Thesis of Doctor of Philosophy: A study on structural and semantic components of typical English and Vietnamese idioms
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The study is expected to reach the following objectives: To study how idioms are organized structurally and semantically in English and Vietnamese; to establish the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idioms in terms of structural and semantic components; to provide main factors lying behind the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idioms.
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Nội dung Text: Thesis of Doctor of Philosophy: A study on structural and semantic components of typical English and Vietnamese idioms
- VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES .............. οOο.............. ĐẶNG NGUYÊN GIANG A STUDY ON STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC COMPONENTS OF TYPICAL ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS (Nghiên cứu thành tố cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa của một số thành ngữ cố định (đặc ngữ) điển hình trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt) Major: English Linguistics Code: 62 22 15 01 A Thesis Submitted in Total Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy HANOI – 2013
- VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES .............. οOο.............. ĐẶNG NGUYÊN GIANG A STUDY ON STRUCTURAL AND SEMANTIC COMPONENTS OF TYPICAL ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS (Nghiên cứu thành tố cấu trúc và ngữ nghĩa của một số thành ngữ cố định (đặc ngữ) điển hình trong tiếng Anh và tiếng Việt) Major: English Linguistics Code: 62 22 15 01 A Thesis Submitted in Total Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Supervisors: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Võ Đại Quang Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Hùng Tiến HANOI – 2013
- DECLARATION BY AUTHOR Except where reference has been made in the text, this thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person. I, Đặng Nguyên Giang, hereby state that this thesis is the result of my own research and the substance of the thesis has not, wholly or in part, been submitted for any degrees to any other universities or institutions. i
- PUBLISHED WORKS BY THE AUTHOR RELEVANT TO THE THESIS Giang, Đ. N. (2009). Idiomatic Variants and Synonymous Idioms in English. VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages, 25 (2), 81-85. Giang, Đ. N. (2011). Idiom Variants and Synonymous Idioms in English and Vietnamese: The Similarities and Differences. VNU Journal of Science, Foreign Languages, 27 (4), 273-280. Giang, Đ. N. (2011). Bàn thêm về đặc tính ngữ nghĩa của thành ngữ tiếng Anh [On the semantic properties of English idioms]. Bản tin thông tin khoa học và công nghệ - Trường Đại học Tây Bắc, 1-6, 27-33. Giang, Đ. N. (2012). Bàn thêm về đặc tính ngữ nghĩa của thành ngữ tiếng Việt [On the semantic properties of Vietnamese idioms]. Từ điển học và Bách khoa thư, 15 (1), 38-43. ii
- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The completion of this dissertation is credited to many people’s contributions and support. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all most sincerely, knowing that my thanks are never adequate. I am greatly indebted to my supervisors Assoc. Prof. Dr. Võ Đại Quang and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lê Hùng Tiến for their encouragement, insightful comments and interest in my study. I would like to thank the staff of Post Graduate Department for their assistance that has made the finalization of the dissertation possible in a very short time. My sincere thanks also extend to Prof. Dr. Hoàng Văn Vân, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Văn Độ, Dr. Nguyễn Đức Hoạt, and Dr. Nguyễn Văn Trào for their invaluable suggestions, highly constructive comments on several issues related to the dissertation. Their willingness to support me, answer my questions, and comment on my dissertation content and organization has made me more confident to pursue the research in this challenging area. I give my sincere thanks to all my students, colleagues and friends who patiently listened to my frustrations, and provided me with encouragement, understanding and collegiality. As custom dictates, I have saved the most important people for last. My gratitude goes to my mother and father. Their constant love and unconditional support are simply beyond words. A big thank goes to my wife, Thanh Hà, and my gorgeous son, Bảo Nam, for their patience, endless love, and devotion. Whatever choices I have made, they have always stood by me and believed in me. I am immensely thankful for all the assistance they have given me. iii
