Bank performance
The thesis "Impact of capital structure on performance of listed material manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam" aims to determine the impact and degree of impact of capital structure on the performance of listed material manufacturing enterprises in Vietnam from 2012-2021.
127p phuong10693 19-06-2023 8 5 Download
The thesis studied the development and implementation of the conceptual Continuous Improvement Teamworking (CIT) Model for strategic performance improvement in retail banking operations. The investigation using of a dominant qualitative to a Less-dominant quantitative approach as a mixed-method strategy revealed the importance of the CIT Model realised through the CTIO (Concern-Task-Interaction-Outcome) Problem-Solving Cycle. The CTIO Cycle is a variant form of the traditional Deming-Shewhart PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Action) Cycle.
311p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 2 Download
This research addresses the call for future research by Brown and Treviño (2014) and Resick et al. (2006) to expand on ethical leadership research into other cultures. They believed employees in organisations use their ethical and cultural value systems as an absolute standard against which to measure the behaviour of members of the other culture, or they adopt the norms of the other culture. Previous studies have demonstrated several gaps within the ethical leadership literature; this research will address these gaps.
244p runthenight04 02-02-2023 5 1 Download
The thesis aims to assess the actual performance of Vietnamese commercial banks and the impact of a number of macro factors such as FDI, GDP and inflation on their performance. Consequently, the thesis proposes some recommendations to improve the operational efficiency of Vietnamese commercial banks in the coming time.
13p guitaracoustic02 08-12-2021 14 1 Download
Diversification is usually seen as a strategy to improve bank risk and performance until the recent financial chaos, which has raised many concerns about this claim. Despite the growing number of empirical studies on the relationship between diversification strategy and banks' profitability, researchers have not yet been able to find a general agreement. One of the reasons is that the results for each country are different from the others. The well-founded evidence is mixed between countries and regions.
189p caphesuadathemmatong 18-11-2021 25 3 Download
General objective: The thesis aims to propose policy recommendations on capital structure of MFIs to foster sustainability and social performance of MFIs in Vietnam.
40p themeg 02-06-2021 28 4 Download
The thesis aims to study the theoretical framework and the actual state of state management of the state bank for bad debts of the Vietnamese commercial banking system, thereby proposing views and solutions to help the SBV promote its role. State management role for Vietnam's commercial banking system in managing and controlling bad debts effectively.
25p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 23 4 Download
The main objective of this thesis is based on the Agency Theory to understand the relationship between executive compensation and business performance; To base on the Managerial Power Theory to find out the factors that create executive power and how these affect the CEO's sensitivity to business performance; the impact of executive overconfidence on compensation and business performance.
39p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 12 3 Download
The content of the thesis presents the scale and concentration level of total assets of the industry that affect the financial performance of commercial banks; how the effect of equity on financial performance varies between scale thresholds; How does the role of marginal and non-marginal returns on financial performance vary across scale thresholds.
0p angicungduoc11 17-04-2021 33 3 Download
The research objective of the thesis is to identify the factors affecting the quality of auditing of banks' financial statements audited by the SAV. Thereby, the thesis offers solutions to improve the quality of auditing financial statements of the SAV in Vietnam.
26p angicungduoc10 09-03-2021 50 5 Download
The content of the thesis presents the theoretical basis of the ownership structure and operational efficiency of the business; the ownership structure and operational efficiency of state-owned enterprises investing in Vietnam. We invite you to consult the thesis to understand more details of the research content.
0p nguathienthan10 23-02-2021 35 3 Download
The general objectives of the dissertation are to identify the factors affecting information transparency and disclosure of listed companies, to analyze the effects of information transparency and disclosure on the cost of equity and performance of the listed companies on Vietnam’s Stock Exchange market.
37p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 32 2 Download
The thesis only focuses on the subjective factors belonging to the business affecting trade credit, in which trade credit is understood to be trade receivables (short-term) and trade payables. When studying the impact of trade credit on the performance of Vietnamese listed companies, the thesis only focuses on researching the impact of customer receivables on the performance of Vietnamese listed enterprises.
12p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 43 1 Download
The thesis assesses the impact of 3 decisions in financial management of enterprises listed on the stock exchange in Vietnam in an overall and comprehensive manner. Evaluate the law of impact, give recommendations to business managers to improve corporate financial performance.
13p mmlemmlem_124 22-12-2020 34 2 Download
Regarding the performance of commercial banks' business activities, there have been many domestic and foreign pieces of research on this issue. Some studies have used the traditional method through normal financial indicators, others used modern methods with input and output variables to evaluate the performance of commercial banks.
34p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 28 2 Download
The thesis is based on the research theory on the impact of ownership structure with the performance of commercial banks, measuring the appropriate operating performance to learn ownership structure and operational efficiency. of commercial banks in Vietnam.
0p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 31 1 Download
The objective of this study is to provide more theoretical basis and empirical evidence to conclude about the impact of income diversification on business performance and risk-adjusted performance at Vietnamese commercial banks. In addition, in order to increase or decrease the income diversification level for increasing the bank performance, it is necessary to understand the factors that affect income diversification, so that the bank will affect these factors for diversifying bank income.
26p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 52 2 Download
The dissertation's research objectives are to explain theories about agency costs and business performance; Recommendations are proposed to reduce agency costs to improve operational efficiency of listed companies in Vietnam.
0p gaocaolon7 18-09-2020 63 1 Download
General objective: Studying the impact of the multimarket contact on the competition, credit risk and operating performance of Vietnamese commercial banks. Measure the impact of multimarket contact on the credit risk of Vietnamese commercial banks. Propose solutions and recommendations for bank administrators and policymakers on improving the operating performance of commercial banks, heightening stability for the operation of banks in the context of the contemporary increase in competition and risks of Vietnamese commercial banks.
25p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 37 2 Download
The overall objective of the thesis is to study the impact of corporate governance on risks and financial performance of commercial banks in Vietnam. From the research results, the thesis will also discuss policy implications to improve corporate governance capacity, limit risks and improve the financial performance of commercial banks in Vietnam.
33p cothumenhmong6 17-07-2020 33 1 Download