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Unit 1: Home Life (Advanced textbook)

Chia sẻ: Thanh Cong | Ngày: | Loại File: PDF | Số trang:4

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Unit 1: Home Life (Advanced textbook) I. Reading: 1. iron clothes : ủi quần áo 2. mop the floor : lau sàn nhà 3. air-dry the clothes/ the laundry : phơi quần áo 4. dispose of garbage : đổ rác 5. laundry (n) : quần áo cần giặt, sự giặt, tiệm giặt 6. pigsty (n) : chuồng lợn 7. teenage children : con/ trẻ em vị thành niên 8. disgust (n) : sự kinh tởm disgusted (a) : cảm thấy kinh tởm disgusting (a) : làm kinh tởm disgustedly (adv) : 1 cách kinh tởm 9. glare (n) : cái nhìn...

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  1. Unit 1: Home Life (Advanced textbook) I. Reading: : ủi quần áo 1. iron clothes 2. mop the floor : lau sàn nhà : phơi quần áo 3. air-dry the clothes/ the laundry : đổ rác 4. dispose of garbage : quần áo cần giặt, sự giặt, tiệm giặt 5. laundry (n) : chuồng lợn 6. pigsty (n) : con/ trẻ em vị thành niên 7. teenage children : sự kinh tởm 8. disgust (n) : cảm thấy kinh tởm disgusted (a) disgusting (a) : làm kinh tởm : 1 cách kinh tởm disgustedly (adv) : cái nhìn trừng trừng, ánh sáng chói 9. glare (n) : chiếu sáng, nhìn trừng trừng glare (v) : sự mâu thuẫn 10. conflict (n) : mâu thuẫn với conflict (v) ~ : có tính mâu 5huẫn conflicting (a) : viễn cảnh, kịch bản 11. scenario (n) : lập lại 12. repeatedly (adv) : trận chiến 13. battle (n) : chiến đấu battle (v)~ with : làm mất tinh thần, can đảm 14. dismay (v) dismayed (a)~ at : : làm bối rối, làm hoang mang 15. bewilder (v) : bối rối bewildered (a) : sự bối rối, hoang mang bewilderment (n) : thổi bay đi (từ bỏ) 16. blow off (blow- blew- blown) : rầy la, bắt nạt 17. nag (v) : sự la lối, giẻ rách nag (n) 18. soiled dishes : chén dĩa dơ 19. hang up : treo 20. credit (n) : lòng tin : việc trong nhà 21. household labor 22. devastate (v) : tàn phá, phá huỷ : sự tàn phá devastatation (n) devastating (a) : tàn phá 23. dynamics (n) : động lực học, dynamics (n) [plu] : the way in which people or things behave and react to each other in a particular situation : năng động dynamic (a) 24. at some level : ở một mức độ nào đó : chia sẻ, phân phối 25. divvy up : đương thời 26. contemporary (a) : thực dụng, giáo điều, võ đoán 27. pragmatic : nội địa, bên trong 28. domestic (a) 29. window cleaner (n) : chất rửa cửa sổ : kinh khủng, tồi tệ 30. awful (a) 1
  2. II. Speaking: 1. gathering (n) : buổi hơp mặt 2. spill a cup of tea on her lap: làm đổ trà vào vạt áo : cây chậu 3. pot plant (n) 4. have an urgent phone: có đện thoại khẩn 5. apologize to sb for sth : xin lỗi : sự xin lỗi apology (n) → make an apology to sb 6. forgive – forgave- forgiven: tha thứ : quấy rối 7. disturb (v) : sự quấy rối, kẻ náo động disturbance (n) 8. droop for lack of water : rũ xuống vì thiếu nước 9. be overwhelmed with : tràn ngập, dồn dập : sự vụng về 10. clumsiness (n) : buổi diễn tập kịch 11. a play rehearsal : thực hiện bổn phận 12. do your duty III. Listening: 1. a walking toddler (n) : đứa bé đi chập chững : hút bụi 2. vacuum (v) : máy hút bụi 3. vacuum cleaner (n) : nuôi, cho ăn 4. feed-fed –fed : trẻ con 5. kid (n) : công việc mùa hè 6. summer chore (n) : tận dụng 7. take advantage of 8. development process : quá trình phát triển : phun, xịt 9. spray (v) : cửa kéo 10. sliding door : kế hoạch quét dọn 11. cleanup project (n) 12. wipe (v) : lau, chùi : dấu tay 13. hand prints : vết bẩn trên tấm thảm 14. spots on carpets IV. Writing: : (bộ) luật gia đình = list of family rules 1. set of family rules : đơn giản hoá 2. simplify (v) : làm sáng tỏ 3. clarify (v) : tủ lạnh 4. refrigerator = fridge 5. make it clear to sb that : làm rõ : đại diện 6. represent (v) representative (n) (a) : người đại diện, tiêu biểu : sự đại diện ,representation (n) : dán băng keo , buộc 7. tape (v) 8. yell (v) (n) : la hét 9. value your input and ideas : coi trọng sự đóng góp và ý kiến : bày tỏ ý kiến 10. make your point : thiết bị, dụng cụ trong nhà 11. household appliances 12. housewarming party : tiệc tân gia 13. make yourself at home : be comfortable and relaxed : môn kinh tế gia đình, việc tề gia nội trợ 14. home economics : nhà khách, nhà trọ thượng hạng 15. guesthouse (n) : quản gia 16. housekeeper (n) 2
