Contract farming
Contract farming in simple terms, is an arrangement in which a firm purchases the crop produce from farmers under certain terms and conditions regarding price, quantity and quality. To find the socio-personal and economic profile of contract and non- contract farmers this study was conducted. Random sampling technique was used for selecting the sample of contract and non-contract farmers. The total sample size was 100 contract farmers and 100 non-contract farmers. Thus, making a total sample of 200. Interview schedule was used for the collection of data.
8p cothumenhmong5 17-05-2020 15 3 Download
The findings of the study rejected the hypothesis that contract farming is an effective tool to increase farmer‟s income. Moreover, the frontier empirical analysis reveals that some input variables have positive impacts on the output of tea production. Finally, the stochastic frontier indicates that there is no statistically significant different in terms of technical coefficients for both contract and non-contract farmers.
7p vision1234 21-06-2018 64 1 Download
The sub-component of the project on research CARD 026/VIE-05 flat bed dryer, as specified in the contract, including the following activities: Choose the site and supervise the installation of a flat bed dryer 8 tons for the experiments. Conducting experiments with 8-ton dryer under actual production conditions. Building a lab (mini) dryer and other tools necessary for testing in controlled conditions.
27p xinh_la 10-02-2012 86 18 Download