Bank credit
FINANCE – BANKING VOCABULARY TEST Choose the correct word to complete each sentence : 1. The great advantage of using …………. for payments is that you don’t have to carry large amounts of cash around with you. a/ Checks b/ Bills of exchange c/ Promissory notes 2. To put money into the bank: a/ To deposit b/ To withdraw c/ To endorse 3. To subtract money from an account a/ Credit b/ Debit c/ Clear 4. To make two accounts match with each other . a/ Honour b/ Present c/ Reconcile 5. Interest…………..are their lowest level since the 1980’s. a/ Figures b/ Rates c/...
23p tulip_12 14-01-2013 515 119 Download
One website’s visitor is another website’s customer, and bringing customers and retailers together is now a billion dollar international industry. Whilst Internet traffic crosses international borders with ease, payment for supplying that traffic does not. Members of the online publishing industry have come up with a novel solution – they have set up their own member-only international payments system.
44p haivan 16-03-2009 522 250 Download
This thesis examines the determinants of bank equity risk and credit risk as well as providing an analysis of the change in bank equity risk following the formation of Economic and Monetary Union (EMU). It is motivated by the increasing interest in bank risk research particularly since the formation of EMU and the global financial crisis. The study considers a range of financial institutions across 36 countries from the period of 1995-2006.
392p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
The thesis does an overall research on the theory and practice of artificial intelligence in credit risk management, thereby proposing solutions for application of artificial intelligence in risk management at Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development.
37p unforgottennight08 06-10-2022 15 4 Download
The research objective of the topic is to analyze the current situation of using the credit derivatives tool, explore the conditions, and propose solutions and recommendations to improve the conditions for using the credit derivatives tool in credit risk management at Vietnamese commercial banks.
45p badbuddy10 21-04-2022 40 6 Download
The research content of the thesis explores the profitability ratio of commercial banks; credit risk of commercial banks; other factors affecting profitability of commercial banks; foundational theories...
12p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 14 2 Download
Most of the researches in the world give different concepts, according to different standard views on developing non-credit services. In Vietnam, most studies have not generalized a pure Vietnamese concept. This limits the system of evaluation criteria to measure the development level of non-credit services at commercial banks.
27p petsematary 06-06-2021 20 5 Download
Research objectives: The thesis aims to systematize theoretical basis of bank credit for new rural construction, analyze and evaluate banking credit activities for new rural construction in the South Central region; on that basis, the thesis proposes some solutions to promote contribution of bank credit activities to new rural construction in South Central provinces.
27p themeg 02-06-2021 27 4 Download
General research objectives: The thesis aims to studying the credit risk management on loan portfolios in Vietnamese commercial banks, then proposes solutions and recommendations for improvement.
42p themeg 02-06-2021 72 7 Download
Research objectives: General research objectives: the thesis aims to study the impact of macroprudential policy on systemic risk in commercial banks. The thesis targets to five specific objectives as follows: Firstly, presenting theoretical background of systemic risk, macroprudential policy and the impact of macroprudential policy on systemic risk. Secondly, analyzing, quantifying and evaluating the current situation of systemic risk of Vietnam commercial banks using SRISK.
31p themeg 02-06-2021 65 4 Download
Overall objectives: The overall goal is to study the theory and practice of the credit risk early warning system at Vietnamese commercial banks to provide solutions and recommendations to complete the credit risk early warning system at commercial banks in Vietnam.
25p themeg 02-06-2021 15 3 Download
General research objectives: Assessing the effectiveness of VAMC's NPL resolution to Vietnamese credit institutions and proposing solutions to improve the efficiency of handling NPLs for VAMC.
28p themeg 02-06-2021 36 3 Download
The general objective of this study is to apply the relevant theories in assessing the intended behavior of individual investors, listed companies to the use of corporate credit rating services in Vietnam. In order to be able to make recommendations to develop the corporate credit rating market in Vietnam.
26p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 28 3 Download
The content of the thesis presents an overview of individual business households in Vietnam and household credit access; Research results of factors affecting credit access of individual business households in Vietnam.
0p nguathienthan10 23-02-2021 46 4 Download
The thesis on credit risk management at Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank comprises of the reality of credit risks, management and several factors affecting such process.
27p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 31 4 Download
The research group on factors affecting credit accessibility based on the characteristics of both customers and credit institutions.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 44 3 Download
The thesis aims to studying the credit risk management on loan portfolios in Vietnamese commercial banks, then proposes solutions and recommendations for improvement.
42p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 28 4 Download
The thesis on credit risk management at Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank comprises of the reality of credit risks, management and several factors affecting such process.
27p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 17 3 Download
The thesis only focuses on the subjective factors belonging to the business affecting trade credit, in which trade credit is understood to be trade receivables (short-term) and trade payables. When studying the impact of trade credit on the performance of Vietnamese listed companies, the thesis only focuses on researching the impact of customer receivables on the performance of Vietnamese listed enterprises.
12p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 46 1 Download
The objective of the thesis is to establish a theoretical framework to analyze and evaluate the current situation of consumer credit development of the finance companies, thereby proposing scientific-based solutions and practicality for developing consumer credit of the finance companies in Vietnam.
27p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 39 3 Download