Discrete logarithm
Topological Hochschild homology and localization 2. The homotopy groups of T (A|K) 3. The de Rham-Witt complex and TR· (A|K; p) ∗ 4. Tate cohomology and the Tate spectrum 5. The Tate spectral sequence for T (A|K) 6. The pro-system TR· (A|K; p, Z/pv ) ∗ Appendix A. Truncated polynomial algebras References Introduction In this paper we establish a connection between the Quillen K-theory of certain local fields and the de Rham-Witt complex of their rings of integers with logarithmic poles at the maximal ideal.
114p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 62 6 Download
How many padding bits must be added to a message of 100 characters if 8bit ASCII is used for encoding and the block cipher accepts blocks of 64 bits? Suppose that we have a block cipher where n = 64. If there are 10 1’s in the ciphertext, how many trialanderror tests does Eve need to do to recover the plaintext from the intercepted ciphertext in each of the following cases?
24p vovantien_2 05-12-2012 59 5 Download