Exercise Chemistry
Aims of the study: The study has applied the view of differentiated teaching in designing and using the system of differentiated exercises in organic chemistry teaching at high schools in order to develop the problem-solving capacity for high school students in several Mekong Delta provinces.
27p tunelove 10-06-2021 12 3 Download
Purpose of research: Construction and use of the system of chemical exercises used in teaching organic chemistry to develop the creative capacity for students in gifted high school, contribute to renovating teaching and learning methods Chemistry in gifted high schools oriented towards capacity development.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 41 4 Download
Purposes of research: Research the process of teaching chemistry in English in high schools, propose types of exercises to practice reading comprehension skills in teaching chemistry in English for students.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 40 4 Download
Purpose of the research: Fostering self-study capacity for high school students through the compilation and using self-study exercises in general chemistry module.
27p prisonbreak123 21-05-2021 27 4 Download
To help you further Chemistry references. Invite you to consult the document content "Exercises". Contents of the document provided to the exercises you have questions answers. Hope this is useful references for you.
3p thangdambme 15-11-2015 44 3 Download
Of tlie stndy of elementary chemistry in schools is to educate the mind by giving it the right kind of exercise in tlie use of its powers, I have therefore tried to make a, judicious selection of the most fundamental facts and principles of chemistry, and to present these in such a way tliat the student must constantly use his senses to discover facts, his reason in drawing correct inferences from the data he collects, and good English in expressing accurately what he sees and thinks.
16p window1234 02-01-2013 79 6 Download