Financial derivatives
The research extends the understanding of these factors through the incorporation of Absorptive Capacity (ACAP). Accordingly, a model is developed that integrates ACAP, MVC and MV with market-driving innovation performance, comprising before-launch stage performance, post-launch stage performance and financial performance. External and internal structural factors relevant to the firm such as size and the nature of its competitive environment are also considered as moderators in the model.
440p runthenight04 02-02-2023 9 3 Download
In this study, attention is drawn to the assessment and recognition of the derivatives in line with the aforementioned standards, and alternative solutions are discussed.
10p guineverehuynh 20-06-2020 17 3 Download
The dissertation focus research on derivatives transactions, derivatives transactions at Vietnamese commercial banks, key elements affecting developments of derivative transactions at commercial banks Vietnam.
0p quenchua 30-09-2019 35 3 Download
The overall objective of this thesis is to complete the practice of FIA for nonfinancial firms in Vietnam. In order to attain that objective, this thesis outlines the specific objectives as follows: Complete the identification, classification of basic financial instruments and derivatives; complete the practice of recognizing basic financial instruments and derivatives; complete the presentation and disclosure of information on basic financial instruments and derivatives.
22p change05 14-06-2016 46 2 Download
This dissertation addresses how the weather derivative hedges the corporate risk, how to price the indexed derivative as an exotic derivative instrument, and the implications of basis risk. These topics are summarized in an expanded uncertainty model. Under this framework, different hedging instruments for studying the optimal hedging portfolios are compared.
151p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 84 18 Download
The project is to transfer a small suite of laboratory technologies to develop a capability in Vietnam for the diagnosis and control of the major disease of pigs, causing financial loss to both large and small scale farmers. The project inputs do not finish at that point, but further include the provision of training to ensure that the benefits to be derived from the enhanced technological capability will be available to farmers. Hence the project spans a number of activities from the laboratory to the farm...
16p tam_xuan 02-03-2012 64 5 Download
An investor is a party that makes an investment into one or more categories of assets --- equity, debt securities, real estate, currency, commodity, derivatives such as put and call options, etc. --- with the objective of making a profit. Inviduals Organizations: Financial entities including Brokerages, Banks, Funds…
14p dauxanhnguyenhuong 28-09-2011 63 7 Download