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Workplace conflict management and administrative productivity of staff of selected ICT driven public universities

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The study adopted the survey research design in collecting data from three public universities that were chosen from three states to represent Southwest Nigeria namely: Oyo, Lagos and Ogun.

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  1. International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology (IJMET) Volume 10, Issue 03, March 2019, pp. 133–143, Article ID: IJMET_10_03_013 Available online at ISSN Print: 0976-6340 and ISSN Online: 0976-6359 © IAEME Publication Scopus Indexed WORKPLACE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATIVE PRODUCTIVITY OF STAFF OF SELECTED ICT DRIVEN PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES IGBINOBA Ebeguki, SALAU Odunayo, FALOLA Hezekiah, OLOKUNDUN Maxwell, Ogueyungbo Opeyemi Business Management Department, Covenant University, Nigeria ABSTRACT Conflict management strategies are the measures used to manage conflict in the university in order to improve staff performance but unfortunately these universities have suffered major decline in Nigeria university due to conflict. The study adopted the survey research design in collecting data from three public universities that were chosen from three states to represent Southwest Nigeria namely: Oyo, Lagos and Ogun. The contiguity of the three States is another factor of convenience and reach which supported the selection of the States. The analysis which included the quantitative analysis aimed at assessing the main conflict management strategies that can influence the productivity of staff in the selected public universities. Based on the results, the hypothetical model of conflict management strategies and productivity was drawn up, which was later tested in the current study with a PLS-SEM path analysis. The above summary shows that only two hypotheses were rejected. Accommodation strategy does not influence staff productivity, nor does the collaboration strategy have an effect on the productivity of staff. The results show that there are other several connections between conflict management strategies and staff productivity. Key words: Conflict, Compromise, Collaboration, Accommodation, Avoidance, Productivity Cite this Article: IGBINOBA Ebeguki, SALAU Odunayo, FALOLA Hezekiah, OLOKUNDUN Maxwell, Ogueyungbo Opeyemi, Workplace Conflict Management and Administrative Productivity of Staff of Selected ICT Driven Public Universities, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Technology 10(3), 2019, pp. 133–143. 1. INTRODUCTION Conflict is an inevitable and consistent trait in corporate organizations which results from deviations in interest of individual employees and management. The workplace as a reflection of larger society is full of conflict indoctrinating affairs (Oni-Ojo and Roland-Otaru, 2013). 133
  2. Workplace Conflict Management and Administrative Productivity of Staff of Selected ICT Driven Public Universities Conflict occurs at both individual and collective level, and because the values, interest, attitude and goals of individuals differ, it tends to be unavoidable (Oni-Ojo, Iyiola, and Osibanjo, 2014). According to Igbinoba, Osibanjo and Salau, (2016) universities in Nigeria have been plague with series of internal and external conflicts which renders the goals and objectives of the institutions counterproductive. This can be seen by the poor performance of the institutions in global rankings as non-Nigerian universities have featured in the best one thousand universities in the world. This could be attributed to series of conflict that have plagued the universities. These are clear factors to show that universities are susceptible to conflict owing to the diversity factors and thus cannot be avoided. Conflict is a major problem that affect performance (Adebisi, 2014). It is believed that employees cannot be committed or dedicated to their work whenever conflict exist without proper management (Nair, 2008). Conflict that is not managed properly can affect the university setting, affect the image of the institution, poor relation among staff, management and parents. Alabi (2002) suggested that it impossible for conflict to be completely avoidable in the university but can be managed because no development can take place where there is dispute. In other to manage conflict in the university, certain management strategies should be put in place (Havenga, 2005). Conflict in the workplace over the years have been seen has a major duty of the management who often times handle it with lackadaisical attitude. So conflict can be either be positive or negative depending on the way it is handled (Oni-Ojo, Iyiola & Osibanjo 2014). In Nigeria, conflict in the public universities has become incessant due to bad working condition, unfavourable rules and regulation, workload, non-implementation of agreements, pay disaffection and these have often resulted into low productivity, reduced motivation and high turnover. Thus, there is the need to examine conflict management and its implication for the performance of staff in public universities. Gmelch and Carroll (1991) suggested that conflict “is sewn into the fabrics” of educational institutions. Most conflicts in Nigerian public institutions, arises from the government not fulfilling its collective agreement with its employees