Bacteria fluctuate
Fluctuation of associated microbial with building reef corals Acropora sp. from Hang Rai, Ninh Thuan
In conclusion, symbiotic algae tend to be species-specific, whereas bacteria fluctuate significantly over sampling time. Studying the molecular issues of microalgae, the presence, the role of some groups of bacteria involved in the N, C, P, and S cycles, and the influence of environmental parameters should also be encouraged to understand the relationship of coral holobiont better.
12p vipagani 24-10-2022 8 3 Download
In both industrial fermenters and in their natural habitats, microorganisms often experience an inhomogeneous and fluctuating environment. In this paper we mimicked one aspect of this nonideal behaviour by imposing a low and oscillating extracellular glucose concentration on nonoscillating suspensions of yeast cells. The extracellular dynamics changed the intracel-lular dynamics – which was monitored through NADH fluorescence – from steady to equally dynamic; the latter followed the extracellular dynamics at the frequency of glucose pulsing....
9p awards 06-04-2013 46 4 Download