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The international community and the “NTP for coping with CC”

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Support to the mitigation of effects of CC and adaptation to new realities. Support to mitigation of GHG emissions. Support to developing carbon markets. Support to research, data collection and analysis. Support to development of national policies, strategies, plans. Support to national-international coordination, policy dialogue, ODA channeling

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Nội dung Text: The international community and the “NTP for coping with CC”

  1. The international community and the “NTP for coping with CC” Koos Neefjes, UNDP ISGE Policy Dialogue Hanoi, 23 January 2008
  2. This presentation: 1. Current international support to Viet Nam on CC (UNDP and others) 2. What is needed, now and later? 3. International support, cooperation and coordination 2
  3. 1. Current international support to Viet Nam on CC • Support to the mitigation of effects of CC and adaptation to new realities • Support to mitigation of GHG emissions • Support to developing carbon markets • Support to research, data collection and analysis • Support to development of national policies, strategies, plans • Support to national-international coordination, policy dialogue, ODA channeling 3
  4. 2. What is needed, now and later? (a) VN and other experience: a full, comprehensive NTP cannot be developed in just 6-7 months, but a general CC policy and an outline of action plans can. So ……(I, II, III ….) I. An overall, national policy or strategy, with two CC-related policy aims, on reducing vulnerabilities for CC effects and on mitigation of GHG emissions. E.g.: • Set the target year by which Viet Nam will have started significant reduction of CC vulnerabilities of critical sectors and localities to the main effects of CC (e.g. sea level rise, increased drought in certain localities) • Set the target year by which Viet Nam will start reducing its carbon footprint (the HDR suggests that on average the developing countries should start that after 2020) 4
  5. 2. What is needed, now and later? (b) • Formulate a strategic framework to achieve both policy aims • Stress the importance of and potential for synergies between economic development, vulnerability reduction and GHG reduction in the medium and long term, instead of “trade offs”. This will require technology transfers, R&D, capacity building, finance … • Use this policy (a) to mainstream CC-related vulnerability reduction and emissions mitigation in all sorts of national strategies and national action plans; (b) to mobilize national and international financial resources to address the causes and effects of CC; and (c) to play a central role in post-Kyoto international negotiations. 5
  6. 2. What is needed, now and later? (c) II. An action plan or NTP to address CC effects (CC Adaptation) Immediate action CCA (Phase 1; first 2-3 years), e.g. • Improve early warning systems • Develop sea level rise and drought scenarios (impact on water resources) • Deepen the understanding of vulnerabilities and CCA potentials • Provincial CC vulnerability assessments • In-depth consultation with key stakeholders and the wider public • Refine the CCA strategy • Adopt CC impact scenarios as the basis for public and private investments • Mainstream reduction of CC-related vulnerabilities in (national, local, sectoral) strategies and plans for 2011 and beyond; in public investment decisions; and policy instruments such as SEA • Articulate VN policies, strategies and plans on vulnerability reduction in the context of post-Kyoto negotiations 6
  7. 2. What is needed, now and later? (d) Longer term action CCA (Phase 2) to focus on: • Implementation of specific projects (sectoral, and integrated in localities) to reduce vulnerabilities, with national and international resources, public and private • Stress capacity building at all levels, and focus on the most vulnerable social groups, localities, and the most sensitive economic sectors 7
  8. 2. What is needed, now and later? (e) III. A detailed strategy, action plan or NTP to address GHG mitigation Immediate actions GHG mitigation (Phase 1; first 2-3 years), e.g.: • Strengthen / speed up activities related to GHG mitigation under the National Programme on Energy Efficiency • Valuation of forest coverage in terms of carbon sequestration and articulate trade potential • Build capacities to regulate, manage and stimulate the carbon market • Build research capacities and initiate research on emissions, potential efficiency gains • Refine GHG emissions targets (e.g. based on data produced for the Second Communication) • Articulation of VN policies, strategies and plans on GHG mitigation in the context of post-Kyoto negotiations • Mainstream reduction of GHG emissions/consumption as well as carbon sequestration in sector strategies and action plans, notably Trade & Industry, Transport, Construction, Agriculture & Rural Development; and in local action plans for 2011 and beyond. 8
  9. 2. What is needed, now and later? (f) Longer term actions GHG mitigation (Phase 2) • Achieve behaviour change re carbon use by the public sector, consumers and industry, from public awareness raising and regulation • Stress capacity building at all levels, and focus on technology adoption and research & development (R&D), in industrial and agricultural production, transportation, electricity generation (public & business sectors) • Emissions reduction later is important for investment decisions now, such as those related to electricity generation (focus on renewable energy) (public sector), and cleaner production (business sector) • There is a huge need for incentives for and co-funding from the business sector to increase energy efficiencies, adoption and development of new technologies, etc. : develop PPPs? 9
  10. 3. International support, cooperation and coordination (a) National coordination and CC policy development • Excellent decision to involve all relevant ministries / sectors. Should include the Ministry of Finance and link to the inter-ministerial budgetary adaptation process. • NCSD (set up in the context of VN Agenda 21), and development of local Agenda 21 International-national coordination • ISGE, also NDM-P, FSSP, …..: general policy dialogue, information exchange, coordination • PRSC process: multi-sector; high interest of donors; strategy / policy focus. Basis for general budget support and also sector-wide ODA • Informal: project exchanges 10
  11. 3. International support, cooperation and coordination (b) Key actions that the international community can support with funds and experts: • Research (vulnerabilities, emissions, technology development) • Capacity building (e.g. to guide and stimulate carbon markets) • Investments (e.g. infrastructure to mitigate effects, and energy generation) Immediate support to formulation of the NTP (policy, strategy….): by June 2008! • Key role for ISGE to bring international agencies and some international experts into the formulation process • Plan, fund and implement national consultations (overall policy, immediate actions) • Plan, fund and implement 2-3 international consultations (such as today) • Fund secretarial, logistics, translation support to the drafting team (ISGE?) • Some international experts to work “hands on” with the drafting team (UNDP, Denmark, …?) • Compilation of international experience to inform Vietnamese policy / NTP(s) (other countries’ policies, action plans) 11



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