Amino acid substitution model
In this thesis, using the data from the Viral Genome Resource at National Center for Biotechnology Informa-tion (NCBI), we propose the ROTA model that has been specifically estimated formodeling the evolution of rotavirus.
56p tamynhan0 04-07-2020 21 3 Download
Molecular mechanics calculations on conformers of Ac-HGly-NHMe, Ac-b 2 -HAla-NHMe and Ac-b 3 -HAla-NHMe indicate that low-energy conformations of the b-amino acids backbone, corresponding to gauche rotamers around the Ca–Cbbond, may overlap canonical backbone conformers observed for a-amino acids. Therefore, Sub-stance P (SP) was used as a model peptide to analyse the structural and biological consequences of the substitution of Phe7andPhe8by(R)-b 2 -HPheandofGly9byHGly (R)-b 2 -HAla or (S)-b 3 -HAla....
11p tumor12 20-04-2013 33 3 Download
Integrase (IN) is the retroviral enzyme responsible for the integration of the DNA copy of the retroviral genome into the host cellDNA. TheC-terminal domainof INis involved in DNA binding and enzyme multimerization. We previ-ously performed single amino acid substitutions in the C-terminal domain of the avian leukemia and sarcoma vir-uses (ALSV) IN [Moreauet al. (2002). Arch. Virol.147, 1761–1778].
13p fptmusic 12-04-2013 45 4 Download
Staphylococcalnuclease is a single domain protein with 149 amino acids. It has no disulfide bonds, which makes it a simple model for the study of pro-tein folding. In this study, 20 mutants of this protein were generated each with a single base substitution of glycine for negatively charged glutamic acid or aspartic acid. Using differential scanning microcalorimetry in ther-mal denaturation experiments, we identified two mutants, E75G and E129G, having approximately 43% and 44%, respectively, lowerDHcal values than the wild-type protein....
8p fptmusic 11-04-2013 46 3 Download
Staphylococcal nuclease (SNase) is a model protein that contains one domain and no disulfide bonds. Its stability in the native state may be maintained mainly by key amino acids. In this study, two point-mutated proteins each with a single base substitution [alanine for tryptophan (W140A) and alanine for lysine (K133A)] and two truncated fragment proteins {positions 1–139 [SNase(1–139) or W140O] and positions 1–141 [SNase(1–141) or E142O]} were generated.
7p fptmusic 11-04-2013 40 3 Download