Environment geography
Research objectives: Indicating scientific basis to zone territorial functions and spatially organize natural resources and environment management towards sustainable development in Phu Tho province.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 22 4 Download
Thesis objectives: The thesis is to establish the scientific grounds for functional zoning and recommend spatial orientation priority solutions for integrated Hai Phong coastal natural resources management.
27p extraenglish 24-05-2021 15 4 Download
The thesis is to establish the scientific grounds for functional zoning and recommend spatial orientation priority solutions for integrated Hai Phong coastal natural resources management.
27p capheviahe27 23-02-2021 18 3 Download
Indicating scientific basis to zone territorial functions and spatially organize natural resources and environment management towards sustainable development in Phu Tho province.
27p trinhthamhodang7 31-08-2020 22 3 Download
The thesis aims to establish scientific and practical arguments in proposing measures to rationally use and protect underground water resources on the basis of analyzing, evaluating and estimating the impacts of geographic factors. natural, socio-economic, environmental, climate change and sea level rise in Gio Linh and Quang Tri regions.
26p xacxuoc4321 09-07-2019 47 3 Download
Geography can be described as a field of science which is the study of the Earth’s physical features, people, as well as the relationships between people and their environment. Based on collecting and analyzing materials from various sources, the paper analyze the characteristics of major branches in the new trend of geography. In addition, as a basis for the above analysis, we also outline the history of geography and present the traditional and modern methods in geographical research.
10p tieuthi3006 16-03-2018 47 0 Download