- TABLE OF CONTENTS Declaration by Author……………………………………………..……………. i Published Works by the Author Relevant to the Thesis……………...….……. ii Acknowledgements……………………………………………………...……….. iii Abstract…………………………………………………………….……...……... viii List of Figures………………………………………………………...………….. x List of Tables……………………………………………………………...……… xiv List of Abbreviations and Symbols Used in the Thesis………………....……... xv List of Vietnamese – English Terms…………………………………..….…….. xvi PART A: INTRODUCTION…………………………………………....………. 1 1. Rationale…………………………………………………………..……..…….. 1 2. Aims and Objectives of the Study………………………………...…..……… 3 3. Research Questions………………………………………………....………… 3 4. Scope of the Study………………………………………...………….……….. 3 5. Contributions of the Study………………………………...……….………… 3 6. Methodology………………………………………………..……...…..………. 4 6.1. Theoretical Framework…………………………………..….…………… 4 6.2. Analytical Framework………………………………...…….……………. 7 6.3. Data Collection…………………………………………...….…………… 9 6.4. Data Analysis……………………………………………...….………….. 10 6.5. Procedure………………………………………………...…….…………. 12 7. Structure of the Study………………………………………...…….………… 13 PART B: DEVELOPMENT…………………………………………....……….. 14 CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW………………………...….…………. 14 1.1. Theoretical Background………………………………………...…….……. 14 1.1.1. Idioms Defined…………………………………………...…….………. 14 1.1.2. Idioms from Traditional View…………………………...…….……….. 16 1.1.3. Idioms from Cognitive View……………………………...…….……… 18 1.1.4. Idioms from Taxonomic View…………………………...…….………. 19 1.1.5. Idioms from Cultural View……………………………...…….……….. 28 1.1.6. Idioms in the Relationship to Other Linguistic Units………....……...… 29 1.2. Previous Research………………………………………………....…….….. 33 1.2.1. Previous Research Works on Idioms in English…………...….…….…. 33 iv
- 1.2.2. Previous Research Works on Idioms in Vietnamese………..……….…. 35 1.2.3. Previous Research Works on Idioms in English and Vietnamese under Comparison and Contrastive Analysis………………………………......….… 38 1.3. Summary……………………………………………………….…….….…... 39 CHAPTER 2: STRUCTURAL COMPONENTS OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS…………………………………………...…………… 41 2.1. Canonical Structural Components……………………………...…………. 41 2.1.1. Symmetrical Idioms……………………………………...…………….. 41 Realization……………………………………..…..…………… 41 Structural Patterns………………………………..….…………. 42 Structural Components…………………………....……………. 43 2.1.2. Similized Idioms……………………………………..……..…………... 51 Realization……………………………………..…..…………… 51 Structural Patterns……………………………..…..…………… 52 Structural Components………………………..….…….………. 53 2.1.3. Non-symmetrical idioms…………………………………....………….. 59 Realization……………………………………..…..…………… 59 Structural Patterns……………………………..…….…………. 60 Structural Components………………………….....…………… 62 2.2. Non-canonical Structural Components………………..…..………………. 69 2.2.1. Idiom Variants………………………………………….....……………. 70 Realization……………………………………..…..…………… 70 Structural Components………………………...…..…………… 72 2.2.2. Synonymous Idioms………………………………..…..………………. 78 Realization……………………………………..…..…………… 78 Structural Components…………………………....……………. 80 2.3. Structural Components of English and Vietnamese Idioms Compared 85 2.3.1. Similarities……………………………………………..…..…………… 85 Canonical Structural Components Found in both Languages…... 85 Non-canonical Structural Components Found in both Languages 85 2.3.2. Differences…………………………………….…………..…………… 86 Canonical Structural Components Unique to English………..… 88 Non-canonical Structural Components Unique to English…...... 89 v
- Canonical Structural Components Unique to Vietnamese..……. 90 Non-canonical Structural Components Unique to Vietnamese… 91 2.4. Summary………………………………………………………..………..….. 92 CHAPTER 3: SEMANTIC COMPONENTS OF ENGLISH AND VIETNAMESE IDIOMS………………………………………..……..…..……. 93 3.1. Canonical Semantic Components………………………………..…..…..… 93 3.1.1. Semantic Components of Symmetrical Idioms………………....……… 93 Motivation Degree of Semantic Components………..…...……. 93 Composition of Semantic Components………………….……... 100 3.1.2. Semantic Components of Similized Idioms……………………....……. 102 Motivation Degree of Semantic Components………..…..……. 102 Composition of Semantic Components……………..……..…... 105 3.1.3. Semantic Components of Non-symmetrical Idioms……………....…… 107 Motivation Degree of Semantic Components………….....