The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P17
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The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P17:Before you dive into the first chapter, be sure to download the content and images from www.chromeallusion.com/downloads.html. You will see the title of the book in bold and below that, you will find the files you need. Please download the files for each chapter and place them into a main folder named Tutorials. You will be asked to reference the images from that folder as you work through the tutorials throughout the book. Of course you will need Poser Pro and Photoshop CS4 as well....
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Nội dung Text: The Art of Poser and Photoshop- P17
- 468 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Perspective command, 167 importing 3D model, portrait UV map 03.tif file, perspective lines, 155, 403 340 156–158 integrating with Poser, Pose camera, 54 environment, 192 160–164 pose dots, 77 perspective points, 156 interface, 4–18 Poser character, 307 28mm focal length, 157 landscape, 306–320 Poser library, 95 50mm focal length, 157 Mac OS X, 2–3 Poser Pro 100mm focal length, modifying textures, Advanced Nodal Texture 158 22–27 engine, 244–254 phonetics, animating, 52 Options bar, 4 applying textures, 54–58 photographic images, palettes, 12 body morphs, 87–90 applying to channels, plug-ins, 94 Camera presets, 83 258–260 recognizing lights from Camera views, 59–63 Photomerge dialog box, Poser, 107 camera’s focal length, 306 rulers, 353 158–159 Photoshop CS4 scene creation using character creation, automatically creating HDR image, 236–241 selection based on 401–416 character display style, shape of pixels, 308 system requirements, 2 63–65 black and white Tools bar, 4–10 Content tab, 236 information to two-dimensional UV 3D environment, 52 create brush, 170 map, 330 3D head creation, 3D engine, 19–51 UV maps, 344 94–103 3D layers, 94, 104, 207 Windows requirements, directly accessing artist, 3D lighting, 28–35 2 52 displaying images within X (horizontal) and Y Document Display Style Filter tab, 35 (vertical) axes, 52 option, 63 editing texture maps, pixels, transparent, 220 editing tools, 64, 67 416–428 Pixlogic website, 330 exporting model, environment creation, Plastic Wrap smart filter, 190–191 192–196 272 Facial Expressions fine-tuning background, Playback dialog box, 47 presets, 84–86 275–282 plug-ins and Photoshop Hair presets, 84–86 fine-tuning character, CS4, 94 imported background, 267–275 point light, 78, 297 207 fine-tuning clothing, point lighting, 32 importing 3D objects, 441–446 Polar Coordinates 399 finishing touches, command, 434 integrating with 267–282 Polygonal Lasso tool, 405 Photoshop, 160–164 formats, 94 Polygonal Selection tool, interface, 52–90 HDR image, 394–427 192 inverse kinematics, imported lighting portrait skin.tif file, 360 72–76 information from portrait UV map 01.tif file, layout, 52–54 Poser Pro, 22 339, 346 libraries, 52
