Factors affecting the CSR implementation
Develop a theoretical framework on the content of CSR towards employees, the process of implementing CSR, some subjective factors and objective conditions having impact on CSR towards employees of enterprises; Study experiences of foreign garment enterprises and find out lessons learned for Vietnam garment enterprises; Analyze and assess the status of the content and implementation of CSR towards employees of Vietnam garment enterprises; Analyze how a number of subjective factors can impact the process of implementing CSR towards employees of Vietnamese garment enterprises; Analyze and iden...
29p dungmaithuy 17-09-2019 13 2 Download
The thesis aims at building a factor model affecting corporate social responsibility (CSR) implementation in businesses; scale test of factors affecting CSR implementation; Conclusion on the trend and the influence of the factors on the implementation of CSR in enterprises of Vietnam National Textile and Garment Group as a basis for proposing policy implications and solutions to enhance the performance of responsibilities. society at the unit.
0p gaunguyen6789 17-09-2019 61 4 Download