……. 107 Composition of Semantic Components………………….……... 112 3.2. Non-canonical Semantic Components……………………………...……… 114 3.2.1. Semantic Components of Idiom Variants………………………………. 115 Realization……………………………………………....……… 115 Semantic Nuance……………………………………..…..…….. 116 3.2.2. Semantic Components of Synonymous Idioms……………..……..…… 118 Realization……………………………………………..…..…… 118 Semantic Nuance……………………………………….....……. 118 3.3. Formation of Semantic Components of Idioms……………………....…… 119 3.3.1. Formation Mechanism……………………………………….…...…….. 119 3.3.2. Main Factors Affecting the Formation of Semantic Components…….... 124 Living Circumstance……………………………...…….……… 124 Historical Allusion…………………………………....………... 126 Religions and Beliefs………………………………...………… 128 Traditions and Customs……………………………..…..……… 128 3.4. Semantic Components of English and Vietnamese Idioms Compared….. 130 3.4.1. Similarities……………………………………………....……………… 131 Canonical Semantic Components Found in both Languages….... 131 Non-canonical Semantic Components Found in both Languages 132 vi
- Formation of semantic components found in both Languages.... 133 3.4.2. Differences…………………………………………………….….…..… 134 Canonical Semantic Components Unique to English……….…. 135 Canonical Semantic Components Unique to Vietnamese…....... 136 Differences between English and Vietnamese in Terms of Main Factors that Affect the Formation of Semantic Components….. 136 3.5. Summary…………………………………………………………………..… 141 PART C: CONCLUSION…………………………………………….…………. 142 1. Recapitulation……………………………………………………...….………. 142 2. Conclusions………………………………………………………...…..……… 146 3. Implications for Idiom Teaching and Translation……………...……….….. 149 4. Suggestions for Further Studies……………………………………....……… 151 REFERENCES………………………………………………………….....…….. 153 APPENDIX 1…………………………………………………………...….…….. I APPENDIX 2…………………………………………………………...….…….. VII APPENDIX 3…………………………………………………….…...………….. XII APPENDIX 4………………………………………………………....………….. XVI vii
- ABSTRACT An investigation of idioms in English and Vietnamese in terms of structural and semantic components is carried out in the present study. Componential analysis, describing, comparing and contrasting are regarded as the main methods used in the present thesis. The findings of the study are concerned with the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese idioms in terms of (1) structural components, and (2) semantic components and their formation. In order to collect the data, a hand search approach of the dictionaries in both languages has been conducted, which helps to establish a corpus of 4,134 idioms in English and 4,053 idioms in Vietnamese. In the present study, a common theoretical framework on idioms is applied to both English and Vietnamese. The canonical structural and semantic components involve three types of idioms existing in our data: symmetrical, similized, and non-symmetrical (Đức 1995; Hành 2008). The canonical structural components of each idiom type are realized, described and analyzed according to grammatical rules suggested by Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, & Svartvik (1985). The non-canonical structural components involve two types of idioms: idiom variants and synonymous idioms. The semantic components of each idiom type involve the motivation degrees (transparent, semi-transparent, semi-opaque, and opaque) (Fernando & Flavell 1981; Fernando 1996), the association between the literal readings and the idiomatic meanings (Langlotz 2006), and the semantic composition of component parts (Hành 2008). The findings of the current study also reveal that most of the idioms in both English and Vietnamese are analyzable and have meanings that are at least partly motivated (Geeraets 1995; Gibbs 1990, 1995; Kövecses & Szabo 1996; Nunberg et al. 1994; Fernando 1996; Langlotz 2006; etc). The formation mechanism of the semantic components of idioms is motivated by external semantic cognition including metaphors, metonymies and conventional knowledge (Gibbs 1990, 1995). It is a natural process implicitly affected by several different factors such as living circumstance (geographical environment, climate), historical allusion (historical events, fables and mythologies, literary works), religions and beliefs, and traditions and customs (food and cooking, animals). This leads to a fact that the component parts forming idioms in the two viii
