This body of work is the culmination of a part-time five year investigation into the use of mirroring in digital art composition and its potential to generate affective intensity.The research has occurred through a series of installative works and artefacts produced with digital media in which mirrored operations have been employed in a variety of different ways. The aim of these explorations was to develop and articulate a compositional approach based in acts of mirroring, with the aim of extending affective invitations to the viewer.
108p runthenight05 01-03-2023 10 3 Download
The question sustained throughout the project, and developed into four key principal research aims or foci, framing my research approach and helping to define the field covered. These concerned: abstracting musical basslines into an environmental domain; articulating building materials through vibration; composing for a tactile sensation bodily experience; understanding the dialogue between hearing and sensation, and how felt and audible aspects affect awareness and perception of each other.
112p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
This study was conducted to explore information-seeking processes among primary school children using the Internet in a school setting. This chapter outlines the rationale for the research, describes the importance of information seeking for primary school children, and articulates the research problems. The research objectives and questions are then discussed, followed by a description of contribution to knowledge. The chapter concludes by outlining the organisation of the thesis.
363p runthenight04 02-02-2023 6 3 Download
The marketing promotion is playing a vital role in the industry but the technological advancements are moving at a faster rate. In order to inculcate the changes it is thus necessary to understand the human decision making process.
6p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 10 0 Download
Mục đích cơ bản của luận án này là đề xuất bộ điều khiển có cấu trúc mô hình tiểu nảo (Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller: CMAC), bộ điều khiển có cấu trúc mô hình tiểu nảo hồi tiếp (Recurrent Cerebellar Model Articulation Controller: RCMAC), và hệ thống điều khiển có cấu trúc mô hình tiểu nảo IV hồi tiếp bền vững (Robust Recurrent Cerebellar Model Articulation Control System :RRCMACS) cho các hệ thống phi tuyến MIMO để nâng cao các chỉ số thực của bộ điều khiển như khả năng bám đuổi tốt theo tín hiệu đặt, tăng tính ổn định và bền vững, giảm ảnh hưởng của sự thay đổi tải và ảnh hưởng ...
62p cotithanh999 05-05-2020 33 4 Download
Consonnes Désinences Phonèmes Préfixes Racine Radical Suffixes Sons "t" euphonique Syllabes Mot Les sons qui sont à la base des mots (classifiés d'après leur articulation buccale) sont, dans chaque langue, en nombre limité (le français en comporte 36). Les sons possibles de l'appareil vocal humain sont, eux, en nombre presque illimité. Ces sons qui sont à la base de la parole sont aussi nommés phonèmes, ils sont illustrés par des lettres seules ou par une combinaison de lettres ("ch" dans "chien", "g" dans "gare")....
5p quan100157 23-04-2013 120 14 Download
Chọc hút khớp cổ tay. Khoảng gian khớp cổ tay thì rộng ở vị trí khuyết xương quay(nơi mà xương quay khớp với xương trụ) Để cổ tay gập nhẹ và sờ nắn khe xương để xác định vị trí chọc dò. Aspiration of the Wrist Joint The joint space is widest at the radial notch (where the radius articulates with the ulna). Flex the wrist slightly to open the joint, and palpate the bony notch to locate the insertion site Tư thế thích hợp của thầy thuốc và bệnh nhân khi nắn khớp thái dương- hàm Tư thế thích...
4p sting1209 25-01-2011 111 13 Download
The origin of MSC.ADAMS can be traced back to a program of research initiated by Chace at the University of Michigan in 1967. By 1969 Chace (1969, 1970) and Korybalski (Chace and Korybalski, 1970) had completed the original version of DAMN (Dynamic Analysis of Mechanical Networks). This was historically the first general program to solve time histories for systems undergoing large displacement dynamic motion. This work led in 1971 to a new program DRAM (Dynamic Response of Articulated Machinery) that was further enhanced by Angel (Chace and Angel, 1977).
10p tieutaithan 22-11-2010 97 7 Download