Creating employee motivation
The purpose of "Creating employee motivation for nurses in public hospitals in Hanoi city" the study is to propose measures to improve work motivation for nurses in public hospitals in Hanoi city.
28p bakerboys10 07-09-2022 7 2 Download
The main objective of the Thesis is to analyze the Case Company and to construct strategic suggestions to stay competitive. The focus is on exploitation of capabilities and opportunities. Additionally, the Thesis investigates whether the efficiency of utilized resources could be improved further. The strategic suggestions and opportunities for improvement are meant to be beneficial also for the parent company. Analysis results include organizational strengths and weaknesses, industry specific and social opportunities, and threats.
61p nguyenyenyn117 14-06-2019 52 5 Download
Chapter 4 - Creating a positive work environment. This chapter presents the following content: Employee expectations and needs; motivation; theories of motivation; applying theory to reality: limiting factors; building a positive work climate; focus: the individual; focus: the job; focus: the supervisor.
16p trueorfalse8 07-09-2017 32 1 Download