Essence of objects
Purpose of scientific research is to discover the new knowledge about the objective world - the phenomenon, the essence of things and the relationships in nature and society. The scientific research results help people to change the nature and society. This paper aimed to answer the question ”Can School Students participate in scientific research".
5p tamynhan5 10-12-2020 22 2 Download
Data-binding expressions are contained within delimiters and use the Eval and Bind functions. The Eval function is used to define one-way (read-only) binding. The Bind function is used for two-way (updatable) binding. In addition to calling Eval and Bind methods to perform data binding in a data-binding expression, you can call any publicly scoped code within the delimiters to execute that code and return a value during page processing.
49p trada85 20-01-2013 59 5 Download