  3. : hồi hương 17. homecoming (n) : đón 18. pick up (v) : ngủ trưa 19. take a nap : thùng rửa, chậu rửa 20. sink (n) : giặt dũ 21. do the laundry : truờng mẫu giáo 22. kindergarten (n) : có vấn đề với, gặp rắc rối 23. have problems with : lơ là 24. neglect (v) : bừa bộn 25. messy (a) 26. argue with sb about sth : tranh cãi Unit 1: (Listening) Home Life (advanced) * Listen to a woman's suggestions of summer domestic chores for kids. Number the ideas in order. The first one has been done for you. * Listen and fill in the blank: Well, feeding and (1)___________ pets are important in the summer. (2)___________ in hot weather, animals need to be watered like humans. With all the water (3)___________ of summer, floors and carpets also need to be cleaned more often. Kids can help (4)___________ and mop floors if they are taught how. (5)___________ is a chore that most children can do. Cleaning (6)___________ on carpets can be done by chi ldren if parents take a few minutes to train them. Watering (7)___________ and plants is a great summer chore for kids. Even a (8)___________ can water flowers and plants, and most young children love water, so take advantage of the development (9)____ _______ and give them something important and fun to do. Windows and (10)___________glass doors seem to collect hand prints in the summer. Why not include the kids in this (11)___________ project? (12)___________window cleaner on a window can be lots of fun, and wiping the windows clean a satisfying task . . . Speaking model: Last week I had to make an apology to my parents because I failed to keep my promise of picking up m y younger brother from kindergarten. My morn had asked me to do so because she had a meeting late then. I played soccer with some boys in the neighborhood so enthusiastically that I forgot to get my brother home. When I got home, my parents were very Irritated because they had been so worried about my brother and me that my dad had to go to kindergarten. When he reached there, the boy was crying and his teacher was very nervous. My parents scolded and nagged me about my irresponsibility, and particularly, my lack of love for my little bro ther. I was punished by not going out on weekends for t wo weeks. I knew I was wrong. I apologized to my parents for my error and promised not to commit it again because I do love my little brother. Well, everyone makes mistakes in some way. but the thing is to realize them and avoid making them again. Right? Cultural Diversity Unit 2: 3
  4. * Listen to the conversation between Link and her English friend, Christine, and fill in the blanks with appropriate words or phrases * listen and fill in the blank: Linh: My parents and I are go ing on a (1)__________ to some countries in Europe. I think it is important to know the gift-giving (2)__________ of the places we are visiting. Christine: Well, in my country as well as in other (3)__________ countries, we often bring gifts when we are invited to a friend's or a (4)__________ ‘s house for dinner. Linh: What is the appropriate gift on this occasion? Christine: Flowers are a sate and (5)__________ gift throughout Europe; however, red roses are often given by lovers and would be inappropriate on this (6)__________. Linh And ... how many (7)__________ would be appropriate Christine: Um ... Ten or more is oil right, but, you know ..., in Germany it is (8)__________ bad luck to receive an even number of flowers. If you are in (9)__________, you should bring nine or eleven flowers to your host or (10)__________. By the way, Unh, could you tell me about the gift -giving (11)__________ in some Asian countries? Linh Well, in most of Asia, you can (12)__________ your hosts by paying attention to what you give as gifts. For example, in Viet Nam, never give glasses to a (13)__________ and a groom on their wedding, since the Vietnamese word for glass means (14)__________. Christine: Oh! It's good to know that. Linh And ... if you are in Hong Kong or in Viet Nam, gifts to avoid are (15)__________ or knives, which indicate the end of a (16)__________. Christine: You mean, we shouldn't give scissors or (17)__________ in Hong Kong or here, in Viet Nam? Linh That's right. And ... in Viet Nam, Korea, and most of Asia, we do not (18)__________ the gifts to be opened until after the (19)__________ have left. Christine: It's (20)__________. In England, when we receive a gift, we open it (21)__________ to show the gift giver that we are very interested in it. 4



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