- languages are different although they denote similar concepts. The thesis also presents the implications for idiom teaching and translation. Keywords: idioms, idiomaticity, symmetrical idioms, similized idioms, non-symmetrical idioms, idiom variants, synonymous idioms, underlying factors, motivation degree, literal reading, idiomatic meaning ix
- LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Classification of symmetrical figurative idioms in Vietnamese (Hành 2008: 76)………………………………………………….….. 26 Figure 1.2: Classification of non-symmetrical figurative idioms in Vietnamese (Hành 2008: 100)……………………………………………….…… 27 Figure 1.3: Classification of similized idioms in Vietnamese (Hành 2008: 115) 27 Figure 2.1. Distribution of symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese….… 42 Figure 2.2: Structural patterns of symmetrical idioms in English……….…….… 42 Figure 2.3: Structural patterns of symmetrical idioms in Vietnamese……..……. 43 Figure 2.4: Structural components of A and B symmetrical idioms in English.… 44 Figure 2.5: Structural components of A or B symmetrical idioms in English…... 45 Figure 2.6: Structural components of A but B symmetrical idioms in English..… 46 Figure 2.7: Structural components of A to B symmetrical idioms in English........ 46 Figure 2.8: Structural components of A, B symmetrical idioms in English….….. 47 Figure 2.9: Symmetrical relationship between A and B of mẹ tròn con vuông in Vietnamese………………………………………………………...... 48 Figure 2.10: Symmetrical relationship between A and B of chạy ngược chạy xuôi in Vietnamese………………………………………………….. 49 Figure 2.11: Canonical structural components of symmetrical idioms in Vietnamese………………...…………………………………...…….. 50 Figure 2.12: Distribution of similized idioms in English and Vietnamese….…... 52 Figure 2.13: Structural patterns of similized idioms in English…………….…… 52 Figure 2.14: Structural patterns of similized idioms in Vietnamese………….…. 53 Figure 2.15: Structural components of as A as B similized idioms in English.…. 54 Figure 2.16: Structural components of A like B similized idioms in English….… 54 Figure 2.17: Structural components of […] like B similized idioms in English… 55 Figure 2.18: Structural components of […] as B similized idioms in English.….. 56 Figure 2.19: Structural components of A như B similized idioms in Vietnamese………………………………………………………….... 57 Figure 2.20: Structural components of (A) như B similized idioms in Vietnamese……………………………………………………...……. 58 Figure 2.21: Structural components of như B similized idioms in Vietnamese………………………………………………...………..... 59 x
- Figure 2.22: Structural components of AB similized idioms in Vietnamese….… 59 Figure 2.23: Distribution of non-symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………………………… 60 Figure 2.24: Structural patterns of non-symmetrical idioms in English……..…... 61 Figure 2.25: Structural patterns of non-symmetrical idioms in Vietnamese..…… 61 Figure 2.26: Structural components of A HN (B) non-symmetrical idioms as noun phrases in English……………………………………………... 62 Figure 2.27: Structural components of AB non-symmetrical idioms as adjective phrases in English…………………………………………………… 63 Figure 2.28: Structural components of Prep B non-symmetrical idioms as prepositional phrases in English…………………………….….…… 64 Figure 2.29: Structural components of A Adv non-symmetrical idioms as adverbial phrases in English…………………………………...……. 64 Figure 2.30: Structural components of (A) V/PV B non-symmetrical idioms as verb phrases in English……………………………………………… 65 Figure 2.31: Structural components of non-symmetrical idioms as sentences in English…………………………………………………………......... 66 Figure 2.32: Structural components of AB non-symmetrical idioms as noun phrases in Vietnamese……………………………...……………….. 67 Figure 2.33: Structural components of AB non-symmetrical idioms as adjective phrases in Vietnamese…………………...………………………….. 68 Figure 2.34: Structural components of AB non-symmetrical idioms as verb phrases in Vietnamese…………………………...………………….. 68 Figure 2.35: Structural components of non-symmetrical idioms as sentences in Vietnamese………………………………………...……...……….... 69 Figure 2.36: Distribution of idiom variants in English and Vietnamese…….…... 71 Figure 2.37: Realization criteria of idiom variants in English and Vietnamese.… 72 Figure 2.38: Distribution of synonymous idioms in English and Vietnamese..…. 79 Figure 2.39: Realization criteria of synonymous idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………..………………...……. 80 Figure 2.40: Distribution of idiom types in English and Vietnamese……….…... 87 Figure 2.41: Distribution of idiom variants and synonymous idioms in English and Vietnamese……………………………………….………...….. 87 Figure 3.1. Distribution of transparent symmetrical idioms in English and xi
