Effect of financial management
This study aims to analyze the simultaneous relationship between supply chain strategy and profitability. This study will also analyze the effect of capital structure and profitability on firm value based on the supply chain strategy. Furthermore, it will analyze the factors that influence capital structure, profitability and firm value in manufacturing companies in Indonesia.
13p longtimenosee09 08-04-2024 5 0 Download
This research found that local government, especially in remote and disadvantaged areas is the face of all government in the eyes of the residents. State and Federal Governments have high expectations and compliance regimes, but local government has limited capacity and resources to effectively meet these legitimate demands and also respond to the demands of the local residents and citizens. The lack of financial resources is exacerbated by limited human resource capacity, especially in the Glenelg Shire, the 5th worst local government area in the state in terms of education and occupation.
259p runthenight04 02-02-2023 8 3 Download
The focus of this research is to identify the important steps and considerations that influence Australian fund manager’s property allocation decisions, and to suggest ways to improve institutional allocation decisions towards property investments, which traditionally offers stable, income focused returns. This is important for funding the retirement of Australia’s growing and aging population, and to combat the continued effects of the recent Global Financial Crisis on the equities and bond markets.
376p runthenight04 02-02-2023 16 3 Download
Determine and evaluate the impact of factors in the public investment management process on the effectiveness of the management of the financial institution in Tien Giang province. Evaluate the relationship between the effectiveness of financial management and economic growth in Tien Giang province, specifically, research on the causal relationship between creditworthiness in the Agriculture, Transport, and ICT sectors to economic growth money from Tien Giang.
27p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 19 4 Download
The research content of the thesis is to identify factors under internal control that affect the effectiveness of financial management of Thai Nguyen University in the context towards ensuring financial autonomy; measuring the influence of factors under internal control on the effectiveness of financial management of Thai Nguyen University in the context of aiming to ensure financial autonomy.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 41 3 Download
The paper enriches the quality of information in financial management and enables the reader to clearly understand the major concepts and techniques in the subject.
7p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 13 2 Download
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in supply chain management. To achieve this purpose, quantitative research approach was used, and the study preferred cross-sectional research design rather than longitudinal research design.
10p tocectocec 24-05-2020 31 2 Download
This study is an attempt to find the effect of supply chain management (SCM) implementation on the financial success of the firms.
10p tocectocec 24-05-2020 37 1 Download
This study is conducted to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on supply chain management (SCM) and financial performance, and the effect of SCM on financial performance through the mediate role of corporate reputation and customer loyalty.
12p tohitohi 22-05-2020 69 3 Download
This research paper focuses on the effects of reward systems on employee performance in the modern work environment and how satisfaction with rewards can lead to higher performance and better job satisfaction. Based on a critical review of published literature, it is clear how important the right combination of rewards is to the performance of an organisation. Employees should always be aware of the relationship between their level of performance and how they are rewarded for that performance.
97p nguyenyenyn117 18-06-2019 54 7 Download