Branched polymers
Is a branch of polymer science dealing with analysis and characterisation of polymers. üThe complication of macromolecular chains, the dispersion in molecular weight, tacticity, crystallinity, orientation, composition of polymers etc. and complex morphological systems ⇒ analysis of polymer ≠ the small organic materials ⇒ Focus on viscoelastic properties, dynamic mechanical testing.
114p buitiendung87 06-01-2011 340 154 Download
We establish an exact relation between self-avoiding branched polymers in D + 2 continuum dimensions and the hard-core continuum gas at negative activity in D dimensions. We review conjectures and results on critical exponents for D + 2 = 2, 3, 4 and show that they are corollaries of our result. We explain the connection (first proposed by Parisi and Sourlas) between branched polymers in D + 2 dimensions and the Yang-Lee edge singularity in D dimensions.
22p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 53 8 Download