English terminologies related
Definition and Basic Elements ● Development is an ongoing, dynamic, long-term change or evolution that occurs because of various learning experiences. (London and Mauer, 2004) ● Leader development ○ is the “expansion of a person’s capacity to be effective in leadership roles and processes” (McCauley and Van Velsor, 2004:2) ○ focuses on the individual and involves providing leaders with the tools that they need to improve their effectiveness in the various roles they play.
34p sony_12 25-06-2013 131 34 Download
Graduation thesis "A study of import and export terms for food and vegetables" as follows: analyze and survey the syntactic and semantic characteristics of terms related to the export and import of fruits and vegetables and foodstuffs. To propose some suggestions for the application of terms related to the import and export of vegetables and foodstuffs.
80p daonhiennhien 03-07-2024 7 3 Download
This study attempted to identify how to translate english related terms in the Footwear manufacturing industry into Vietnamese that are often applied as well as finding commonly used as terminologies in Footwear Manufacture fields.
71p nguathienthan12 18-05-2021 22 4 Download
The study starts with some related concepts in translation to lay the foundation for the research, particularly, the translation methods, procedures and equivalence are of great importance. Then, in the main part, the study comes to investigate the translation of selected journal-article abstracts with focus on their terminology and translation strategies. The main part deals with the strategies of the translation of scientific texts in general and journal-article abstracts in particular.
52p nguyenkimanhmth 25-03-2021 38 6 Download
The study on translation of education terms aims to figure out an overview on translation strategies and procedures commonly employed in translation of Logistics terms.
51p trinhthamhodang10 16-03-2021 37 8 Download
The study on translation of education terms aims to figure out an overview on translation strategies and procedures commonly employed in translation of Logistics terms.
51p queencongchua3 26-09-2019 38 7 Download
We devise a new criterion for linear independence over function fields. Using this tool in the setting of dual t-motives, we find that all algebraic relations among special values of the geometric Γ-function over Fq [T ] are explained by the standard functional equations. Contents 1. Introduction 2. Notation and terminology 3. A linear independence criterion 4. Tools from (non)commutative algebra
78p tuanloccuoi 04-01-2013 56 6 Download