or non-academic staff union and usually persist due to the approach in managing the conflict. Thereby, resulting in non-academic staff embarking on several industrial action which may often last for months. Consequently, this action leaves the administrative staff with a low morale, decrease in productivity, increase in absenteeism, increase in defective products due to lowered commitment to work, and health issues due to stress and depression. Therefore, since the public universities have been experiencing incessant labour unrest, it becomes pertinent to examine its conflict management approaches on employees’ intention to stay. In most public universities today, one of the key problems is that implementation of conflict management is not seen as an important technique for reducing conflict in the organisation. It is against this problem statement that this study examined the impact of workplace conflict management strategies (avoiding strategy, dominating strategy, compromising strategy, integrating strategy and obliging strategy) on administrative staff productivity in public universities. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW Conflict is inevitable in human activities due to divergent views and aspirations. Organisation comprises of people with various background, attitude, beliefs, skills and personality, which makes conflict unavoidable (Uwa 2014). Conflict centres on the inability of those concerned to be able to iron out their differences (Oni-Ojo and Roland-Otaru, 2013). Fatile and Adejuwon (2011) view conflict has what occurs when people have incompatible ideals over the sharing of scarce resources to meet teeming demands. Conflict can also be a disagreement or differences that occurs as a result of trying to use inadequate resources to meet divergent needs which could be tangible or intangible such as opinions and ideas (Bankovskaya, 2012). 134
  3. IGBINOBA Ebeguki, SALAU Odunayo, FALOLA Hezekiah, OLOKUNDUN Maxwell, Ogueyungbo Opeyemi This conflict can either be positive or negative (Haas, 1999). Positive conflict is useful, support and also profitable to the organisations or person’s main objective (Oucho 2002). While negative conflict is dysfunctional and prevent the person or organisation from performing well and unable to achieve goals and objectives (Baker, 2011). Conflict is a component of interpersonal interactions which cannot be avoided. Several studies have been carried out on causes of organisational conflict and strategies have been postulated for their effective management. However, not much attention has been paid to the impact of workplace conflict management strategies on staff productivity. It is perceived that conflict can improve performance and productivity when handled well. When conflict is resolved well, relationships and organizations generally improve overall. Every conflict mode has value and is important that focuses on desired outcomes and enhances ability to be better conflict negotiators. To buttress this point, Olaogun, Ogunleye and Fatoki (2007) opined that, conflict is constructive when it increases the quality of decisions made, fosters creativity and innovation, promotes amongst group members their interest and curiosity, provides a platform through which problems are managed thereby easing tension and encourages an environment of self – assessment and modification. 3. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT Conflict management is necessary in order to maintain sanity and cooperation in the workplace when conflict arises. Conflict must be managed effectively so as to prevent it from escalating to the point that the organisation would not be able to handle it. Conflict management is the ability of an organisation to identify the sources of conflict and implement effective measures to bring it under control (Adamu, Abdu &Talatu 2017). Conflict management is the implementation of certain strategies to reduce the bad side of conflict, and increase its positive aspect in other to increase staff performance and effectiveness in the organisation (Edwin, 2013). An organisation is therefore, to identify and implement appropriate strategy to control conflict. Conflict managed appropriately promote open and effective communication, feedback and effective decision making, (Awan and Anjum 2015). Also if conflict is managed properly it would have a positive impact on employee’s satisfaction and performance of the organisation (Abdul 2015). Effective management of conflict can lead to better performance of staff and also improve interactions within the organisation. Properly managed conflict would increase staff participation, innovativeness and productivity among staff (Rum, Troena and Hadiwiioyo, 2013). The educational sector is not an exemption. Therefore management of public universities should improve their conflict management strategies in other to have a better understanding of conflict in the university. But when conflict is not properly managed it can lead to bad feelings, low turnover, low output (Henry, 2009). 4. CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Conflict management strategies are the measures the management use to manage conflict in the university in order to improve staff performance. They are considered the mechanisms used by organisations in resolving conflict (Adeyemi and Ademilua, 2012). Awan and Anjum (2015) opined that effectively managing conflict can bring about positive results like promotion of open communication, collaborative decision making, regular feedback and timely settlement of conflict. They also argued that in return, unmanaged conflict can as well promote dysfunctional communication and poor behaviour among employees which can have effect on overall employee morale thereby resulting in lower productivity. In line with this, Albert (2011) argued that, organisations that constructively manage conflict tend to encourage a positive employee performance while ill-managed conflict result in lowered employee 135
