Content filtering
In this article the work of the components of information of protection tools on the occurring violations, their types and the elimination of these violations and the possible trajectory of a change over time of the functioning states of information of protection tools with a discrete time are researched.
10p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 18 3 Download
Lecture Digital image processing: Edge detection presents the following content: Introduction, the sobel operator, the prewitt operator, the canny operator, the zero-crossing detector, the unsharp filter.
14p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 53 3 Download
Lecture Digital image processing - Spatial and frequency domain filter design include all of the following content: Spatial domain filter design (average/mean filter, median filter, gaussian smoothing, conservative smoothing), frequency – based filter design.
10p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 44 2 Download
Lecture Digital image processing include the content: Introduction to Image processing and matlab; image acquisition, types, and file I/O; image arithmetic; spatial and frequency domain filter design; mage restoration and blind deconvolution;...
10p youcanletgo_04 17-01-2016 43 2 Download
Part of an overall Firewall strategy Sits between the local network and the external network Originally used primarily as a caching strategy to minimize outgoing URL requests and increase perceived browser performance Primary mission is now to insure anonymity of internal users Still used for caching of frequently requested files Also used for content filtering Acts as a go-between, submitting your requests to the external network Requests are translated from your IP address to the Proxy’s IP address E-mail addresses of internal users are removed from request headers Cause an actual brea...
15p muathu_102 28-01-2013 79 4 Download
Exchange 2007 là một sản phẩm Mail Server với tính năng Anti Spam được xây dựng sẵn khá mạnh mẽ, Exchange 2007 sử dụng các bộ lọc Mail (Filtering Agent) được tính hợp sẵn trên Edge Transport Server để kiểm tra tính hợp lệ của một E-Mail trước khi đưa vào Mailbox Server một cách chặt chẽ. Ngoài những bộ lọc thông dụng như IP Block/Allow List, IP Block/Allow List Provider, Sender Filtering, Content Filtering ...
16p minhqui710 10-09-2010 258 109 Download
[ Team LiB ] Configuring Your Safe Senders List The Safe Senders list is part of the Junk E-mail filters. If you choose to allow external content from addresses listed in your Safe Senders list, you need to check the configuration of the list. You can add addresses and domains to the Safe Senders list directly from an email message. Click on the InfoBar or right-click in any image placeholder, and select Add Sender to Safe Senders List or Add the Domain @[domain-name] to Safe Senders List. The sender's fully qualified domain name is listed in the menu selection, as...
2p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 111 16 Download
Content Filtering Many enterprises are beginning to concern themselves with the use of the corporate Internet connection by their employees.
4p chutieuchuathieulam 23-07-2010 113 9 Download