Starch defines a semicrystalline polymer made of two different polysaccharide fractions. The A- and B-type crystalline lattices define the distinct structures reported in cereal and tuber starches, respectively. Amylopectin, the major fraction of starch, is thought to be chiefly responsible for this semicrystalline organization while amylose is generally considered as an amorphous polymer with little or no impact on the overall crystalline organization.
11p system191 01-06-2013 46 4 Download
Cytochrome c is widely distributed in bacterial species, from mesophiles to thermophiles, and is one of the best-characterized redox proteins in terms of biogenesis, folding, structure, function, and evolution. Experimental molecular biology techniques (gene cloning and expression) have become applicable to cytochrome c, enabling its engineering and manipulation. Heterologous expression systems for cytochromes c in bacteria, for use in mutagenesis studies, have been established by extensive investigation of the biological process by which the functional structure is formed. ...
7p research12 01-06-2013 35 3 Download
Mitochondrial uncoupling protein 1 (UCP1) is a speci®c marker of multilocular brown adipocytes. Ectopic UCP1 in white fat of aP2-Ucp1micemitigates development of obesity byboth, increasing energy expenditure anddecreasingin situ lipogenesis. In order to further analyse consequences of respiratory uncoupling inwhite fat, the eects of the ectopic UCP1 on the morphology of adipocytes and biogenesis of mitochondria in these cells were studied.
10p research12 29-04-2013 41 4 Download
Alterations in mitochondrial activity resulting from defects in mitochond-rial DNA (mtDNA) can modulate the biogenesis of mitochondria by mech-anisms that are still poorly understood. In order to study mitochondrial biogenesis in cells with impaired mitochondrial activity, we used rho-L929 and rho 0 143 B cells (partially and totally depleted of mtDNA, respectively),
25p fptmusic 12-04-2013 56 4 Download
The molecular chaperone Hsp90 is distinct from Hsp70 and chaperonin in that client proteins are apparently restricted to a subset of proteins categor-ized as cellular signaling molecules. Among these, many specific protein kinases require the assistance of Hsp90 and its co-chaperone Cdc37⁄p50 for their biogenesis. A series of Cdc37 deletion mutants revealed that all mutants capable of binding Raf-1 possess amino acid residues between 181 and 200.
7p fptmusic 12-04-2013 49 1 Download
Genetic and proteomic approaches have led to the identification of 32 pro-teins, collectively called peroxins, which are required for the biogenesis of peroxisomes. Some are responsible for the division and inheritance of per-oxisomes; however, most peroxins have been implicated in the topogenesis of peroxisomal proteins. Peroxisomal membrane and matrix proteins are synthesized on free ribosomes in the cytosol and are imported post-trans-lationally into pre-existing organelles (Lazarow PB & Fujiki Y (1985) Annu Rev Cell Biol1, 489–530 [1])....
11p awards 06-04-2013 49 4 Download
Mitochondrial biogenesis is a complex and highly regulated process that requires the controlled expression of hundreds of genes encoded in two separated genomes, namely the nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. To identify regulatory proteins involved in the transcriptional control of key nuc-lear-encoded mitochondrial genes, we have performed a detailed analysis of the promoter region of theasubunit of the Drosophila melanogasterF1F0 ATP synthase complex.
11p awards 05-04-2013 42 5 Download
We have developed a simple reporter assay useful for detection and analysis of mutations and agents influencing mRNA biogenesis in a gene length-dependent manner. We have shown that two transcription units sharing the same promoter, terminator and open reading frame, but differing in the length of their 3¢-untranslated regions, are differentially influenced by muta-
14p dell39 27-03-2013 33 3 Download
Prohibitin (PHB-1) is a highly conserved protein involved in mitochondrial biogenesis and function. It is secreted in lipid droplets from adipocytes and is present in the circulation. In adipose tissue it functions as a membrane receptor and can target binding partners to the mitochondria.