  4. Workplace Conflict Management and Administrative Productivity of Staff of Selected ICT Driven Public Universities morale, reduced employee productivity, increased employee absenteeism, increased chances of losing skilled personnel, leads to loss man and machinery hours, and may lead to an decrease in service quality. As a result, several scholars over time have come up with different strategies or style of managing conflict. Among the prominent ones are Follett; Blake and Mouton; Thomas; Singleton, Toombs, Taneja, Larkin, and Pryor; Rahim and Bonoma; and Pruitts (Igbinoba, 2015). Leffel, Hallam, and Darling (2012) opined that conflict management is not terminating conflict, but using methods such as compromise, collaboration, avoidance, competition and accommodation will help to reduce the dysfunction aspect and enhance its constructive efficiency. Therefore, the proxies of workplace conflict management such as compromise, collaboration, avoidance, competition and accommodation are expressed below: Workplace Conflict Definitions Management Compromise This refers to the willingness of each conflicting party to give up something. For the purpose of resolving conflict, each disputing part gives up something of value. This means “no winner, no looser”. Collaboration This strategy involves the process of negotiation, discussion and consultation between the disputing parties. Juchel (2002:1284) argues that when the conflicting parties jointly discuss the disputing issues openly, they arrive at a favourable solution because it is done with both parties been in a good state of mind. It is a problem solving strategy that involves integration of each party’s interest. It is a win - win situation. Avoidance The avoidance strategy can be referred to as the aspiration to withdraw from or suppress a conflict. Conflict avoidance is a strategy that involves quietly reducing conflict to the barest minimum. As Ojo (2005:18) rightly observed that management are able to be make decisions after they have gathered enough information on the disputing issue(s) through avoidance. Avoidance is a personality trait that tries to avoid violent demonstration of grievances which may end up compounding situations. It shows a withdrawal from or a negligent attitude to any party’s interest. Competition The competing strategy simply refers to the drive to meet the expectations of one’s interest notwithstanding its effect on the other conflicting party. Accommodating The accommodating strategy involves a process in which one party in a conflict is willing to rank the opposing party’s interest above his/her own. This involves a disputing party giving up its interest in order to resolve the conflict. Ojo (2005:18) argues that when it is more important to one party, it is acceptable. Accommodation occurs often for the purpose of maintaining relationships with the disputing opponent and in a bid to keep peace or to earn social credit that would later be used for recommendation. 5. ORGANISATIONAL PRODUCTIVITY Appraising the productivity of administrative staff in an organisation is considered an essential tool for improving organisational effectiveness (Salau, Oni-Ojo, Falola, and Dirisu, 2014) as it leads to accomplishing its set goals and objectives. Service quality, operational efficiency, training and teaching students both informally and formally have been identified as indicators for assessing the performance of administrative staff in tertiary institutions (Mawoli, & Babandako, 2011; Mushemeza, 2016; Ologunde, Akindele, Akande, 2013; Tinuke, 2015). Abba & Mugizi (2018) opined that these roles of teaching, research/ publication and community service are vital to any nation’s development globally as these roles especially community service promote social service, financial literacy, health and reduced crime in communities. Research which is one the reasons for the creation of 136
  5. IGBINOBA Ebeguki, SALAU Odunayo, FALOLA Hezekiah, OLOKUNDUN Maxwell, Ogueyungbo Opeyemi universities, leading to the generation of new knowledge, engendering innovation, improving the quality of service, and increasing the university status and economic value, has unfortunately suffered major decline in Nigeria university due to conflict (Faborode, 2016). Hence in other for university to get the desired research outcome, conflict must be properly managed. 