Building enterprise applications
The thesis aims to study the factors affecting the application of cost management accounting in enterprises of exploiting, processing and trading construction stone in the Southeast provinces. For details, please refer to the thesis.
28p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 45 4 Download
The objective of the thesis is to determine what factors constitute organizational culture; from which to build the system of cultural recognition criteria in enterprises on the basis of synthesizing and generalizing the arguments about organizational culture, from the managerial perspective.
25p change05 14-06-2016 39 3 Download
The implementation of the thesis is aimed to: Designing a model for evaluation of the competitiveness of the garment firms which is applicable to the scope of the study; Building a model for analysis of factors affecting the competitiveness of the garment firms; Identifying the current and predictable status of the competitiveness of garment enterprises in the region when compared with each other and with garment firms outside of the region.
14p change06 14-06-2016 77 4 Download
Objectives: understand enterprise application, know some type of architectural models, understand web service architecture, determine service - oriented architecture, understand and use some web service technologies, build a simple web service.
11p xaydungk23 27-10-2014 67 5 Download