- Index 469 library of poses, 241 posing Q library of predesigned characters, 182–186 Quick Selection tool, 346 3D objects and 3D character, 139 shapes, 94 QuickTime 7.2, 2–3 left hand, 146 light goddess, 139–148 legs, 141 lighting presets, 80–82 right arm, 146 R lighting techniques, right hand, 146 Radiance format, 395, 397 78–80 Posing camera, 59, 141 raised texture, 380 Mac OS X, 3–4 positioning raster-based imagery, 247 Main camera, 397 characters, 72 Rasterize 3D command, matching focal length of models, 64–65 112 lens, 397–401 predefined camera Raytraced rendering, 439 Material room, 54–58 positions, 83 raytracing, 303 neutral brown colored predesigned 3D objects rear wall, 193 interface, 61 and shapes, 94 rear wall texture.jpg file, presets, 77, 80–86 Preferences dialog box, 13 195, 198, 203 Prop presets, 84 presets, 77 recent files, 37 textures, 344 digital images within, 81 rectangle, conforming to UV mapping, 22 Poser Pro, 80–86 shape of curve, 222 viewports, 61 saving poses as, 77 Rectangular marquee, 374 Windows requirements, Preview Image (Ctrl+Alt+ Rectangular Marquee tool, 3 Shift+O/Command+ 220, 233 Z axis, 52 Option+Shift+O) rectangular shape, turning Poser Surface panel, 152, keyboard shortcut, 306 into circular shape, 434 187, 244, 247, 264 previewing red wall.jpg file, 209 PoserPro.net Internet 3D objects, 44 Refine Edge command, connection, 3–4 images, 39 346, 348 poses lighting and bump Refine Edge dialog box, applying to character, details, 152 346 241 shader node, 80 reflection maps and basic concepts, 67–72 thumbnails, 395 textures, 103 deleting, 77 UV maps, 344 reflections and glass, 268 dials when building, 67 primary light source, 78 Render button, 100 divided into subfolders, primitive objects, 245 render creation, 100 77 printing and dimensions, Render (Ctrl+R/ inverse kinematics, 220 Command+R) 72–76 procedural textures, 247, keyboard shortcut, library of, 241 249 159, 245, 287, 291, presets, 77 Prop presets, 84 299, 399 saving as preset, 77 Properties panel, 297 rendering saving for future use, props, 84 3D head, 100 242–244 Props library, 245 lighting, 108, 297 Poses library, 77, 241 Pull option button, 97 scenes, 159 Poses submenu, 242 Push option button, 97
- 470 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide Render > Render Settings rotating integrating 3D head command, 159 body parts, 72 into, 104–106 Reticulation filter, 380 canvases, 5, 277 lighting, 107–111 Retouch layer, 378 characters, 241 listing elements, 28 Reveal mode, 39 3D objects, 44 mood, 155 RGB values, adjusting, 198 models, 19–20, 64, 142 receding elements, 175 right arm, posing, 146 Rotation tool, 142, 241, rendering, 159 right foot, 182–183 277, 437 ringed planet, 428–436 right forearm, bending, Runtime folder, 237, 344 Screen blend mode, 123, 183 127, 212, 268, 277, right hand 357, 362 parameters, 69 S Scripts > Export CS3 OBJ posing, 146 sampling color, 172 command, 191, 207 Right Hand camera, 69 saturation and landscape, sculpting head, 390–394 129 seam guides, 333 Right Hemisphere website, 330 Save As command, 338 second light source, 153 rim light, 78 Save As (Ctrl+Shift+S/ Select All (Ctrl+A/ Command+Shift+S) Command+A) rim lighting shaded keyboard shortcut, 338 keyboard shortcut, 433 portion of figure, 325 Save As dialog box, 395 selection ringed planet, 428–436 Save (Ctrl+S/Command+S) from channels, 434 Background Layer keyboard shortcut, 24, filling with black, 209, group, 434 105 348 blurring rings, 431 Save Frames dialog box, pasting, 346 distorting texture to 242 rounded shape, 430 viewing, 346 Save Option dialog box, peaks and valleys, 430 Self Illumination, 29 335 rings, 431 Setup room, 56 Save Workspace command, shades of blue, 428 shader node, previewing, 11 smart objects, 434 80 Scale option, 80 terrain, 428 shaders, 80 Scale tool, 65 texture, 430 shading layer, 209 scaling rolling models, 20 Shadow Blur Radius body parts, 72 rooms, 52 option, 299 light source, 80 roots Shadow Min Bias option, Scene View panel, 28 299 crawling toward figure, scenes 315 Shadow option, 141 adding details, 428–453 Shadow wheel, 78 reflecting sunset lighting angle that viewer shadows, 407 coming from observes, 155 behind, 321 amount cast, 78 applying shallow depth selecting, 321 detail in, 78 of field to, 324 Rotate View tool, 5, 10 on figure from lighting, creation in Photoshop 439 CS4 using HDR opacity, 413 image, 401–416 spreading outward, 303
