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Drawing portrait

Xem 1-20 trên 145 kết quả Drawing portrait
  • In the third quarter of the nineteenth century, it fell to my lot to write an article on Christmas, its customs and festivities. And, although I sought in vain for a chronological account of the festival, I discovered many interesting details of its observances dispersed in the works of various authors; and, while I found that some of its greater celebrations marked important epochs in our national history, I saw, also, that the successive celebrations of Christmas during nineteen centuries were important links in the chain of historical Christian evidences.

    pdf302p nhokheo5 25-04-2013 37 3   Download

  • In issuing this second treatise on Crayon Portraiture, Liquid Water Colors and French Crystals, for the use of photographers and amateur artists, I do so with the hope and assurance that all the requirements in the way of instruction for making crayon portraits on photographic enlargements and for finishing photographs in color will be fully met. To these I have added complete instructions for free-hand crayons.

    pdf0p culao1122 07-01-2013 37 2   Download

  • .For this group portrait, I used the same one-light setup as for the group fight shot on page 90, but I held a longer exposure to soak up more ambient light. That gave the image a slightly brighter appearance, though still dark and moody overall. I asked the guys to stand in front of me in a group formation, and then turned the outside guys’ shoulders slightly inward to draw the viewer’s eye toward the center of the composition. I did when I was sixteen. I’d been photographing some local bands in Lindsay, Ontario, and building an online portfolio of images....

    pdf9p konbetocroi 17-12-2012 64 9   Download

  • Designed to address beginning to intermediate artists, this book is the ultimate guide to portraiture and figure painting in watercolour. It guides artists through the entire portrait and figure painting process, from selecting the right materials…

    pdf13p hoamihothay 10-12-2012 84 6   Download

  • There has been a growing fascination over the past century with the emotional and psychological aspects of children’s art expressions, particularly from the fields of psychology, psychiatry, and art therapy. Drawing has been undeniably recognized as one of the most important ways that children express themselves and has been repeatedly linked to the expression of personality and emotions. Children’s drawings are thought to reflect their inner worlds, depicting various feelings and relating information concerning psychological status and interpersonal style.

    pdf467p maket1311 16-10-2012 55 9   Download

  • Working With Gouache - Opaque watercolor "Where Man Is A Probable Stranger" © Gouache Opaque Watercolor I want to state that I don't claim to be an expert on gouache. All I know is, the first time I put Gouache down on watercolor paper, it was love at first sight. I hope that by showing you a few examples of how I work with gouache, you'll have a better understanding about the medium. Who knows, it may encourage you to try Gouache for yourself! .Gouache demonstration

    pdf9p moi_tim 02-10-2012 48 4   Download

  • Concept Much of my colored pencil drawing in recent years has been on mediumvalue colored papers such as browns, greys, and lavender. On medium-value paper, I can work with both light and dark pencils. It is exciting to see the effect of the light colors and whites contrasting on the dark papers. The dark papers also make it easier to achieve strong darks. This is a time-honored, traditional technique. Masters of drawing such as Leonardo da Vinci have worked on medium-value toned papers since the Renaissance. ...

    pdf8p moi_tim 02-10-2012 51 5   Download

  • Working with watercolour may at first seem strange and difficult, especially if you are use to opaque mediums such as oil or acrylic. The first and most obvious difference is the fact that watercolour is transparent. This means you must decide from the very beginning where the areas of white will be in your painting. The process for successful watercolour painting, is to avoid the areas to be left white and apply the lightest washes first, gradually working your way towards darker washes.

    pdf7p moi_tim 02-10-2012 39 6   Download

  • The art of watercolor involves a great many techniques. One I follow is called the "direct method" and is achieved by attempting to paint accurate color values and shapes in the first stages of the painting process. Of course, adjustments will be made in some areas before the work is completed. Even so, the "direct method" saves a great deal of time and allows the colors to glow with freshness. Pencil Sketch The first step to success is to choose fine source material. I choose one of my own photographs that has good color and composition. Having taken the photo,...

    pdf5p moi_tim 02-10-2012 55 9   Download

  • Washes The most basic watercolor technique is the flat wash. It is produced by first wetting the area of paper to be covered by the wash, then mixing sufficient pigment to easily fill the entire area. The pigment is applied to a sloping surface in slightly overlapping horizontal bands from the top down. Once complete the wash should be left to dry and even itself out don't be tempted to work back into a drying wash, the results are usually disastrous! A variation on the basic wash is the graded wash. This technique requires the pigment to be diluted...

