Feeling of confident
To help you have more documents for the educational needs and review in English, you are invited to consult the content "Mid term test 10: Thong Nhat A High School" from 2015 to 2016 year, hope exam will help you feel more confident in the upcoming exam.
7p cautocaunho 22-12-2015 105 2 Download
Pretation: Advantages and disadvantages of playing sports present about Sports and health; Controlling weight; Teamwork skills; Standing up after failing; Feeling of confident.
25p hanhpink122 27-11-2015 94 6 Download
Invite you to consult a specialized Information Technology has added references in the process of learning and studying for exams, invite you to consult the document content "Exercises chapter 8: Extra drawing". Hopefully document content to help you feel more confident in the upcoming exam.
1p nguyenphuchungbg 21-10-2015 56 7 Download