- Index 471 shallow depth of field orange lighting Spot Lights subfolder, 107 effect, 316 appearing in stairs, 192 Shape Dynamics, 119 highlights of clouds, stairs.jpg file, 192 shapes 322 Stamp tool, 447 altering, 311 richer in tone and sticky palettes, 12 bulging outward, greater in contrast, stone detail layer group, creating peaks, 97 318 225, 228 illustration purposes, 10 sky.tif file, 114 stone figure on wall layer outlines, 10 smart filter, 316, 324 group, 197 pushing inward, 97 background layer, 410 stone slabs refining, 346 smart filters, 160, 168, adding definition, 226 restricting, 308 174, 212, 213 flipping, 225 Shift F5 > Fill with Black converting layers to, 272 storage cards, importing command, 209 Gaussian blur filter, 228 images from, 37 Shift+F5 > Fill with Color masks, 160 straight hair brush, 171 command, 267 motion blur filter, 228 streaking clouds.jpg file, shin, bending, 142 smart objects 228 shirt bump 2.jpg texture, converting 3D layer streaking effect, 167 444 into, 450 submenus, cascading, 11 shirt texture.tif file, 24 Gaussian blur, 413 sunlight, 297, 405, 450 Simon G2 Casual actor, 54 layers as, 307–309 sunray layer group, 450 SimonHeadTex texture planet ring, 434 Sunset layer group, 316 layer, 105 ringed planet, 434 sunset photo, blurring, 316 single frame, 103 Smith Micro/Poser sunset.jpg file, 295 single-point perspective, Pro/Runtime/Textures/ support slabs layer group, 192 G2/ directory, 344 226 sketch layer, 113 Smooth Shaded option, 95 surface sketching to visualize new Smudge command, 171 adjusting quality, ideas, 112 Smudge tool, 177 447–452 skin Smudging tool, 7 brightening, 264 changing color, 105 soft light, 24 defining texturing, 153 glossiness, 382 Solid rendering, 441 luminous, 263 skin image, 360 Specular Color channel, surface panel, 187 skin layer, duplicating, 378 264 Sydney G2 character, 67, skin texture, 182 texture maps, 187 139, 182 UV map, 139 Specular Value channel, restoring to original sky bump applied to, 382 pose, 72 Curves adjustment layer, Spot command, 107 skin texture, 182 318 spot lights, 32, 78, 107, texture map, 150 desaturating, 232 297 Sydney G2 Strand 2 hair, foreground elements modifying, 108 154 warm light across repositioning, 108 them, 322
- 472 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide T Diffuse Value, 153 3D contour, 114 editing, 407 3D engine, 19–51 T-shirt - 4 material, 439 editing through nodes, capabilities, 19–21 T-shirt and UV map, 55 182–190 3D files, updating, 407 t-shirt-bump.jpg file, 438 evening out, 360 3D > New Layers From 3D tabs, adding to windows, 7 exporting, 103 Files command, 104 Taper tool, 65 highlight brush, 125 3D head templates for texture image-based, 247 adding detail to nostril creation, 351 light goddess, 149–155 area, 126 texture 02.jpg file, 233 lighting, 29 changing skin color, 105 texture layers modifying, 22–27, 149 clay-like modifications, duplicating, 195 moss, 123 95 editing, 416 not applied, 22 creation, 94–103 repositioning, 195 painting, 203 drastic contour, 98 transforming, 195 Poser