Financial inclusion
Poverty and inequality are among the most discussed topics in Economics. This thesis aims to investigate the empirical relationship between financial inclusion, poverty and gender inequality. Using unique cross-country panel and survey data sets, three hypotheses are tested: (1) microfinance is an effective tool for poverty reduction; (2) women’s participation in microfinance contributes to improvements in gender equality; and (3) financial inclusion has a positive effect on household income in China.
108p runthenight04 02-02-2023 18 4 Download
The thesis is limited to assessing the current situation of access to basic banking products and services of individuals in the Northern Delta provinces, especially those living in rural areas and people with low income. The reason why the Northern Delta was chosen for this research is that this is the region where most people in rural areas earn there living mainly on agricultural activitives, have low income and only can access to basic financial services. The region is more limited than other regions in the country.
23p dungmaithuy 18-09-2019 32 3 Download