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The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars

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The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars has many contents: Wheat samples, Analytical methods, Raw dumpling preparation, Raw dumpling sensory evaluation, Color measurements of dumpling sheets, Statistical analysis, Grain and flour characterization of tested wheatcultivars, Variation in raw dumpling qualit, Relationship between grain and flour traits andquality of raw dumpling,...

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Nội dung Text: The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars

  1. Agricultural Sciences in China 2011, 10(11): 1792-1800 November 2011 The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars ZHANG Yan1, 2, YE Yi-li2, LIU Jian-jun3, XIAO Yong-gui2, SUN Qi-xin1 and HE Zhong-hu2, 4 1 College of Agriculture and Biotechnology, China Agricultural University, Beijing 100193, P.R.China 2 Institute of Crop Science/National Wheat Improvement Center, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China 3 Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Science, Jinan 250100, P.R.China 4 CIMMYT China Office/Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, P.R.China Abstract Dumpling is one of the most important traditional wheat products in China. Dumpling quality is determined by the characteristics of both flour and filling, thus improvement of flour quality plays an important role in improving dumpling quality. Thirty-nine Shandong winter wheat cultivars and advanced lines sown in Jinan, Shandong Province, China, in the 2008-2009 cropping season were used to determine genetic variation in Chinese raw dumpling quality and its relationship with flour characteristics. Large variations were observed for protein quality parameters in comparison with starch properties. Variation in color of the raw dumpling sheet was broader than that of sensory evaluation parameters of boiled dumpling among tested wheat cultivars, indicating the large influence of filling on dumpling color. Two cultivars, Jimai 20 and Zimai 12, were identified as possessing very good quality of raw dumpling, and 21 cultivars and advanced lines showed good quality. Protein and total starch content influenced the L* value of raw dumpling sheets. L* value at 0 and 2 h after sheeting were significantly influenced by protein content (r=-0.46 and -0.52, P
  2. The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars 1793 have better texture and flavor than the frozen type. celery, and other auxiliary materials (e.g., oil, shallot, Frozen dumpling is basically marketed in cities and its ginger, salt, and monosodium glutamate). Meat-filled consumption is rapidly increasing. Dumplings are dumplings are made from dough, meat, vegetables, and mainly made from wheat flour dough and fillings such auxiliary materials, whereas vegetable-filled types are as meat, vegetables, eggs, oil, soybean sauce, salt, and made from dough, eggs, vegetable and auxiliary monosodium glutamate. Dumpling quality is determined materials, or without eggs. Although no official data by both the characteristics of the flour and filling. are available, it is generally agreed that Chinese con- Therefore, improvement of flour quality plays an im- sumption of the two styles is about equal. Therefore, portant role in improving dumpling quality. vegetable-filled dumpling was chosen for this study. Up to now, limited studies have been undertaken to Due to limited land and population pressure, improve- understand the genetic variation of dumpling quality ments in grain yield, disease resistance, and early ma- among different genotypes and effects of flour traits turity have been the major wheat breeding objectives in on dumpling quality. At the same time, laboratory evalu- China. However, improvements in processing quality, ation methods for assessment of dumpling quality still especially for pan bread and noodles, have become need to be improved. Therefore, genetic improvement important objectives during the last 20 years (Zhang et al. of dumpling quality is progressing much more slowly 2007). With rapid improvement of living standards in in comparison to white salted noodles and pan bread. China, cultivars with high dumpling quality are in ur- Several studies have focused on the relationship be- gent demand to suit the needs of increased mechanized tween flour traits and frozen dumpling quality (FDQ) production. The objectives of this study were to deter- (Lou et al. 2004; Zhang et al. 2005 a; Li et al. 2006; mine the fresh dumpling quality variability present in Yang and Sun 2006), and the effects