- Vietnamese………………………………………………...…..…… 94 Figure 3.2: Semantic components of transparent symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………………….. 94 Figure 3.3: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of slowly but surely in English and bày mưu tính kế in Vietnamese. 95 Figure 3.4: Transformation of quốc sắc thiên hương (from Sino-Vietnamese into Vietnamese)……………………………………...……………... 95 Figure 3.5: Distribution of semi-opaque symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese………………………………………………...……..…. 96 Figure 3.6: Semantic components of semi-opaque symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese………………………………..…………… 97 Figure 3.7: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of day and night in English and mồm năm miệng mười in Vietnamese…………………………………………..……………… 97 Figure 3.8: Distribution of opaque symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………...…………..…. 98 Figure 3.9: Semantic components of opaque symmetrical idioms in Vietnamese…………………………………………...……………... 98 Figure 3.10: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of già kén kẹn hom in Vietnamese……………………………...…… 99 Figure 3.11: Distribution of semi-transparent similized idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………...…………..…. 102 Figure 3.12: Semantic components of semi-transparent similized idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………….. 103 Figure 3.13: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of as busy as a bee in English and chậm như rùa in Vietnamese………………………………………………………….. 103 Figure 3.14: Distribution of semi-opaque similized idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………...……………... 104 Figure 3.15: Semantic components of semi-opaque similized idioms in English and Vietnamese……………………………………………….…….. 104 Figure 3.16: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of as black as coal in English and đen như chó in Vietnamese…………………………………...……………………... 105 xii
- Figure 3.17: Distribution of transparent non-symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………………..…...…. 108 Figure 3.18: Semantic components of in any case in English……………….…... 108 Figure 3.19: Distribution of semi-opaque non-symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………...………… 109 Figure 3.20: Semantic components of semi-opaque non-symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………….. 109 Figure 3.21: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of throw a spanner into the works in English and áo gấm đi đêm in Vietnamese……………………………….…………………...…….. 110 Figure 3.22: Distribution of opaque non-symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese………………………………………………..………… 110 Figure 3.23: Semantic components of kick the bucket in English and đẽo cày giữa đường in Vietnamese………………………………...………... 111 Figure 3.24: The relationship between the literal reading and idiomatic meaning of kick the bucket in English and đẽo cày giữa đường in Vietnamese…………………………………...……………………... 111 Figure 3.25: The semantic composition of kick the bucket in English and đẽo cày giữa đường in Vietnamese (drawn from Fernando & Flavell 1981)………………………………………………………………… 113 Figure 3.26: The formation of an idiom in English and Vietnamese (drawn from Fernando & Flavell 1981: 26)…………………………….………… 120 Figure 3.27: The formation mechanism of semantic components of idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………...………………... 123 Figure 3.28: Main factors that affect the formation of semantic components of idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………. 133 Figure 3.29: Motivation degrees of symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese…………………………………………………………. 134 Figure 3.30: Motivation degrees of similized idioms in English and Vietnamese………………………………………………………….. 134 Figure 3.31: Motivation degrees of non-symmetrical idioms in English and Vietnamese………………………………………………………….. 135 xiii
- LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Traditional view of kick the bucket in English..………………….….… 17 Table 1.2: Traditional view of mì chính cánh in Vietnamese…….……..……....... 17 Table 1.3: Types of Idioms (Fernando 1996: 32)………………….…….....….…... 21 Table 1.4: Distinguishing criteria of idioms…………………….……...…………. 32 Table 2.1: Possible variabilities of idiom variants in English…………………….. 75 Table 2.2: Possible variabilities of idiom variants in Vietnamese…………...…… 78 Table 2.3: Possible variabilities of synonymous idioms in English……..…..……. 82 Table 2.4: Possible variabilities of synonymous idioms in Vietnamese……....….. 84 Table 2.5: Possible variabilities of idiom variants found in both English and Vietnamese…………………………………………….…….………… 86 Table 2.6: Possible variabilities of synonymous idioms found in both English and Vietnamese…………………………………………….………….. 86 Table 2.7: Structural components of non-symmetrical idioms unique to English.. 89 Table 2.8: Possible variabilities of idiom variants and synonymous idioms unique to English……………………………………………………… 89 Table 2.9: Structural components of non-symmetrical idioms unique to Vietnamese………………………………………………….………... 90 Table 2.10: Possible variabilities of idiom variants and synonymous idioms unique to Vietnamese…………………………………….….………… 91 Table 3.1: Nuances of different idiom variant types in English and Vietnamese.... 117 Table 3.2: The coordination of semantic components of symmetrical idioms found in both English and Vietnamese…………………..…………… 131 Table 3.3: The existential relationship between A and B of similized idioms found in both English and Vietnamese…………………..…………… 132 Table 3.4: Differences between English and Vietnamese in terms of main factors that affect the formation of semantic components of idioms…….……. 140 xiv
- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS AND SYMBOLS USED IN THE DISSERTATION […] absence of constituents Adj adjective AdjP adjective phrase Adv adverb AdvP adverbial phrase Cl clause De determiner DCl dependent clause Ger gerund HN head noun InCl independent clause LT language teaching NePa negative particle N noun NP noun phrase Mo modifier Op operator PV phrasal verb Prep preposition PrepP prepositional phrase Pro pronoun TL target language To-inf to-infinitive Sen sentence Sim similized SL source language Sub subordinator Syn synonymous V verb VP verb phrase xv
- LIST OF VIETNAMESE – ENGLISH TERMS bán mờ semi-opaque bán tường minh semi-transparent biến thể thành ngữ idiom variant chuyển đổi theo nghĩa đen literalized transformation đẳng kết coordination đồng đại synchronic evolution hình ảnh biểu trưng mental image mờ opaque khuynh hướng nghiên cứu approach phi đẳng kết non-coordination phương pháp phục nguyên etymologizing tâm nguyên etymology thành ngữ đồng nghĩa synonymous idiom thành ngữ đối xứng symmetrical idiom thành ngữ phi đối xứng non-symmetrical idiom thành ngữ ví von hóa similized idiom hợp phần component tường minh transparent sắc thái nghĩa nuance xvi
- PART A: INTRODUCTION 1. Rationale ‘The accurate and appropriate use of expressions which are in the broadest sense idiomatic is one distinguishing mark of a native command of the language and a reliable measure of the proficiency of foreign learners’ (Cowie, Mackin & McCaig 1993: x). In fact, I started learning English in 1994. And I am now working as a teacher of English in a university in Sonla. Indeed, my students and I all desire to master English as the native speakers; nevertheless, we usually face a lot of difficulties that prevent us from gaining natural conversations. One of the reasons for these problems lies in the way we perceive and use idioms. The structural and semantic problems posed by idioms puzzle us a lot. Of all the difficulties the most familiar is that of meaning: most idioms do not mean what they appear to mean. The sense of the whole idiom is usually different from the meanings of the combination of its component parts. The study is carried out with the hope that, to some extent, our problems will be solved. Actually, studying idioms is not new; nonetheless, it has never been old. In Vietnam, there exist three approaches in studying idioms: etymology, synchronic evolution, and comparison and contrastive analysis (Hành 2008). Firstly, the investigations on idioms under etymology go into macro field. These studies focus on the formation and transformation of each idiom during its existence. It is hard work taking a lot of time and energy. The method mainly used in these studies is the etymologizing, i.e. the origins of idioms are recovered in order to make the forms and the idiomatic meanings transparent. Hành (2002) and Minh (2007) are the typical authors who pay attention to this area. The second approach in studying idioms is synchronic evolution. Descriptive method is used in these studies from which the underlying cultural factors behind the idioms are partly interpretable. This area of study attracts a lot of authors such as San (1974), Việt (1981), Lực & Đang (1978), Đức (1995), Hành (2008), etc. Studying idioms under comparison and contrastive analysis is the third approach. The studies under original recovery and synchronic evolution are the backgrounds for comparison and contrastive works. Several attempts have been made to work out the similarities and differences between English and Vietnamese in terms of emotion expressing idioms (Trào 2009), idiomatic verb phrases (Long 2010), idiom translation (Lan 2001; Phúc 2009), etc. An in-depth investigation of the structural and semantic components of 1
