Art of craft
This practice-led research project takes the form of a one-hour television script and an accompanying dissertation that explores how theme can be used as the primary craft tool for the development of what is anticipated to be a compelling screen work. The dissertation is structured to reflect the integrated nature of theory and practice from the earliest stages of the development (the concept, creation of the world and characters) on to the plotting of the narrative and, finally, the writing of individual scenes.
60p runthenight05 01-03-2023 8 4 Download
Prospect of traditional craft in present economy: a study of earthen doll of Krishnagar, West Bengal
Art and culture are inseparable limbs of civilization. It represents the practice, religious beliefs, and indicates spiritual upliftment and represents societal system of that period. Clay pottery is an ancient craft in India.
7p guineverehuynh 21-06-2020 66 4 Download
This course will provide a continuation of calli- graphic skills, as well as help the beginner to con- tinue to develop skills. Designed to open up new applications for personalized calligraphy, the course will focus on enjoyable and creative projects that develop and enhance skills. Also included will be demonstration on flourishing and decorative techniques to further enhance your work. The ba- sic style of calligraphy will be italic but other styles will be introduced as time allows. Prerequisite: Be- ginning class or instructor’s permission. Fee: $165...
9p duypha 07-08-2009 198 34 Download