Cultural Industry
Fashion design education does not have a very long history in Sri Lanka. But the institutes have completed considerable number of years to review their curriculum approaches to revise for future trends and demands. At present, so far locally qualified fashion designers are applying fashion design in many unique ways according to each individual’s need. This research will identify their experience and practices. In doing so, the research will assist to understand the current position of the fashion designer within Sri Lanka’s fashion industry system to address the key research questions.
136p runthenight07 01-03-2023 10 4 Download
This practice-led research project investigates the industry methods around Australian South Sea pearls and the Pinctada maxima (pearl shell) in the context of a studio-based contemporary jewellery practice. This project will look closely at how Australia’s northwest pearling industries operate and at the pearling history of Broome.
153p runthenight04 02-02-2023 11 2 Download
This research addresses the call for future research by Brown and Treviño (2014) and Resick et al. (2006) to expand on ethical leadership research into other cultures. They believed employees in organisations use their ethical and cultural value systems as an absolute standard against which to measure the behaviour of members of the other culture, or they adopt the norms of the other culture. Previous studies have demonstrated several gaps within the ethical leadership literature; this research will address these gaps.
244p runthenight04 02-02-2023 4 1 Download
The objectives of this report include the following: Provide a review of literature of safety culture and just culture; raising awareness in the aviation community of the benefits of creating a just culture; provide a road map of just culture implementation in aviation organizations, provide initial guidelines from case studies to develop and maintain a just.
83p beloveinhouse06 07-09-2021 11 3 Download
The study proposed the solutions to improve effectiveness in management of space, architecture, landscape in IZs in Hanoi with the aim of increasing the efficiency of land use, beautiful and uniform in the construction of buildings, good environment and comfortable facilities for IZs, towards Hanoi is the city of Green, Cultural, Civilization, Modern and Sustainable.
28p petsematary 05-06-2021 48 2 Download
This study examines variables that are within the organization, namely transformational leadership, innovation culture and information technology as antecedents of business model innovation and measures their impact on firm performance.
9p lucastanguyen 01-06-2020 32 4 Download
This research study focuses on exploring the most appropriate succession planning process and thereby designing an industry-specific model.
7p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 34 4 Download
In this study, we try to find the solution of this problem after analyzing through jointly the mediating role of Information Technology (IT) and independence effect of Relational Capability (RC) and Organizational Culture Capability (OCC) on supply chain operational performance in Indonesian apparel and textile industry.
14p tohitohi 22-05-2020 43 1 Download
This study considers the supply chain processes as a point of concern. Competitor pressure, customer pressure, regulatory measures (ISO 140001 etc.) and socio-cultural responsibility are the key drivers.
12p tohitohi 22-05-2020 25 1 Download
There has undoubtedly been rapid economic growth in China over the last few decades and the importance of the Chinese market for the aviation industry has greatly increased as China opens up its skies to the West. One of the key challenges for any foreign executive conducting business in China is to understand how cultural differences can impact on business deals. Therefore this study addressed the interesting question of how Chinese culture and in particular the traditional concept of guanxi can impact Irish executives in the aviation industry when conducting business in China.
94p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 74 6 Download
Chapter 3 - Equal opportunity in the workplace. This chapter presents the following content: What is diversity? offices of equal opportunity and diversity, equal opportunity laws, developing cross-cultural interaction, increase personal awareness, managing cultural diversity in the workplace, establishing inclusion plans, managing diversity issues positively.
18p trueorfalse8 07-09-2017 49 2 Download
WAGE RETURNS FOR POST -SECONDARY EDUCATION: A COMPARISON FOR SELECTED PROGRAMS BY LEVELS OF EDUCATION AND INDUSTRY TYPE The potential effects of school choice programs depend critically on what characteristics parents value in schools. Hanushek, for example, notes that parents might not choose effective schools over others that are less effective but offer pleasant surroundings, athletic facilities, [and] cultural advantages, (1981, p. 34). To the extent that parents choose productive schools, market discipline can induce greater productivity from school administrators and teachers.
148p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 11 Download
Handbook of Multimedia for Digital Entertainment and Arts- P26: The advances in computer entertainment, multi-player and online games, technology-enabled art, culture and performance have created a new form of entertainment and art, which attracts and absorbs their participants. The fantastic success of this new field has influenced the development of the new digital entertainment industry and related products and services, which has impacted every aspect of our lives.
14p venus246 22-09-2010 52 6 Download