Applications in java
ProLiV - Animated Process-modeler of Complex (Computational) Linguistic Methods and Theories - is a fully modular, flexible, XML-based stand-alone Java application, used for computer-assisted learning in Natural Language Processing (NLP) or Computational Linguistics (CL).
4p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 60 4 Download
Welcome to the module, Internationalization. This module provides a brief introduction of developing applications for the global market. The module covers the process of internationalization and localization to create applications, which are neutral in terms of countries, languages and regions. Internationalized applications require meticulous planning, failing which re-engineering of the application can be costly. In this module, you will learn about:
11p pdtan119 13-11-2012 84 29 Download
A java application can run inside a JVM and can only invoke the methods of the classes available inside this JVM • Distributed computing or processing resolves around clientserver technology where several client programs communicate with one or more server applications.An RMI application has to expose methods, which remote clients can invoke. • These methods which are meant to be remote, should be defined in an interface which extends the java.rmi.Remote interface
19p blackfalconbm 07-11-2012 100 38 Download
An object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems Also a platform to support Java applications (technology) A little bit history 1991: A team led by James Gosling at Sun Microsystems developed Oak, for use in embedded consumer electronic appliances 1995: renamed Java -redesigned for developing Internet applications (Java 1.0 1.1). 1998: Sun announced the Java 2 platform (1.2,1.3,1.4) 2005 -Now: Java 5 (Java 1.5 -newest version 1.7)
20p lebronjamesuit 23-08-2012 88 5 Download
Kidszone School wants to store the information of students and their parents in their database. This will help them to better administer and control the new student registration process as well as manage already existing records of enrolled students. The School Management Board has chosen your company to provide a solution for the same. Consider yourself to be a part of the team that implements the solution for designing the application.
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 82 6 Download
Question Kidszone School wants to store the information of students and their parents in their database. This will help them to better administer and control the new student registration process as well as manage already existing records of enrolled students. The School Management Board has chosen your company to provide a solution for the same. Consider yourself to be a part of the team that implements the solution for designing the application.
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 103 9 Download
A French investment company wants a Java Swing based application for converting currencies where any amount can be input, any source currency and any target currency can be selected. The converted amount will be in the target currency. Create an application using Swing controls, like JTextField, JComboBox and JButton to display the converted amount in the desired target currency.
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 86 5 Download
BlueLine Airways is a profound Airline that has established its identity in Europe. To add feathers to its name, the company has decided to automate an additional application to its system where the user can directly search for the list of available flights based on date, location and ticket class. The CEO has chosen your company to provide a solution for the same. Consider yourself to be a part of the team that implements the solution for designing the application. Create an application using advanced Swing controls like JList to display a Flight Reservation Form. ...
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 136 10 Download
The Ethel McKnight School is launching an “Environment Friendliness Drive” in which one of the suggested measures to help save the environment is to make students under grade 5 practice drawing on computers. This would save a lot of paper and prevent the use of harmful chemicals in the form of colors from being used. The school staff has unanimously agreed that such an application will not only help in saving the environment, but also bring about a curiosity about computers amongst the students. ...
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 90 9 Download
The Norman School of Business Studies is one of the premier institutes offering post graduate degrees to business management students. Every year more than 1000 students enroll for various courses in this college. The management wants to keep a track of all the students of the college. In order to achieve this, the management has planned to use an application which will accept the details of each student and store them for later reference.
2p vudung75 20-04-2011 102 5 Download
Create an application using Swing components to display a date in a label. The complete date will comprise the day, month, date and year. However, the elements date, month, and year will be accepted through three sliders respectively. In other words, any change in the sliders will reflect the new date in the label. Note, that the day(Monday, Tuesday, etc) is computed based on the date selected through the sliders.
1p vudung75 20-04-2011 130 16 Download
Over the past 50 years, Lifeline Hospital has proved its multifaceted response and services towards the patient satisfaction and quality. Now, the hospital management has initiated processmanagement strategies to get improved quality, costeffectiveness and on-line tracking and booking of doctors and specialists. To achieve this goal, management has decided to use a process-management approach to coordinate all the doctors in the panel, around the organization, towards "patient-centered care." Consider you to be a part of the team that implements the solution for designing the application. ...
2p vudung75 20-04-2011 91 6 Download
XML, XSLT, Java, and JSP: A Case Study in Developing a Web Application- P16: Là một nhà phát triển Web, bạn biết những thách thức trong việc xây dựng các ứng dụng mạnh mẽ trên nhiều nền tảng. Tạo các ứng dụng di động trở nên thật sự có thể bằng cách sử dụng Java cho code và XML để tổ chức và quản lý dữ liệu. "XML, XSLT, Java, và JSP: Một trường hợp học" sẽ giúp bạn tối đa hóa khả năng của XML, XSLT, Java, và JSP trong các ứng dụng web của bạn....
19p camry 08-08-2010 146 25 Download
Critical Database Concepts new features include “invisible” indexes, simplified table maintenance, and editioned objects. You should evaluate your previous architecture decisions in light of the new features available. In the next several chapters, you will see how to install Oracle Database 11g and how to upgrade to Oracle Database 11g from prior releases. Following those chapters, you will see an overview of application planning, followed by many chapters on the use of SQL, PL/SQL, Java, object-oriented features, and XML to get the most out of your Oracle database.
10p vongsuiphat 04-01-2010 117 15 Download