of flour additives Chinese winter wheat germplasm and to understand on dumpling quality (Wang et al. 1998; Liang et al. 2006; the relationship between flour characteristics and color, Yang et al. 2006). Farinograph development time and appearance, and eating quality of fresh dumpling. stability, and starch pasting peak viscosity were posi- tively associated with total score of FDQ (Li et al. 2006; Yang and Sun 2006). Lou and Yang (2004) reported MATERIALS AND METHODS that total FDQ score was not significantly associated with flour protein content and dough extensibility, but Wheat samples was significantly and negatively correlated with starch content. However, there is one report that flour water Thirty-nine winter wheat genotypes (Table 1) from absorption, farinograph development time, stability and Shandong Province, China, including leading cultivars extensograph energy positively influence the color of from 1990 to the present and advanced lines, were used raw dumpling sheet and viscosity of boiled dumpling in this study. Shandong Province is the second largest sheet without filling; they had negative effects on the wheat producer in China, and the cultivars and lines hardness and elasticity of boiled dumpling sheets, but used in this study represent most of the current elite starch pasting final viscosity and breakdown were posi- lines for quality improvement in north China. They tively associated with viscosity and hardness of boiled were grown during the 2008-2009 cropping season at dumpling sheets (Lan et al. 2010). Therefore, much the Crop Research Institute, Shandong Academy of Ag- more efforts are needed to understand the relationship between wheat flour traits and raw dumpling quality so ricultural Sciences, in Jinan. A randomized complete as to help wheat breeding programs to respond to con- block design with three replicates was employed. Test sumer and market demands. plots were managed according to local practices. All Dumplings can also be classified by ingredients of samples were free of sprouting damage. filling, i.e., meat or vegetable filling styles (Qi 2000; Tang 2001). Ingredients include meat (pork, beef or Analytical methods mutton), egg, and many kinds of vegetables such as cabbage, turnip, carrot, mushroom, Chinese chives, Wheat samples collected from the three replicates were © 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  3. 1794 ZHANG Yan et al. Table 1 Thirty-nine cultivars and advanced lines assessed for raw Instrument Co., Ltd., China). Flour polyphenol oxi- dumpling quality dase (PPO) activity was estimated as described by Cultivar Type Cultivar Type Jimai 19 Cultivar Taishan 223 Cultivar Anderson and Morris (2001) using the same spectro- Jimai 20 Cultivar Tainong 18 Cultivar photometer as flour yellow pigment. Jimai 22 Cultivar Wennong 6 Cultivar Jimai 5319 Cultivar Weimai 8 Cultivar Jimai 6097 Cultivar Yannong 19 Cultivar Raw dumpling preparation Jimai 6487 Cultivar Yannong 23 Cultivar Jimai 7251 Cultivar Yannong 24 Cultivar Jimai 7327-2 Cultivar Zimai 12 Cultivar Based on our previous unpublished data, the optimum Jinan 17 Cultivar Zhongmai 155 Line Jining 13 Cultivar BPT08058 Line water absorption for dumpling production was adjusted Jining 16 Cultivar Jimai 035037 Line to be 41% of flour weight. Dumpling dough was pre- Linmai 2 Cultivar Jimai 037042 Line Linmai 6 Cultivar Jimai 046402 Line pared by mixing flour (200 g, 14% MB) with enough Liangxing 66 Cultivar Jimai 056852 Line water to achieve 41% water absorption using a Na- Lumai 21 Cultivar Jimai 065504 Line Lumai 23 Cultivar Jimai 066324 Line tional pin mixer (USA) for 1 min. After mixing, the Shannong 15 Cultivar Jimai 076128 Line dough was kept in a plastic container for 15 min at Taishan 21 Cultivar Jimai 077019 Line Taishan 23 Cultivar Jimai 077072 Line room temperature before passing through the sheeting Taishan 24 Cultivar rollers of a laboratory noodle machine (Ohtake 150, Tokyo, Japan). Sheeting occurred once with a 4-mm roll gap setting, and then four times at 3-mm roll gap mixed and a 5-kg sample of each cultivar was cleaned, settings including no folding on the third pass. During and tempered overnight. Hard, medium, and soft wheats the sheeting process, a small amount of dry flour was were tempered to around 16.5, 15.5, and 14.5% mois- sprinkled onto the sheets to avoid sticking to the rollers. ture content, respectively. All samples were milled on The sheet dough was kept again in a plastic storage a Buhler MLU 202 laboratory mill (Buhler Bros, Ltd., container for 15 min at room temperature. Subsequently, Uzwil, Switzerland) according to AACC method 26- the reduction in sheet thickness was achieved by suc- 21A to give flours with 