Pro, 344 exporting format, 103 Texture Manager, 187 previewing, 152 integrating into digital texture maps scene, 104–106 procedural, 247 disconnecting, 150 modifying, 95 raised, 380 editing in Photoshop outlining lips, 117 rear wall texture.jpg file, CS4, 416–428 195 pasting UV map onto, Specular Color channel, 346 receding into 187 background, 126 positioning, 104 Sydney G2 figure, 150 reflection maps, 103 rendering, 100 Texture Shaded option, rendering, 287 saving file, 103 139 resizing to body, 198 symmetry, 98 textured wall.tif file, 448 restricting with layer texture, 114 texture.jpg file, 228, 259, mask, 214 updating, 105 261 ringed planet, 430 3D head layer, 112 textures, 54, 220 saving, 24, 105 3D interface, viewing adding, 182 shaping, 228 background, 139 altering color, 24 stronger effect, 214 3D layers, 94, 104, 207 applying, 32, 54–58 template for creation, converting to smart attributes, 249 351 object, 450 changing illumination, transparency, 438 lights, 107–111 29 two-dimensional views, textures, 22 characters, 264 105 3D lighting and Clone Source, 448 vector-based, 247, 249 Photoshop CS4, 28–35 clothing, 437–441 viewing, 29, 139 3D (Lights) icon, 107 comply with UV visual, 187 3D Lights navigational coordinates, 333 thighs, parameters for, 142 tool, 197 3D head, 114 3D acceleration, 108 3D Lights panel, 32, 108 3D layer, 22 3D characters 3D Materials, 29 3D models, 55 increasing brightness, 3D Materials panel, 447 3D objects and, 330 405 3D Materials tab, 438–439 defining as pattern, 442 posing, 139 3D meshes, 29
- Index 473 3D models 3D scene layout Healing brush, 7 importing, 197–200 animation controls, 52 Paintbrush tool, 7 importing into camera and lighting painting tools, 7 Photoshop CS4, 403 controls, 52 Quick Selection tool, textures, 55 camera styles, 54 346 3D models layer group, 3D model, 52 Rotate View tool, 5 403 ground plane, 141 sets, 7 3D move tool, 198 navigation controls, 54 single row, 10 3D objects Rooms, 52 Smudging tool, 7 adding textures, 330 user interface presets, 52 tool options, 7 importing, 44 3D Slide tool, 20 tools moved on, 10 importing into Poser 3D software challenges, 52 Vector tools, 10 Pro, 399 3D Studio Max format, Tools palette integrating into artistic 399 3D Pan tool, 20 scene, 19 3D textures submenu, 249 3D Roll tool, 20 integrating into contour 3D texturing, 244–254 3D Rotate tool, 20 of hillside, 112 3D tools, 10, 19, 198 3D Scale tool, 20 isolating adjustment three-dimensional surfaces, 3D Slide tool, 20 layers to, 198 editing, 330 3D Tools icon, 20 navigating, 10 thumbnail grid, 40 Tools > Photoshop > painting on, 447–452 thumbnail view, 40 Merge to HDR previewing, 44 thumbnails, 339 command, 394 rendering into PSD Camera presets, 83 traditional media, (Photoshop lighting styles, 80 intuitiveness, 49 Document) file, 159 Transform menu, 80 previewing, 395 rotating, 44 Transform tool, 138 watermarks, 48 selecting to export, 190 Transform tool (Ctrl+T/ TIFF format and LZW textures, 330 compression, 338 Command+T) tone and color, 198 toes, direction and angle, keyboard shortcut, 269 3D objects and shapes, 144 transform tools, 138, 308 predesigned library, 94 Toning Curve and Translate tool, 72, 74, 142 3D Open GL environment, Histogram dialog box, transparency and texture, 287, 290–291 401 438 3D paint programs, 330 tools, visual transparency nodes, 220 3D Pan tool, 20, 104 representations, 4–10 transparent pixels, 220 3D panel, 28, 197 Tools bar, 4–10 transparent tube, 226 activating, 107 Blurring tool, 7 tree bark texture, 311 light source, 437 Burning and Dodging tree bark texture layer and 3D Resize option, 198 tool, 7 layer mask, 308 3D Roll tool, 20 Clone stamp, 7 tree trunk 01.jpg file, 315 3D Rotate and 3D Roll 3D tools, 10, 19 tree trunk 02.jpg file, tool, 104 default view, 10 307–308 3D Rotate tool, 20 Eraser, 7 tree trunk 03.jpg file, 308, 3D Scale tool, 20 Gradient tool, 7 311
