cut (Ctrl-X). Note: See the Windows Finger Dance Summary for more ways to copy paths. Copy or Cut an object Click on an object with Group-selection tool, then Copy (Ctrl-C) or Cut (Ctrl-X). For grouped objects, Click on one of the objects with the Selection tool, then Copy(Ctrl-C) or Cut (Ctrl-X).



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