Controlled the pollution
Wastewater Management is one of the most concerns in any urban area. An efficient management contributes to the wealth of a community, never the less a poor management leads to unpredictable hazards related to health, environmental pollution, etc. In developed countries, the issues of water and sanitation are solved, floodings are well controlled.
115p change15 08-07-2016 32 2 Download
The earth’s surface is two-thirds water, yet most of this is undrinkable or unusable because it is either seawater or ice. Of the 1% that is available as fresh water, most is used for farming or industry. Fresh water pollution is the major problem because many rivers and streams are being polluted with pesticides, industrial waste, and sewage. In poor and developing countries, the addition of sewage to the sources of water leads to diseases, and even death. A United Nations’ report estimates that more than 78% of people drink from polluted water supplies.
7p rrtrungrr11 27-03-2013 347 23 Download
Báo cáo trình bày hiện trạng chất lượng nước hồ Đầm Rong và áp dụng công nghệ sinh thái kiểm soát sự ô nhiễm nguồn nước hồ Đầm Rong bằng mô hình đất ướt. SUMMARY: Report presents about water quality of Dam Rong lake and result of using Wetland to control the pollution in Dam Rong lake.
6p meoden89nd 21-01-2011 283 56 Download
Bài báo cáo trình bày kết quả xác định các hệ số tốc chuyển hóa chất bẩn của thực vật, áp dụng vào mô hình chất lượng nước để kiểm soát ô nhiễm nước hồ đô thị. SUMMARY This report presents the result of detemining pollutant trasforming rate coefficient of plants, using into the water-quality modeling to control pollution of lake water.
5p meoden89nd 21-01-2011 111 38 Download