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The role of self- management toward promotion of organizational innovation and creativity in the industrial sectors in Jordan (study on managers in the category of fine factory and company Tourane and acacia sanitary paper consists)

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This study aimed to reveal the role of self-leadership as a branch of self-management in the promotion of innovation and creativity among the staff in the category of Fine factory and company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper consists, and the study followed the methodology of qualitative.

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Nội dung Text: The role of self- management toward promotion of organizational innovation and creativity in the industrial sectors in Jordan (study on managers in the category of fine factory and company Tourane and acacia sanitary paper consists)

  1. International Journal of Management (IJM) Volume 7, Issue 7, November–December 2016, pp.442–450, Article ID: IJM_07_07_049 Available online at Journal Impact Factor (2016): 8.1920 (Calculated by GISI) ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510 © IAEME Publication THE ROLE OF SELF- MANAGEMENT TOWARD PROMOTION OF ORGANIZATIONAL INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY IN THE INDUSTRIAL SECTORS IN JORDAN (STUDY ON MANAGERS IN THE CATEGORY OF FINE FACTORY AND COMPANY TOURANE AND ACACIA SANITARY PAPER CONSISTS) Dr. Tareq Galeb Abu Orabi Business Administration Department, BAU, Jordan Dr. Atef Saleh Ahmad Aladwan Business Administration Department, BAU, Jordan Dr. Shadi Habis Abu Aloush MIS Department, IRBID National University, Jordan Dr. Khaled Adnan Bataineh Business Administration Department, IRBID National University Jordan ABSTRACT This study aimed to reveal the role of self-leadership as a branch of self-management in the promotion of innovation and creativity among the staff in the category of Fine factory and company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper consists, and the study followed the methodology of qualitative. The results revealed that the promotion of self-driving practices, while seeking to build a business environment that supports innovation and creativity effectively, and we can say that there is an increasing interest for all modern organization to adapt and encourage of self management as we are living in trouble environment which force us as managers and leaders in all level to depend on situational resolution to solve most of our management. This study was conducted to administrators community in particular to see how the possibility of achieving these developmental leadership. Key words: Self Management, Leadership, Innovation, Industrial Sector, Organization Cite this Article: Dr. Tareq Galeb Abu Orabi, Dr. Atef Saleh Ahmad Aladwan, Dr. Shadi Habis Abu Aloush, Dr. Khaled Adnan Bataineh. The Role of Self- Management toward Promotion of Organizational Innovation and Creativity in the Industrial Sectors in Jordan (Study on Managers in the Category of Fine Factory and Company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper Consists). International Journal of Management, 7(7), 2016, pp. 442–450. 442
  2. The Role of Self- Management Toward Promotion of Organizational Innovation and Creativity in the Industrial Sectors in Jordan (Study on Managers in the Category of Fine Factory and Company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper Consists) 1. INTRODUCTION In the presence of persistent and successive changes that accompanied the systems and methods shall prevail in the administrative area within the organizations, including working in the industrial sector organizations had to be the emergence of modern management concepts interact with those changes and keep pace with new developments that should be against which efforts are being made and the work progress down to develop and improve these processes and to ensure the success of administrative work endpoints (Asabi, and the monastery of 2010) that the world has seen in the sixties and seventies of the last century, important developments in the field of modern management thought and its applications, which led to a shift from central to multiple patterns, especially in the industrial and commercial organizations, decentralization of decision-making freedom and independence and with the participation of interested parties directly within the development and improvement things and assume its responsibilities. The mid