60% extraction rates. cessive passes through roll gaps of 2.2 and (1.5±0.05) Grain hardness and moisture were determined using mm. The gap between the rollers for the final pass the Single Kernel Characterization System (SKCS 4100, was determined precisely using a test piece cut from Perten Instruments, Sweden). Flour protein content (14% MB) was recorded with a NIR analyzer foss- the main sheet after the previous pass. The final sheets tecator 1241 (Foss, Högänas, Sweden). Flour color were cut into round pieces with a round stainless steel was measured using a Minolta Chromameter CR 310 cutter (6 cm diameter) to obtain dumpling sheets. (Minolta Camera Co., Ltd., Japan) with the CIE 1976 The filling was a blend of ingredients (200 g of mac- L*, a*, b* color space equipped with a D65 illuminant. erated cabbage, 100 g of fried egg, 10 g of oil, 6 g of L* is brightness measured from 0 (black) to 100 (white), shallot, 3 g of ginger, 3 g salt, and 1 g monosodium a* is a function of the green to red difference, and b* is glutamate) mixed in a plastic container. Fried egg made a function of the blue to yellow difference. Farinogragh from equal amounts of egg and oil was used in the and extensograph parameters were obtained according vegetable filling to reduce the variation of filling in dif- to AACC approved methods 54-21 and 54-10, ferent tests. The dumpling sheets were shaped to con- respectively. Starch pasting peak viscosity and break- tain 3 g filling, shaped as a dumpling, and stored in a down were obtained using a rapid visco analyzer (RVA- flat dish at room temperature. Raw dumplings (25 units 3D super type, Newport Scientific) as described by per sample) were boiled for 5 min in 2 L of boiling Batey et al. (1997). Amylose and starch content were water. Four cooking sessions were processed at the measured according to Kiribuchi-Otobe et al. (1997). same time. After boiling, the dumplings were rinsed in Flour yellow pigment was determined according to running cold tap water for 1 min. Sensory evaluation AACC approved methods 14-15 using a TU-1800PC was performed with at least five skilled panelists and UV-VIS spectrophotometer (Beijing Purkinje General finished within 10 min. © 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  4. The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars 1795 Raw dumpling sensory evaluation Color measurements of dumpling sheets Although an official method for sensory evaluation of Color of raw dumpling sheets was measured with a Chinese raw dumpling (SB/T 10138/93) (Chinese Min- Minolta Chromameter CR 310 (Minolta Camera Co., istry of Commerce 1993) has been used since 1993, it Ltd., Japan) with the CIE 1976 L*, a*, b* color space has been suggested that improvements can be made. equipped with a D65 illuminant. The sheets were mea- The scoring system, including color (weighting factor sured on a Royal Australian Cereal Institute (RACI) stan- 10), brightness (10), transparency (10), resilience (15), dard backing tile, with three measurements being made stickiness (15), smoothness (10), resistance at boiling on each side of the dumpling sheet. Raw dumpling (15), and soup characters (15), has two problems. sheets were measured after sheeting (0 h), and again Firstly, evaluation of soup characters is not easy; de- after 2 h of storage in a covered plastic container at grees of clearness or feculence of water after cooking 25°C. dumpling is estimated by panelists. However, most panelists have difficulties in giving precise or consis- Statistical analysis tent scores for soup characteristics. Secondly, firm- ness is not included in the evaluation system. High SAS (Statistics Analysis System, SAS Institute, Cary, quality raw dumpling sheets should be characterized NC) was employed to compute means, standard with whiteness and brightness for color, softness and deviations, and correlation coefficients. resilience, lack of stickiness and smoothness of texture. Because color and firmness are considered to be more RESULTS important parameters for scoring raw dumpling by the industry, firmness instead of soup characteristics was adopted in a modified scoring system. For appearance Grain and flour characterization of tested wheat of raw dumplings, panelists should assess the degrees cultivars of flatness, and lack of gas bubbles and rupturing of dumpling sheets. Flatness requires that the dumpling Means, coefficients of variation (CV), and ranges of sheet surface is flat and uniform, has no gas bubbles, grain hardness, protein content, farinograph and and rupture is mainly considered to ensure that the extensograph parameters and starch quality parameters sheets have no cracks after boiling. Resistance at boil- including peak