Exploring and exploiting
Research subject of the thesis firstly are international treaties regulating marine resources management, including multilateral treaties in the field of law of the sea and sea environment protection relating to the mineral exploration and exploitation; bilateral and regional treaties and agreements on protection sea environment from pollutants of activities in continental shelf, treaties that establish joint exploitation areas.
26p bibianh 26-09-2019 35 3 Download
The efficacy of antiretroviral agents approved for the treat-ment of HIV-1 infection is limited by the virus’s ability to develop resistance. As such there is an urgent need for new ways of thinking about anti-HIV drug development, and accordingly novel viral and cellular targets critical toHIV-1 replication need to be explored and exploited. The retroviral RNA genome encodes for three enzymes essential for viral replication: HIV-1 protease (PR), HIV-1 reverse transcrip-tase (RT) and HIV-1 integrase (IN). ...
9p tumor12 22-04-2013 33 2 Download