Configure IP ACLs
Chapter 4 objectives: Describe numbered and named, standard and extended IP ACLs, configure IP ACLs with IOS CLI and CCP, describe TCP established ACL functionality, describe and configure reflexive ACLs, describe and configure dynamic ACLs,... Inviting you to refer.
132p youcanletgo_01 04-01-2016 57 5 Download
Explain how ACLs are used to secure a medium-size enterprise branch office network, including the concept of packet filtering, the purpose of ACLs, how ACLs are used to control access, and the types of Cisco ACLs. – Configure standard ACLs in a medium-size enterprise branch office network, including defining filtering criteria, configuring standard ACLs to filter traffic, and applying standard ACLs to router interfaces.
70p 0984272663 25-04-2011 110 11 Download