6. ROLE OF CONFLICT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES ON ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF PRODUCTIVITY Conflicts inevitably arise in organizations due to influences generated by continuous focus from obtaining more from fewer resources. The tertiary institutions are no exceptions. Conflict tends to occur in our daily lives and also in the university, therefore when this occur in the institution, it should be managed effectively to prevent it from escalating to uncontrollable situations like violence and possibly industrial actions. This should be the major concern of the university management as the success and growth of the institution depends largely on the performance of administrative staff in the university. Khan,Nawaz, Aleem, &Hamed, (2012) found out that employee productivity is dependent on job satisfaction, that is, the level of satisfaction an employee gets from a job. In line with this, Gibson (1990) pointed out factors through which administrative productivity can be measured which include satisfaction, absenteeism, turnover and performance. Swasto (1996) said that administrative staff productivity is process of accomplishing certain task and increasing the effort of individuals or workers within a specific period of time. The use of formal methods such as peers assessment, organizational objectives and manager rating, employee capabilities are usually directed towards the growth and expansion of the organization. The management should also be aware of the appropriate style to use in order to avoid been dysfunctional. 7. METHODS The study adopted the survey research design to describe the situation. This purpose of this design is to collect relevant data from respondents in the field and make analysis and interpretation easy. The population of this study includes all the administrative staff of selected public universities and the entire population is 1848 (NASU Prospectus, 2016). From the three states selected, the oldest public universities were chosen to make a total of three (3) as shown in Table 1. The study used primary sources as a means of data collection, the primary data used was questionnaire administered to the administrative staff of University of Ibadan, Ibadan; University of Lagos, Lagos; and Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ogun based on conflict management and its impact on organisational productivity. The instrument used for collecting data for the purpose of this study is a well-structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was administered with the help of two (2) research assistants and respondents filled and returned the completed questionnaire. The relationship between workplace conflict management and institutional productivity of Nigerian public universities was tested using structural and measurement models. Proxies of this workplace conflict management as used in this study include compromise, collaboration, avoidance, competition and accommodation. Table 1 Selected Study Universities S/N Name of University Administrative Staff Sample Size Population 1 Ladoke Akintola University of Technology 714 96 2 Federal University of Technology, Akure 684 109 3 Ondo State University of Science and Technology 450 115 Total 1848 320 137
  6. Workplace Conflict Management and Administrative Productivity of Staff of Selected ICT Driven Public Universities A sample size of 320 staff (administrative) was randomly selected from the total population of 1848, comprising 17% of the total population. The questionnaire titled “Conflict resolution strategies and Staff Productivity Questionnaire” (CSPQ) was used for data collection. The instruments measured the variables under study: conflict resolution strategies, and productivity. The instruments were given to management experts in the field for validity check while the test and re-test method was used to establish using construct reliability and validity. The use of Average Variance Extracted (AVE) was also adopted to reduce measurement error and to promote attraction of SEM's measurement and modelling interface as presented in Table 2 and Figure 1. Table 2 Construct Reliability and Validity Cronbach_ rho_A Composite Average Variance Alpha Reliability Reliability Threshold > 0.7 > 0.7 > 0.7 > 0.5 Accommodation 0.771 0.772 0.859 0.753 Avoidance 0.702 0.735 0.788 0.557 Collaboration 0.760 0.797 0.810 0.563 Competition 0.738 0.765 0.715 0.563 Compromising 0.910 0.925 0.936 0.786 Productivity 0.766 0.775 0.856 0.749 Figure 1 Construct Reliability and Validity The table and figure above shows that the items for this research met the criterion for construct reliability and validity as recommended by Fornell and Lacker (1985). Five research questions and hypotheses were answered and tested in the study. The research questions were answered using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics such as, measurement and structural models. The analyses were done through the use of the SMART Partial Least Square (PLS). All the findings were held significant at 0.05 probability level. The outcomes of the modelling (measurement and structural) interface analysis were presented in the table and figures below. 8. ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSIONS The PLS-SEM path model was adopted to establish the impact of conflict management strategies (avoiding strategy, collaborating strategy, compromising strategy, accomodating strategy and competiton strategy) on the productivity of administrative staff of a selected public University in Nigeria as presented in Figure 2. 138
