Abstract of medical doctoral thesis
The thesis has two objectives: Determining the degree of lymph node metastasis and characteristics of lymph node dissection technique in laparoscopic surgery for colon cancer. Evaluating the effectiveness of laparoscopic radical surgery for colon cancer and their related factors.
27p petsematary 02-06-2021 17 4 Download
The meaning of the dissertation topic: This research contributes to complete the list and evaluate the diversity of medicinal plants in the coastal districts of Thai Binh province to serve local medical needs.
30p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 32 3 Download
The thesis is an answer for debating question regarding of pathologic characteristics of drowning and proposes the DNA analysis for identification method. The description study concluded the valuable pathologic signs and characteristics for diagnosis. In this study, the DNA analysis was applied for victims identification.
27p tamynhan0 15-06-2020 36 0 Download