seventies(Tim, 2001) has cited a variety of reasons that have contributed to the emergence of the entrance to the self-management, including: lack of time to do all the work, but it cannot do all the work, and because the main function is the management and not the implementation but it cannot do everything for subordinates who are more people friction problems, and thus are better able to solve them, how It could be argued that there is a growing interest among business organizations subject of raising management efficiency and effectiveness, and in particular the development of human resources through dedication to work and the involvement of workers in various organizational levels in decision-making and follow the style of the delegation of authority and the creation of appropriate and creative climate for achieving the above process. The number of studies has proven the effectiveness of the application of the concept of self- management, and the positive results produced by the workers on different organizational levels, and work to improve the work and to promote creativity in the organization The organizations aims to achieve their goals of creative by seek to achieve effective institutional systems by urging members of the organization to make their efforts and motivate their creative skills, but this requires organization to create the right conditions for its member it in terms of creating a climate of conducive to creativity, which helps to show creative abilities of workers in general and particular. self-management should not be seen as an end in itself, but should be considered as a strategy targeted to achieve the desired goals, first and foremost access to organizational creativity self-administration is not only generate the employees to have the ability of creativity at the individual level, but it leads to the achievement of creativity on the organization as a whole. 2. THE IMPORTANCE OF STUDY The important of the study discussed by considering that the concept of self-management is a relatively modern management concepts, and still there is a need to study the various aspects especially in the General Arab environment and special environment of Jordan, and contribute in the development of creativity among workers in organizations, including the Jordanian industrial sectors, which enhances the competitiveness and profitability advantage. The increasing importance of the study in selected industrial companies of Jordan, as the industrial sector, Jordan is a leading provider of industrial services, which play an important role in supporting the development of other economic sectors, and therefore this is an important study as showing through the results of the role of the application of self-management in promoting the level of organizational innovation in the Jordanian industrial sectors. 2.1. The Importance of the Study can be summarized in the following Aspects • According to the results of the current study, based on the industrial sectors of Jordan through detection of the relationship between the application of self-management in the Jordanian industrial sectors and the level of organizational creativity in those industrial sectors, thus contributing to the consolidation of the application of self-management, organizational creativity. 443
  3. Dr. Tareq Galeb Abu Orabi, Dr. Atef Saleh Ahmad Aladwan, Dr. Shadi Habis Abu Aloush, Dr. Khaled Adnan Bataineh, • The study provides a tool to measure the application of self-management and organizational creativity in the Jordanian industrial sectors, and can by the relevant assessment of the application of self-management and organizational creativity in organizations in general and industrial sectors in particular. • The importance of the study that it provides a theoretical framework enriches the librarian theme of self- management, and its role in promoting organizational innovation. Which will have an impact in the benefit of the Arab reader on the one hand, and stimulate other researchers to expand the survey and writing in this important topic and saturation research and analysis on the other hand, and in all the productive sectors, especially in the industrial sector? 