  7. IGBINOBA Ebeguki, SALAU Odunayo, FALOLA Hezekiah, OLOKUNDUN Maxwell, Ogueyungbo Opeyemi Figure 2 PLS-SEM Path Co-efficient Model The idea of standardization was extended to a multivariate system, which possesses many properties, called partial regression coefficients. The term "path coefficient" indicates the use of a diagram-based (see Figure 2) approach to consider the possible causal linkage between of a variable assumed to be a cause on another variable assumed to be an effect) as presented in Table 3. Table 3 Path Co-Efficient Original Sample Standard T Statistics P Values Decision Sample (O) Mean Deviation (OI/STDEV) (M) (STDEV) Accommodation 0.130 0.138 0.081 1.618 0.106 Not Significant Avoidance 0.265 0.276 0.108 2.459 0.014 Significant Collaboration 0.093 0.112 0.087 1.068 0.286 Not Significant Competition 0.210 0.219 0.088 2.378 0.018 Significant Compromising 0.427 0.403 0.106 4.013 0.000 Significant R-Square 0.586 R-Square Adj. 0.557 To support the parallels multiple regression analysis and path co-efficient outcomes, the discriminant analysis was conducted. Essentially, measures of discriminant validity helps to ensure that the scales measuring these constructs are not correlated as demonstrated in Table 4. The analysis of discriminant validity shows that there are no high correlations among the factors. The model fit of CFA also guarantee the discriminant validity. Thus, this was supported by examining the factor loading and correlation of each variable first. 139
  8. Workplace Conflict Management and Administrative Productivity of Staff of Selected ICT Driven Public Universities Table 4 Discriminant Validity Variables Accommodation Avoidance Collaboration Competition Compromising Productivity Accommodation 0.867 Avoidance 0.289 0.746 Collaboration 0.233 0.453 0.711 Competition 0.114 0.166 0.347 0.750 Compromising 0.154 0.474 0.412 0.288 0.887 Productivity 0.257 0.575 0.409 0.358 0.672 0.865 Under each null hypothesis, bootstrapping resampling which indicates the statistical power of the proposed tests and their sensitivity with respect to size of the co-efficient has been performed to obtain the bootstrap approximation using the histogram path co-efficient. Hence, the histograms of the bootstrap approximations of the GoF distributions under the null hypotheses for Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, Test 4 and Test 5 were presented in the table below. Model-Fit Summary Saturated/Estimated model SRMR 0.052 d_ULS 2.562 d_G1 1.294 d_G2 1.064 Chi-Square 419.166 NFI 0.963 Figure 3 Histogram Path Co-efficient 140
  9. IGBINOBA Ebeguki, SALAU Odunayo, FALOLA Hezekiah, OLOKUNDUN Maxwell, Ogueyungbo Opeyemi Table 4 Testing the Hypotheses of the Study Hypotheses Statements Accepted Rejected H1a Accommodation strategy has an effect on staff productivity X H1b Accommodation strategy has no effect on staff productivity X H2a Avoidance strategy has an effect on staff productivity X H2b Avoidance strategy has no effect on staff productivity X H3a Collaboration strategy has an effect on staff productivity X H3b Collaboration strategy has no effect on staff productivity X H4a Competition strategy has an effect on staff productivity X H4b Competition strategy has no effect on staff productivity X H5a Compromising strategy has an effect on staff productivity X H5b Compromising strategy has no effect on staff productivity X 9. CONCLUSIONS The analysis which included the quantitative analysis aimed at assessing the main conflict management strategies that can influence the productivity of staff in the selected public universities. Based on the results, the hypothetical model of conflict management strategies and productivity was drawn up, which was later tested in the current study with a PLS-SEM path analysis. The above summary shows that only two hypotheses were rejected. Accommodation strategy does not influence administrative staff productivity, nor does the collaboration strategy have an effect on the productivity of staff. The results show that there are other several connections between conflict management strategies and staff productivity. This is quite understandable as constant conflicts means the resolution strategies are not adequate resulting in staff demands not being met. The strategies for managing conflict have effects on their administrative productivity in many cases. This study concluded that compared to a dominating party, a compromising party would let go more easily but not as much as an obliging party would. Also, a compromising party would directly focus on an issue more than an avoiding party but does not carry out deep investigations as much as an integrating party. However, the current research sample does not represent the whole population of administrative staff of the selected public universities. Additional research should be conducted to gain representative data from the University and possibly compare the results with data from another university, preferably public universities. A comparative analysis would further determine the target-country- specific motivation and expectations of foreign students. By recommendation, the university management can consistently address the issues of incessant strikes by adopting alternative strategies in resolving the university conflicts as the usual remedies have not been adequate. REFERENCES [1] Abdul, G.A. (2015). Conflicting Management and Organizational Performance: A case study of Askari bank Ltd., Research Journal of Finance and Accounting, 6 (11): 88-89 [2] Adebile, O. A, and Ojo, T. O. (2012). Management of Organisational Conflict in Nigeria Polytechnics, an Empirical Study of the Federal Polytechnic, Ede, Osun State. International Journal of Asian Social Science, Vol.2, No.3, pp.229-243. [3] Abdu, J. B. & Talatu, M. B. (2017). Conflict Management Strategy and Employees Performance in Private Sector, Organizations in Kano State. Journal of Marketing and Management, 8(1), 41-61 141
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