- 474 The Art of Poser and Photoshop: The Official Guide tree trunk 04.jpg file, 311 U V tree trunk texture, 313 U3D (Supported format vanishing points, 155, Turbulence node, 254, 258 within Adobe Acrobat) 156–158 Turbulence_2 node, 258 format, 19, 94 vantage point, 155 Turbulence procedural unselected areas, vector-based textures, 247, texture, 245 representing with 249 Turbulence texture, 254 white, 348 vector mask, adding Layer attributes, 249 Up - Down motion, 146 style, 419 cube, 249 user interface presets, 52 vector shapes as vector variables, 252 UV coordinates, 330 mask, 416 Turbulence_2 texture, applying digital images, Vector tools, 10 applying image map, 335–339 vertical axis, coordinates 259 UV maps, 22, 105, 330, on, 330 tutorial files, downloading, 333, 344 video cards, 108 x, 4 adding detail back into, viewports, 61 tutorials/ch3/clouds 374–380 View > Rulers command, 001.jpg file, 134 applying painting to, 353 tutorials/ch3/coastalscape.j 447 Visible in Raytracing pg file, 134 basic pose creation, option, 141 tutorials/ch8/3D Objects 335–372 Visible option, 141 subfolder, 399 changing clothing, 55 Vista, 3 tutorials/ch1 folder, 19, 24 editing, 139 visual 3D content against tutorials/ch2 folder, 104, examples, 344 black background, 29 113–114, 117, 122 face, 55 tutorials/ch3 folder, 139, fine-tuning, 441–446 149, 168 increasing exposure, 335 W tutorials/ch4 folder, 182, Wacom, 49 integrating side view 192, 198, 201 Wacom Cintiq 12WX, into, 357–373 tutorials/ch5 folder, 220, 49–50 James G2, 351 228 Wacom pen pressure opacity, 357 tutorials/ch6 folder, 287, sensitivity, 112, 206 290, 295, 315 outlining, 357 Wacom properties, Pen tutorials/ch7 folder, 335, pasted on to 3D head, tab, 275 344, 346, 360 346 Wacom tablet pressure tutorials/ch8 folder, 394, positioning profile, 357 sensitivity, 97 438 previewing, 340, 344 Wacom website, 112 Twist command, 182 selecting outside, 357 waist, 185 twisting models, 64 skin texture, 139 wall, painting liquid two-dimensional UV map, T-shirt, 55 coming from cracks, 330 UV templates, 333 203–206 two-point perspective, 156 UV texture warm lighting to separate face, 105 figure from viewing in new window, background, 325 22
- Index 475 Warp command, 117, Windows XP, 3 X 126–127, 168, 228, wing.psd file, 168 315 X channel, 258 wings Warp (Edit > Transform > X (horizontal) axis, 94 accentuating, 174 Warp) command, 222 X Scale channel, 258 edge highlights, 173 Warp tool, 117, 138, 163, light goddess, 168–172 225, 234, 311 motion blur, 168 Y water surface, hotter wrapping around body, Y Scale channel, 258–259 reflection on, 206 174 Y (vertical) axis, 94 waterfall, 117 workflow options, 11 waterfall.tif file, 117 workflow styles, 11 Watermark dialog box, 48, Bridge, 40–44 Z 49 Z axis (depth), 94 workrooms, 52 watermarks, 48 Z Brush, 330 workspace windows from tabs, 7 Z channel, 258–259 default, 11 Windows requirements zone layer, 225 workspace menu, 11 Photoshop CS4, 2 zooming models, 64 workspaces Poser Pro, 3 multiple, 12 Windows > 3D command, 28, 107, 197
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