2.2. Objectives of the Study • Assess the ability of the entity to encourage creativity through assigning staff some work. • Assess the ability of the entity to encourage adventure and risk to the employee by allowing him to face the problems and develop creative solutions to it. • Assess interest in management of the facility to encourage discussion and dialogue with the employee and possession of the argument and the ability to creativity. • Assess the entity's ability to effective coordination between different departments in the factory. • Do they provide the facility necessary for the employee motivation even offers constructive suggestions for the administration and sections? • Assess the proportion of the keenness of the senior management of the plant to review the rules and procedures of workflow and continuously developed, which leads to stimulate creativity among its employees. • Do you give all the powers of the facility staff, allowing the development of work and creativity in it? • Measuring the extent of job stability, which encourages creativity. 3. PROBLEM OF THE STUDY The research problem aims to identify the factors and motivations and influences that lead to the development of organizational creativity through self-management, where we will conduct this study on the health paper sector. 3.1. Model of study Independent variable Dependent variable Self management organizational innovation Creative Climate Strategic outlook Self-control Decision making Decentralized Self Management Independent and dependent variable The variables that will be held by the independent study is the change that is made up of three dimensions of a creative climate and self-control and decision-making either the dependent variable is the outlook for Strategic Organizational Creativity. 444
  4. The Role of Self- Management Toward Promotion of Organizational Innovation and Creativity in the Industrial Sectors in Jordan (Study on Managers in the Category of Fine Factory and Company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper Consists) 3.2. Study Hypothesis The study mainly aimed to test the impact of self management (Creative Climate, Self-control, Decision making, decentralized, on organizational innovation (Strategic outlook).there for, the main hypothesis H0: There is no impact with statistical significant (α
  5. Dr. Tareq Galeb Abu Orabi, Dr. Atef Saleh Ahmad Aladwan, Dr. Shadi Habis Abu Aloush, Dr. Khaled Adnan Bataineh, the study of (al-Numan, and hook 0.2013) and study (Rashid), as demonstrated by a study (Tai and compassionate, 2011) having the effect of self-management in serious work. 4. METHODOLOGY OF THE STUDY It has been relying on the descriptive and analytical approach in the preparation of this study, and also relied on two main sources of data needed for this study and information gathering, and in the following manner: 1. Secondary Sources: desktop-based survey of the literature and Administrative Studies. 2. Primary sources: where the researchers designed a questionnaire to collect data from the study sample individuals, The study includes of managers and supervision and head department and division chief and the three levels of decision makers in the category of Fine factory and company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper consists. The study tested the hypothesis: No effect de statistically significant at the significance level (a> = 0.05 for the role of self-management (creative climate, self-control, decision-making, decentralization of administration) in promoting organizational innovation in sector of the paper industry. 5. FINDING OF THE STUDY The below table 1 and figure shown the result and analysis of the study. As we can observe the impact of the characteristic of respondents. Table 1 Impact of the characteristic of respondents Characteristic Categories Recurrence rate Social diversity Male 54 81,8 Female 12 18,2 Sum 66 100 30 years and below 15 22,7 31_40years Age 17 25,8 41_50 year 15 22,7 More than 50 years 19 28,8 Sum 66 100 Single 18 27,3 Marital status Married 48 72,7 Sum 66 100 bachelors or below 55 83,3 Higher diploma 4 6,1 qualification Master _ _ Doctor 7 10,6 Sum 66 100 Manager 14 21,2 Administrative level Deputy manager 21 31,8 Manager of the department 7 10,6 446