    pdf4p moi_tim 02-10-2012 41 4   Download

  • Watercolor portrait in 5 steps by Brainfree. Step 1 Drawing stage, just basic outline no shading. Step 2 .Filling in stage with light first layer of shading. Step 3 .More filling in with light first layer of colour to the face. Step 4 .Almost done, hair work two layers of black, more work to shoulders. Step 5

    pdf6p moi_tim 02-10-2012 49 2   Download

  • Watercolor portrait tutorial in 5 steps by Brainfree. Step 1 First draw a light drawing using watercolour paper. .Step 2 Paint a light blue and black undercolour using watercolour paint. .Step 3 Paint is a little heaver with slightly darker paint, showing a little time for the details. Use water and a blending brush to remove errors like painting over the top nail on the top finger. .Step 4 Almost done blend out all small problems and blend in edges also tighten the straight lines, like the hat brim. Last of all paint over the black areas with black ink or acrylic black to get that...

    pdf6p moi_tim 02-10-2012 55 5   Download

  • When using masking fluid, it is so important to paint it in accurately. It should be used as if it were paint. So often, one is tempted to "generalize" when using masking fluid. In this detailed view, the masking fluid is easily visible because it is tinted yellow. There is a masking fluid on the market which is clear, but I find this very difficult to use because I can't see it on the page. Masking fluid is used to mask out areas which must remain white or light such as the lion cub's whiskers and the "spark" in...

    pdf7p moi_tim 02-10-2012 39 4   Download

  • When starting the preliminary drawings for any project it is best to keep the lines light and sketchy. A 2H pencil hardness is ideal for this. This is one thing I have definitely learned over the years that has greatly impacted my design and the process of which I work. When I was in high school there was a fellow artist's work that I admired for the skill and and overall style his pieces possessed. While watching him work one day I noticed he only used two or maybe three different pencils on his pieces: a 2B pencil and...

    pdf4p moi_tim 02-10-2012 43 4   Download

  • Tribal drawings can be dated back as far as 2000BC in Egypt in the hieroglyphs of the high Priestess. They are found all over the world and in almost every culture. While you may have a specific idea of what a tribal drawing is almost all tattoos can be considered tribal. Most Popular Types Some of the most popular designs are from the Maori, Haida and Polynesian cultures. Many consider the Polynesians to be the originators of the ritual know today and all others are just derivatives and variations of them. The most common drawings include the long thick...

    pdf5p moi_tim 02-10-2012 43 4   Download

  • Could that stick figure drawing you made in 3rd grade be the beginnings of greatness? YES! Even the most skilled artists out there started somewhere and stick figures are what they started with. They are great for story-boarding and getting down ideas quickly. Skillfully drawing them to show believable action and movement can take some practice but with some basic knowledge you will be drawing them like a pro in no time. "While a basic stick figure drawing may not be what you have in mind as great work, it is the foundation of figure drawing." Everything great starts...

    pdf6p moi_tim 02-10-2012 56 3   Download

  • These are simply things I have learned, and what I personally do for each of my drawings. There are many ways to draw, such as line drawings, cross-hatching, non-blending, etc, but my chosen area is one that strives for Realism. I am 100% self-taught, meaning that I never went to Art school. I drew for maybe a total of maybe 5 hours since I was a teenager. Then in October of 2008, I decided I needed a hobby.

    pdf10p moi_tim 02-10-2012 50 2   Download

  • Skull drawings are a part of classic tattoo designs. They appear in almost all tattoo art and styles, including Hindu and Buddhist. Skulls are also a pretty significant part of religious art as well. There are many ways to interpret the skull. Shape The same tips for how to draw a face can be applied to creating skull drawings. The proportions are obviously the same, as the skull is what gives the face its underlying shape. The only difference is that there is no cartilage to be drawn on the skull. ...

    pdf7p moi_tim 02-10-2012 34 3   Download

  • Note : An english version of this tutorial is available on Allan's web site. Je vois (et j'en suis très content) que le médium dit "Stylo Bille" vous intéresse! Alors, avec vous, je vais dessiner, décomposer et expliquer le fruit de mon travail! Et pour cela, J'ai choisi un dessin au Stylo Bille Noir uniquement.

    pdf7p moi_tim 02-10-2012 47 3   Download

  • Time : Allow 40min Aim : To study draw a portratit using the 'inside-out' method. Materials : The sketch pad, HB and 4B pencil, eraser, a ruler for measurements if need be. Allow five minutes to for the quick sketch test. Two minutes to do and three to mark. Swap, display and title if necessary. Mostly everything we draw is based on regular solids such as cubes, spheres, cylinders and pryramids ... or a combination of them all. In this lesson we shall be using a sphere, a half-pyramid and a cylinder. ...

    pdf7p moi_tim 02-10-2012 71 4   Download



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