viscosity, breakdown, final viscosity, ing is similar to an assessment of appearance, and was amylose and total starch content for tested wheat culti- therefore replaced by appearance in the modified scor- vars are presented in Table 2. As expected, large varia- ing system. Based on the noodle evaluation system tions were observed for protein quality parameters in described by Zhang et al. (2005b), the modified scor- comparison with starch traits. The largest variations ing system for dumpling included six parameters, viz., involved dough development time, stability, MTI, energy, color (20), appearance (20), firmness (20), elasticity and maximum resistance, with CVs of 40.5, 71.6, 53.4, (20), stickiness (10), and smoothness (10). Four 53.1, and 57.0%, respectively. Only small variations in samples were tested at each panel session including the amylose and total starch contents were observed, with Chinese commercial flour Xuehuafen as a control. CVs of only 2.7, and 1.5%, respectively. Samples under test were compared with the control and a score was assigned to each parameter. The pan- Variation in raw dumpling quality elists firstly compared color and appearance of boiled dumplings, and then opened the fringe of the dumpling Broad variations were observed for a* and b* values for and removed the filling, followed by evaluations of raw dumpling sheets at 0 and 2 h, but not for L* values firmness, elasticity, stickiness, and smoothness of boiled (Table 3). The largest variations for a* values with dumpling sheets. CVs of 89.1% at 0 h and 52.3% at 2 h, and wide varia- © 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
  5. 1796 ZHANG Yan et al. Table 2 Mean, coefficients of variation (CV), and ranges in grain The reason for the discrepancy might be that the dump- quality trait parameters for 39 wheat cultivars ling filling significantly influences panelists visual as- Trait Mean CV (%) Range Grain hardness 58.9 28.8 20.7-79.0 sessments of boiled dumpling color, hence reducing Protein content (%, 14% MB) 12.6 5.7 11.1-14.3 the differences in color of boiled dumpling among Water absorption (%) 65.9 6.6 56.1-72.5 Development time (min) 3.8 40.5 1.9-8.3 genotypes. Variations in color, appearance, and firm- Stability (min) 6.4 71.6 1.2-17.9 ness of boiled dumplings were slightly larger than those Mixing tolerance index (BU)1) 53.7 53.4 16.0-140.0 Extensibility (mm) 180.7 14.9 79.2-253.3 for elasticity, stickiness, and smoothness. Max. resistance (BU) 215.0 57.0 32.5-490.1 Chinese commercial flour, Xuehuafen, used as the Peak viscosity (RVU) 195.8 16.1 114.6-263.6 control in this study is considered to be of good quality Breakdown (RVU) 148.5 19.1 60.5-191.8 Final viscosity (RVU) 235.3 15.9 116.2-289.3 for noodles and dumplings. Relative to the assessment Amylose (%) 22.8 2.7 21.2-23.8 score of 70.0 for Xuehuafen in this study, raw dump- Total starch (%) 80.2 1.5 78.1-83.1 Flour yellow pigment (mg kg-1) 1.9 29.5 1.2-3.6 ling scores above 75.0 were considered very good, Flour PPO [A475 /(g×min)×103] 2.7 39.2 0.4-4.7 scores of 70.1-75.0 good, scores of 65.0-70.0 fair, Mixing tolerance index (MTI) was measured by farinograph. and scores below 65.0 were poor (Table 4). Cultivars 1) including Jimai 20 (total score 78.3) and Zimai 12 (76.0) tion for b* values with CVs of 11.3% at 0 h and 11.5% were identified as possessing very good boiled fresh at 2 h occurred with raw dumpling sheets. This indi- dumpling quality. Jimai 20 was the leading cultivar in cated that variation for color of raw dumpling sheet the Yellow and Huai Valley, and was characterized with might mainly come from the variation in a* and b* values, very good white salted noodle quality (Ye et al. 2010). but not in L * values. Yannong 24, Zhongmai 155, Zimai 12 is also a released cultivar. Twenty-one culti- Liangxing 66, Jimai 20, and Yannong 23 performed best vars and advanced lines had good fresh dumpling in color of raw dumpling sheets. They could therefore quality. Overall, Chinese winter wheat generally had be used as parents in crossing programs for flour color acceptable quality for boiled fresh dumpling. This out- improvement. On the other hand, Jinan 17, Jimai 7327-2, come could be due to the improvement of pan bread Jimai 077072, Wennong 6, and Jimai 037042 were iden- and noodle quality that has occurred in Chinese breed- tified as having poor raw dumpling sheet color. ing programs during the past 20 years. There were small variations in sensory evaluation parameters of boiled dumplings in comparison with the Relationship between grain and flour traits and color of raw dumpling sheets. The range in CV for quality of raw dumpling sensory evaluation parameters of boiled dumpling was 4.9-9.0%. Variation in color of boiled dumplings was Correlation coefficients between quality traits and color significantly smaller than that of raw dumpling sheets. of raw dumpling sheets are presented in Table 5. Pro- tein content and total starch content mainly influenced Table 3 Mean, coefficients of variation (CV) and ranges of L*, a*, L* value of raw dumpling sheets. Correlation coeffi- and b * values of raw dumpling sheets and sensory evaluation parameters of boiled dumplings for 39 wheat cultivars cients between protein content, total starch content and Parameter Mean CV (%) Range L* value at 0 and 2 h after sheeting were -0.46 (P