  6. The Role of Self- Management Toward Promotion of Organizational Innovation and Creativity in the Industrial Sectors in Jordan (Study on Managers in the Category of Fine Factory and Company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper Consists) Head of the department 24 36,4 Sum 66 100 Table characteristics of the study sample as personal information. According to above we can summarize the following results Social diversity 81, 8% of the sample of males, while 18, 2 of them females. Age : 28,8 shows the sample over the age of 50 years , followed by a 25,8% of them between the ages of 40_31 years , while 22,7% years including aged between 50_40 years while achieved the same year for the age group below the age of 30 years . Scientific qualification: show that 83,3% of the sample scientific qualification of a bachelors degree or less followed by 10,6% of doctoral while 6,1% were higher diploma Note Administrative level that 36, 4 %of the sample of heads of department, followed by 31, 8% including two vice principals, followed by 21, 2% managers while 10, 6% of them managers circle 5.1. Test the validity and reliability of the study scale I have been using ( cronhachs alpha ) test to measure the Test the validity and reliability of the study scale which reach to 95%.42=, as the value consider an excellent ratio being higher than acceptable 60% . we calculate and conclude and get out the average (mean) and standard deviation to describe the study sample toward the study component and the following are the results in the below tables, Table 2 Testing the validity and reliability of the study scale Strongly non Non agree Neutral agree Strongly standard average Paragraph agree agree deviation number % T % T % T % T % T Dependent variable, Self management The first dimension, creative climate. 7,6 5 15,2 10 21,2 14 48,5 32 7,6 5 1,07178 3,3333 1 7,6 5 12,1 8 15,2 10 53 35 12,1 8 1,09895 3,5000 2 12,1 8 22,7 15 30,3 20 28,8 19 6,1 4 1.12152 2,9394 3 4,5 3 9,1 6 12,2 14 48,5 32 16,7 11 1,01733 3,6364 4 4,5 3 7,6 5 16,7 11 56,1 37 15,2 10 0,97617 3,6970 5 9,1 6 15,2 10 19,7 13 47 31 9,1 6 1,12536 3,3182 6 12,1 8 18,2 12 28,8 19 34,8 23 6,1 4 1,12908 3,0455 7 _ _ 9,1 6 19,7 13 62,1 41 9,1 6 0,75986 3,7121 8 6,1 4 12,1 8 16,7 11 54,5 36 10,6 7 1,04134 3,5152 9 447
  7. Dr. Tareq Galeb Abu Orabi, Dr. Atef Saleh Ahmad Aladwan, Dr. Shadi Habis Abu Aloush, Dr. Khaled Adnan Bataineh, Second dimension ,The self _ control 7,6 5 13,6 9 13,6 9 56,1 37 9,1 6 1,08389 3,5454 10 6,1 4 16,7 11 36,4 24 30,3 20 10,6 7 1,04948 3,2273 11 3 2 7,6 5 15,2 10 59,1 39 15,2 10 0,91249 3,7576 12 7,6 5 7,6 5 19,7 13 50 33 15,2 10 1,08217 3,5758 13 7,6 5 6,1 4 22,7 15 54,5 36 9,1 6 1,01136 3,5152 14 1,5 1 13,6 9 34,8 23 39,4 26 10,6 7 0,91364 3.4394 15 3 2 13,6 9 24,2 16 45,5 30 13,6 9 0,99568 3,5303 16 6,1 4 7,6 5 13,6 9 60,6 40 12,1 8 0,99988 3,6515 17 The third dimension, decision making 3 2 6,1 4 15,2 10 59,1 39 16,7 11 0,89820 3,8030 18 _ _ 6,1 4 22,7 15 60,6 40 10,6 7 0,72453 3,7576 19 15 1 4,5 3 10,6 7 56,1 37 27,3 18 0,84069 4,0303 20 _ _ 13,6 9 22,7 15 47 31 16,7 11 0,91707 3,6667 21 4, 5 3 163,7 11 30,3 20 39,4 26 9,1 6 1,01009 3,3182 22 7,6 5 10,6 7 28,8 19 42,4 28 10,6 7 1,06360 3,3788 23 ======= ==== ------ ----- -------- --- ------ -------- ------- ------ --------- ------ The fourth dimension, Decentralization 4,5 3 12,1 8 27,3 18 53 35 2 0,90749 3,3788 24 6,1 4 7,6 5 27,3 18 43,9 29 15,2 10 1,04044 3,5455 25 9,1 6 7,6 5 13,6 9 54,5 36 15,2 10 1,12287 3,5909 26 6,1 4 7,6 5 27,3 18 48,5 32 10,6 7 0,99615 3,5000 27 3 2 1,5 1 13,6 9 65,2 43 16,7 11 0,79860 3,9091 28 _ _ 6,1 4 21,2 14 63.6 42 9,1 6 0,70297 3,7576 29 - ---- ------ -------- -------- -------- --------------- --------------- ---------------- Independent variable, organization creativity (strategy Outlook ) 3 2 4,5 3 21,2 14 60,6 40 10,6 7 0,83694 3,7121 30 1,5 1 15,2 10 25,8 17 47 31 10,6 7 0,93233 3,5000 31 3 2 12,1 8 9,1 6 65,2 43 10,6 7 0,93082 3,6818 32 4,5 3 12,1 8 22,7 15 54,5 36 6,1 4 0,94758 3,4545 33 448
  8. The Role of Self- Management Toward Promotion of Organizational Innovation and Creativity in the Industrial Sectors ectors in Jordan (Study on Managers in the Category of Fine Factory and Company Tourane and Acacia Sanitary Paper Consists) Premise R2 R DF SIG f value F value nihilism spreadsheet calculated HO Refuse 0.672 0.820 61/4 0.00 2.45 31.260 Figure 1 Significant Effect As we see in figure 1, this means stating that there is a statistically significant effect when the level of significance of the role of self-management self management (creative climate, self-control, self decision-making, decentralization of administration) in promoting organizational innovation in the th health paper industry sector. 