Engineering approach
In the context of the increasing global demand for sustainable energy development, the solution of using cementbased materials to develop batteries for energy storage has enormous potential, but this topic is still quite new to engineers and scientists in the construction industry. This study aims to systematically provide the basic principles as well as the current approaches and technical challengesin the development of batteries using cement-based materials.
8p vibenya 31-12-2024 2 1 Download
Các khái niệm căn bản 1) Công nghệ phần mềm (Software Engineering) Theo tổ chức IEEE trong “IEEE Standard Glossary of Software Engineering Terminology,” IEEE, Piscataway, NJ std 610.121990, 1990. Công nghệ phần mềm được định nghĩa (nguyên văn): (1) The application of a systematic, disciplined, quantifiable approach to the development, operation, and maintenance of software; that is, the application of engineering to software. (2) The study of approaches as in (1)...
37p nguyenvanhabk 02-06-2013 118 23 Download
Hiệp hội kỹ sư chế tạo hệ thống tự động và máy tính (CASA/SME = Computer and Autonmated Systems Association/Society for Manufacturring Engineers) định định nghia “CIM là một hệ thống sản xuất tích hợp và truyền thông với triết lý quản lý mới cho phép cải thiện tổ chức và quản lý nhân sự một cách hiệu quả” im Cim khoâng phaûi laø saûn phaåm coù theå mua vaø caøi ñaët. Noù laø caùch suy nghó vaø giaûi quyeát vaán ñeà .
29p online_12 08-11-2013 110 21 Download
This body of work is the culmination of a part-time five year investigation into the use of mirroring in digital art composition and its potential to generate affective intensity.The research has occurred through a series of installative works and artefacts produced with digital media in which mirrored operations have been employed in a variety of different ways. The aim of these explorations was to develop and articulate a compositional approach based in acts of mirroring, with the aim of extending affective invitations to the viewer.
108p runthenight05 01-03-2023 11 3 Download
The broad objective of research reported here was to develop a multi-publishing workflow for student atlases.
162p runthenight05 01-03-2023 6 3 Download
This research investigates an innovative approach to augmenting the current evaporation pond disposal approach used in Australia, and other regions around the world. The augmentation involves the incorporation of solar plate collector technology. The technology is widely used across the world to collect solar power to drive a range of commercial and domestic applications, most commonly solar hot water systems.
110p runthenight07 01-03-2023 13 4 Download
The limits of current micro-scale technology is approaching rapidly. As the technology is going toward nano-scale devices, physical phenomena involved are fundamentally different from micro-scale ones. Principles in classical physics are no longer powerful enough to explicate the phenomena involved in nano-scale devices. At this stage, quantum mechanic sheds some light on those topics which cannot be described by classical physics. The primary focus of this research work is the development of an analysis technique for understanding the behavior of strongly perturbed harmonic oscillators.
165p runthenight07 01-03-2023 8 3 Download
This research is built upon the determination of the Eigenpairs of one and two dimensional positive differential operators with periodic boundary conditions. The Schrödinger equation was solved for positive operators in both one and two dimensions. Fourier series were used to express the derivatives as the summation of Fourier terms. This led to a novel approach for the calculation of the eigenmodels of a perturbed potential well. The perturbation can be done via an electric field applied to the potential well.
88p runthenight07 01-03-2023 7 3 Download
This is a qualitative collective case study that seeks to understand the phenomena of graffiti and its related subcultures. By employing Interpretivist techniques, the research attempts to raise questions about harm minimisation, zero tolerance and graffiti, as well as broaden the debate about these distinct policy approaches for local communities. The research setting encompasses the geographic area of the Knox municipality, situated in outer eastern Melbourne.
204p runthenight07 01-03-2023 4 3 Download
The research question was: In what ways can multi-media enrich the telling of stories from an Indigenous point of view? Other important examinations of this research are: Analysis of the process of previous projects, and the effect these have had on participants - why have past approaches not been effective? How can this project learn from those mistakes? How can a researcher facilitate consultation and create community engagement within Aboriginal communities? What are the outcomes of ‘Pitcha This’? How can a community utilize the outcomes of the project?