  6. The Relationship Between Chinese Raw Dumpling Quality and Flour Characteristics of Shandong Winter Wheat Cultivars 1797 Table 4 Raw dumpling quality classifications of tested cultivars and lines Classification Score Number of cultivars Rank of cultivar1) Very good >75.0 2 Jimai 20, Zimai 12 Good 70.1-75.0 21 Zhongmai 155, Yannong 24, Yannong 19, Liangxing 66, Linmai 6, Jimai 076128, Jimai 19, Jimai 5319, Yannong 23, Jimai 077019, Taishan 23, Lumai 21, BPT08058, Jimai 22, Jimai 7251, Jimai 056852, Shannong 15, Jimai 035037, Lumai 23, Jimai 065504, Taishan 24 Fair 65.0-70.0 14 Jining 16, Jimai 6487, Jinan 17, Taishan 223, Tainong 18, Jimai 066324, Taishan 21, Jimai 046402, Jimai 7327-2, Wennong 6, Jimai 077072, Jining 13, Linmai 2, Jimai 6097 Poor
  7. 1798 ZHANG Yan et al. Table 6 Correlation coefficients between quality traits and sensory evaluation parameters of boiled raw dumplings Trait Color Appearance Firmness Elasticity Stickiness Smoothness Total score Grain hardness 0.09 0.35* -0.40 * 0.17 -0.20 -0.11 0.03 Protein content -0.40 * -0.20 -0.01 0.34* -0.08 -0.19 -0.15 Water absorption -0.01 0.20 -0.36 * 0.10 -0.11 -0.16 -0.06 Development time -0.19 0.34* -0.30 0.32* -0.15 -0.04 0.02 Stability -0.17 0.33* -0.27 0.31 -0.21 -0.07 0.02 Mixing tolerance index -0.13 -0.55 ** 0.21 -0.54 ** 0.11 -0.09 -0.33 * Energy -0.17 0.43 ** -0.28 0.47 ** -0.11 0.06 0.13 Extensibility -0.06 0.26 0.23 0.45 ** 0.03 0.01 0.30 Max. resistance -0.16 0.43 ** -0.33 * 0.43 ** -0.10 0.05 0.11 Peak viscosity 0.15 -0.07 0.06 0.07 0.21 0.51 ** 0.13 Breakdown 0.24 0.04 -0.00 0.05 0.45 ** 0.54 ** 0.34* Total starch 0.39* 0.06 0.20 -0.34 * 0.12 0.16 0.17 Flour yellow pigment -0.03 -0.45 ** -0.05 -0.26 -0.21 -0.31 -0.37 * Flour PPO -0.29 0.19 -0.38 * 0.11 -0.14 -0.10 -0.08 and Zimai 12 (76.0) was clearly higher than that of Chinese commercial flour, Xuehuafen, used as the con- trol (70.0) in this study. This reason should mainly be that flour color of Jimai 20 and Zimai 12 was better than that of Xuhuafen having larger a* value of flour. Jimai 20 was characterized by strong gluten strength and excellent flour color, thus conferring good quali- ties for pan bread and noodle (He et al. 2010). This also suggests that the possibility of developing multi- purpose quality wheat. Previous reports indicated that starch property and flour color play significant roles in Fig. 1 Association between farinograph mixing tolerance index determining raw dumpling and noodle quality, but not (MTI) and elasticity of raw dumplings. in pan bread quality (He et al. 2004; Lan et al. 2010). Therefore, the requirement of gluten strength for pan bread was higher than that of starch property and color. However, the requirement in starch property and color for raw dumpling and noodle was stronger than that for pan bread, i.e., the flour from wheat cultivar with strong gluten strength, lower starch peak viscosity, and lower L* values might be suitable for making good quality pan bread, but not for making good quality raw dump- ling and noodle. Based on previous reports, overly strong gluten might have a negative effect on noodle viscoelasticity (Liu et al. 2003; He et al. 2004), starch pasting breakdown positively influenced on smoothness of noodle (Batey Fig. 2 Associations between starch pasting peak viscosity (PV), et al. 1997); thus flour with medium gluten and better breakdown (BD) and smoothness of raw dumplings. Ç starch pasting properties could be suitable for making good quality noodle. Although raw dumplings and properties and good noodle and dumpling quality. noodles are similar foods produced from wheat flour Chinese wheat cultivar Jimai 20 and Zimai 12 were based on the type for processing (e.g., boiling) used identified as possessing very good boiled raw dumpling before being supplied to the consumer, this study shows quality and the assessment score of Jimai 20 (78.3) that strong gluten contributes to good boiled dumpling © 2011, CAAS. All rights reserved. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
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