9p dell39 27-03-2013 42 5 Download
The heterologous expression of tryptophan trytophylquinone (TTQ)-dependent aromatic amine dehydrogenase (AADH) has been achieved in Paracoccus denitrificans. The aauBEDAgenes andorf-2from the aromatic amine utilization (aau) gene cluster of Alcaligenes faecaliswere placed under the regulatory control of themauFpromoter fromP. denitrificans and introduced intoP. denitrificansusing a broad-host-range vector.
16p dell39 27-03-2013 42 4 Download
The natural transformation system of the thermophilic bacteriumThermus thermophilus HB27 comprises at least 16 distinct competence proteins enco-ded by seven distinct loci. In this article, we present for the first time biochemical analyses of the Thermus thermophiluscompetence proteins PilMNOWQ and PilA4, and demonstrate that thepilMNOWQgenes are each essential for natural transformation.
12p inspiron33 25-03-2013 39 3 Download
PEX1 is a type II AAA-ATPase that is indispensable for biogenesis and maintenance of the peroxisome, an organelle responsible for the primary metabolism of lipids, such asb-oxidation and lipid biosynthesis. Recently, we demonstrated a striking structural similarity between its N-terminal domain and those of other membrane-related AAA-ATPases, such as valo-sin-containing protein (p97).
13p inspiron33 23-03-2013 41 4 Download
Protein disulfide isomerase family proteins are known to play important roles in the folding of nascent polypeptides and the formation of disulfide bonds in the endoplasmic reticulum. In this study, we cloned two similar protein disulfide isomerase family genes from soybean leaf (Glycine maxL. Merrill cv. Jack) mRNA by RT-PCR using forward and reverse primers designed from the expressed sequence tag clone sequences.
17p galaxyss3 21-03-2013 52 4 Download
The seryl-tRNA synthetase fromSaccharomyces cerevisiaeinteracts with the peroxisome biogenesis-related factor Pex21p. Several deletion mutants of seryl-tRNA synthetase were constructed and inspected for their ability to interact with Pex21p in a yeast two-hybrid assay, allowing mapping of the synthetase domain required for complex assembly.
12p galaxyss3 19-03-2013 42 3 Download
Lithium is a therapeutic agent commonly used to treat bipolar disorder and its beneficial effects are thought to be due to a combination of activa-tion of the Wnt⁄b-catenin pathway via inhibition of glycogen synthase kin-ase-3b and depletion of the inositol pool via inhibition of the inositol monophosphatase-1.
17p galaxyss3 19-03-2013 25 3 Download
Ribosome subunit assembly in bacteria is a fast and efficient process. Among the nonribosomal proteins involved in ribosome biogenesis are RNA helicases. We describe ribosome biogenesis inEscherichia colistrains lacking RNA helicase DeaD (CsdA) or DbpA.
11p galaxyss3 07-03-2013 29 3 Download
Mitochondrial cytochromescandc1 are present in all eukaryotes that use oxygen as the terminal electron acceptor in the respiratory chain. Matura-tion of c-type cytochromes requires covalent attachment of the heme cofac-tor to the protein, and there are at least five distinct biogenesis systems that catalyze this post-translational modification in different organisms and organelles.
18p media19 06-03-2013 39 4 Download
Formylglycine-generating enzyme (FGE) catalyzes in newly synthesized sul-fatases the oxidation of a specific cysteine residue to formylglycine, which is the catalytic residue required for sulfate ester hydrolysis. This post-trans-lational modification occurs in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and is an essential step in the biogenesis of this enzyme family.
13p media19 06-03-2013 48 3 Download
Peroxiredoxin V (PRDX5) is a member of the family of mammalian pro-teins that neutralize reactive oxygen species. The PRDX5gene is constitu-tively expressed at a high level in many human tissues, but functional elements of its promoter responsible for a high basal activity in the absence of oxidative stress have still not been identified.
11p media19 05-03-2013 42 2 Download
Members of the YidC⁄Oxa1⁄Alb3 protein family function in the biogenesis of membrane proteins in bacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. InEsc-herichia coli, YidC plays a key role in the integration and assembly of many inner membrane proteins.
10p media19 04-03-2013 41 3 Download