40p runthenight07 01-03-2023 11 5 Download
The four main objectives of this work can be summarized as follows: To provide a theoretical analysis of added-mass instability that focuses on improving the performance of FSI using the partitioned approach; To develop an efficient and stable tool to analyze applications that are relevant to FSI; To validate the techniques with well defined analytical solutions; To evaluate the performance of artifical compressibility and compare it to the under-relaxation technique.
178p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
Model Predictive Control (MPC) refers to a class of algorithms that optimize the future behavior of the plant subject to operational constraints. The merits of the class algorithms include its ability to handle imposed hard constraints on the system and perform on-line optimization. This thesis investigates design and implementation of continuous time model predictive control using Laguerre polynomials and extends the design approaches proposed in to include intermittent predictive control, as well as to include the case of the nonlinear predictive control.
162p runthenight07 01-03-2023 9 4 Download
The aim of this research is to employ a sensitivity study for the total thrust of a ducted twin counter-rotating propeller system design for UAV applications using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). Two factors were investigated: propeller spacing and difference between blades pitch angle. Using discrete values for both factors, 32 designs were analysed and evaluated. The same approach was also used for an equivalent unducted propeller system to access the influence of the duct.
142p runthenight07 01-03-2023 15 3 Download
Master's thesis of Engineering: Autonomous power management of series-cascaded and hybrid microgrids
This research work first aims to develop a microgrid architecture integrating dispatchable and non-dispatchable distributed generation units in a series-cascaded manner. Existing control strategies for cascaded microgrids focus on dispatchable type generation only. However, adequate power sharing and voltage regulation of a microgrid containing mixed dispatchable and non-dispatchable cascaded generation units demand new control approaches to achieve operational performance and reliability comparable to the conventional parallel-topology microgrid.
186p runthenight04 02-02-2023 7 1 Download
The aim of this Masters of Engineering (MEng) - Aerospace thesis was to investigate the durability of Piezoelectric Wafer Active Sensors (PWAS) for the health monitoring of composite structures. One significant challenge faced by the aviation industry is the cost and time associated with maintaining aircrafts, in particular, aging airliners. Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a possible approach to reduce the high cost of inspection and maintenance.
164p runthenight04 02-02-2023 13 2 Download
The dissertation is composed of five chapters as follows: The importance of the topic, the definitions and the existing approaches are clearly addressed; Then, a comprehensive survey of the previous algorithms, existing work relating to interference detector are presented; Intermediated GNSS Spoofing detector based on angle of arrive; Sophisticated GNSS spoofing detector based on angle of arrive; Some limitations of the work are presented, along with possible solutions, which may need additional study.
135p viabigailjohnson 10-06-2022 13 3 Download
Objective: Objective of this dissertation is to find a novel method to reduce computation cost as well as memory requirement but still retain accuracy in video-based person ReID approach. In video-based person ReID, computation cost and memory requirement are the two main issues. Working with a large number of images is the burden of any surveillance system. This results in a high computation cost as well as a large memory capacity.
143p armyofthedead 23-06-2021 16 4 Download
The research provides answers to the above questions with probabilistic approaches and tools to assess the impacts of risk factors on software project scheduling; proposing list of common risk factors and Bayesian Network model of these risk factors; and proposing advanced scheduling methods based on incorporating Bayesian Networks into popular scheduling techniques such as CPM, PERT or agile iteration scheduling etc. Bayesian Networks help quantify the factors, and hence help better manage them as well as enhancing the predictability of things happen in the project.
132p nguaconbaynhay12 18-06-2021 19 3 Download
Equivalent inclusion approach is then developed to account for possible diversions, such as non-idealistic geometric forms of the inhomogeneities, imperfect matrix-inclusion contacts, filler dispersions, and when the particular values of the fillers’ properties are unspecified, using available numerical or experimental reference conductivity data for particular composites.
28p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 27 4 Download
This study synthesizes the use of chemicals to prevent one of common concrete durability problems, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), and can help researchers (i) identify widely used potential chemicals and evaluate these chemical solutions to prevent ASR with proper understanding of mechanisms, and (ii) to identify the research gaps in order to develop guidelines and implementation plan on the use of these chemicals for future research.
8p tohitohi 19-05-2020 23 1 Download