Colour simulation
Dithering, also called Halftoning or Color Reduction, is the process of rendering an image on a display device with fewer colors than are in the image. Digital Image Processing: Some Special Techniques Dithering presents about it.
56p cocacola_08 21-11-2015 41 2 Download
The purpose of the study is to quantify breast dose to reassure patients and staff that these understandings still apply. A combination of measurements and simulations were used to estimate absorbed breast dose. Gafchromic® XR-QA2 film was used to measure breast dose placed inside the RANDO® phantom in a series of controlled experiments. The RANDO® is an anthropomorphic phantom commonly used for dosimetry investigations. Gafchromic® XR QA2 film is a radiochromic film that changes colour when irradiated. Simulation is commonly used and readily available.
195p runthenight05 01-03-2023 7 3 Download