- idioms will also offer excellent opportunities for cross-language comparison and analysis. Structurally, English and Vietnamese are very different. English is regarded as a semi- inflectional language (Crystal 1997) while Vietnamese is completely isolating. It is interesting, nevertheless, that several idioms in English have the same structural patterns as those in Vietnamese. For example, like water off a duck’s back in English and như nước đổ đầu vịt in Vietnamese are both prepositional phrases. It is more interesting that the idiomatic meanings of the two idioms are also similar, and they are paraphrasable as ‘have no effect’. In terms of structural components, these idioms have both similarities and differences. They are similized idioms introduced by prepositions as the first component parts (like in English and như in Vietnamese). The differences lie in the rest of component parts forming the idioms. The component parts after like in English together form a noun phrase whereas those after như in Vietnamese together form a clause. To the best of my knowledge, the structural components of idioms in both English and Vietnamese have not yet been investigated in this way. Although the component parts forming idioms expressing the same concepts in English and Vietnamese are usually different, they have some features in common. The idioms in both languages appear from totally transparent to the totally opaque: transparent, i.e. all the components are explicit (e.g. slow but sure in English and bàn đi tính lại (discuss something carefully) in Vietnamese); semi-transparent, i.e. some components are explicit (the meaning focused) and the other are implicit (e.g. as busy as a beaver (very busy) in English and đẹp như tiên (very beautiful) in Vietnamese); semi-opaque, i.e. all the components are implicit but possibly interpretable (e.g. like a duck to water (feel comfortable) in English and như chó với mèo (be always conflictive) in Vietnamese); and opaque, i.e. all the components are implicit (e.g. kick the bucket (die) in English and đẽo cày giữa đường (be indeterminate in one’s position) in Vietnamese) (Fernando & Flavell 1981; Fernando 1996). Investigating semantic components of idioms based on these semantic criteria in both English and Vietnamese is still the gap. In addition, what main factors lie behind the differences between the two languages in terms of the formation of semantic components of idioms also need uncovering (Hành 2008). For the reasons presented above, we state that studying the structural and semantic components of idioms in both English and Vietnamese in order to fill in the gap in research is necessary. 2

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54 |
A thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Nonlinear distortions and countermeasures for performance improvements in contemporary radio communication systems
158 p |
27 |
Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Development of a risk-adjusted working capital model: empirical evidence on its contribution to profitability and credit ratings
218 p |
16 |
Doctoral thesis of Philosophy: Metaphor as a means to constructively influence behavioural interactions in project teams
217 p |
8 |
A thesis for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Repeated index modulation for OFDM systems
106 p |
16 |
Thesis summary of Doctor of philosophy on Business administration: Factors affecting the quality of human resources in the tourism of Ba Ria - Vung Tau province
26 p |
46 |
A thesis submitted in fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy: Use of Z-stack imaging to quantify the phase behaviour of biomaterial composites in relation to theoretical predictions of blending laws from rheological measurements
213 p |
14 |
Dissertation of Doctor of Philosophy in Mathematics: Stability of discrete time 2-D singular systems with delays
120 p |
8 |

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