5 4.5 4 3.5 3 2.5 Series 3 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 Category 1 Category 2 Category 3 Category 4 Figure 2 Averages and standards deviation of study variable As we can observe from the figure 2 that the averages and standards deviation of study variables are high and positive in terms of sample attitude towards the above above dimension because the averages are higher than and more than average of measurement tool 6. RESULTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 6.1. Results • The results showed that the first dimension, a creative climate was at the highest level when the question number (8) with a mean, was read (the more advanced age I find it is useless to search and investigate all that is new. • It is the second dimension of self-control self control was at the highest level at question number (12) with a mean (a .9394) and which read (express my views and my proposals freely even if the violators of the boss. • The third dimension, a decision-making decision making was at its highest level at question number (20) with a mean (3.7576) and which read (I can to defend my ideas and innovative CUTE strongly because my confidence confide and objective Trihi new ideas are good. • Fourth Dimension decentralized administration • The results showed that the fourth dimension, a decentralized administration was at its highest level (28) with a mean (p 0.9091). IJM/index.asp 449
  9. Dr. Tareq Galeb Abu Orabi, Dr. Atef Saleh Ahmad Aladwan, Dr. Shadi Habis Abu Aloush, Dr. Khaled Adnan Bataineh, 6.2. Recommendations • The study recommends the industrial sector held training courses for workers in the areas of self- management and organizational creativity, especially for workers with the heads of departments. • Recommendation researchers conducting studies similar to the current study, so, the introduction of new intermediate variables such as the number of training courses as those of the employee as well as conducting studies similar to the current study that deals with other industrial sectors. • Strengthen communication and coordination between the various administrative levels in the organization to achieve knowledge sharing between departments and personnel managers. • Interest in the participation of staff in strategic planning processes. • Upgrading programs for training of staff. 6.3. Proposals for Future Study • The study investigating the effect of self-management on the creative organization. • Study based on investigating the effectiveness of self-management system in the industrial sector and the success of its application. • Study after study is based on self-management system on the success of the creative organization and decision support systems • Study the success of self-management in the industrial sector applications. REFERENCES [1] Jumana Mohammed Abu Khater - self-management role in promoting organizational innovation field study of the sector commercial banks Letter Mnajstar unpublished-AL Amman University College- Oman. [2] Application Unpublished MA Thesis, University Mouloud Mammeri, TiziOuzou, Algeria [3] Introduction of work in the promotion of innovation seminar in business organizations, Damascus University, Faculty of Economics. [4] Tim, the Bull (2001), a successful self-management, translation Bashir al-Issawi, Riyadh: Dar Knowledge and Human Development. [5] Hamzah Abdulrahman Yahya Al Habri and Dr. Madhulika A. Sonawane, Impact of Management Information System (MIS) On Managers Decision in Industrial Companies in India. International Journal of Management (IJM), 7 (4), 201 6, pp.172 – 178. [6] Hagafi, Smile (2005), self-management to the headmistress in Mecca, unpublished Master Thesis, Umm Al Qura University, [7] Makkah, Saudi Arabia Jabari, Adnan (2009), the role of management innovation in improving the functionality of the Palestinian local bodies, Empirical Study on Hebron Electric Company. [8] Unpublished MA Thesis, University of Hebron, Hebron, Palestine. [9] Gelaoa, Mohammed (1998), selected administrative terms, 4th Floor, Cairo, Dar knowledge of the printing and publishing [10] Dr. R. Perumal and M. Pradeeba, Self Management among Managers and its Impact on Non-Managerial Employees’ Job Satisfaction in the Banking Sector. International Journal of Advanced Research in Management (IJARM), 5(6), 2015, pp. 4–12. [11] Hawi, faith (2011). Organizational innovation and its impact on job performance Empirical Study in the IbnMajid hospital Amh.cilh College of Management and Economics, University of Basra from 4.49 to 66 [12] Harem, Hussain (2004) behavior Altnzimi-the behavior of individuals and groups in business organizations Amman: Dar Al-Hamed for Publishing and Distribution [13] Hammadi, Ali (1999), Sun Saudi Fund for Human Resources Development (2007) - a methodological framework for the operation of Saudi women in the light of the adoption of teleworking options. Riyadh: publications Human Resources Development Fund. 450



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