Facebook platform
Sentiment Analysis and Opinion Mining have emerged as highly popular fields for analyzing and extracting valuable information from textual data sourced from diverse platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon. These techniques hold a crucial role in empowering businesses to actively enhance their strategies by gaining comprehensive insights into customers' feedback regarding their products.
6p viengfa 28-10-2024 1 1 Download
The objective of this research is to fill the existing research gaps by identifying the factors that contribute to the destination competitiveness of Da Nang City based on the evaluations of domestic tourists. The research conducted a survey using non-probability sampling methods on social media platforms, namely Facebook and Instagram, targeting 415 tourists.
8p vifilm 11-10-2024 1 0 Download
This study explores if English videos on Facebook can improve speaking skills for freshmen struggling with English. We will divide freshmen into groups: one exposed to curated English videos on Facebook and another with no intervention. Both groups will take speaking tests before and after. By analyzing these tests, we aim to see if the Facebook group improves their fluency, vocabulary, and pronunciation, promoting better English proficiency.
21p nguyenphamlanchi1804 16-05-2024 7 3 Download
his study aims to investigate users’ attitude and intention to use of a social media site in the context of the Facebook platform. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data from 134 users of Facebook in Vietnam. Collected data were analyzed by using hierarchical regression analysis. This study points out that trustworthiness and perceived usefulness are the direct predictors of intention to use social media sites such as Facebook.
12p larachdumlanat129 14-01-2021 19 3 Download
nếu bạn đau đầu vì những thông báo ứng dụng tràn ngập fac thì bạn có thể đơn giản vô hiệu hóa chúng với fac platform. nếu như bạn không hề thích thú với những ứng dụng trên fac như trò chơi, các ứng dụng tìm bạn, tra cứu… đồng thời bạn thấy rằng chúng gây quá nhiều phiền hà cho bạn khi gửi những tin nhắn mời chào sử dụng cũng như tin nhắn "cầu cứu" từ bạn bè trong game thì giờ đây bạn có thể tắt chúng đi một cách nhanh chóng với fac platform. ...
4p nonla21 27-09-2013 59 6 Download
Social Commerce, the use of social technologies to listen, understand and engage in order to improve the shopping experience, will triple this year to reach $3 billion in the U.S. alone. Next year this number is projected to double. By 2015 Booz & Company estimates that the Social Commerce industry will grow to a $30 billion dollar business worldwide. Social media platforms, the housing environment for Social Commerce, continue to grow as well, with Facebook adding more than 700,000 users per day...
25p hoangliensonnhi 14-08-2013 96 12 Download
get more of the critical mass team's thoughts at our blog: http://sqz.co/f8x2rdw. as much as fac is a significant part of the marketing mix for many brands, keeping up with zuckerberg’s constant tinkering with policies, layouts and ad platform is a little overwhelming. while the introduction of graph search was met with indifference, the latest changes announced to the news feed and user timeline have significantly more implications for brand pages. (less)
29p heouheocoi1 20-04-2013 81 40 Download