Firm Productivity
Technology - development investment and firm Productivity in developing countries. This paperemp irically investigates the impact of IT facilities and develop ment investments on labor productivity to test the “productivity paradox ”, the interaction eff ects off irm-level contextual factors on this relationship , and the determinants of productivity for Vietnamese enterp rises.
21p tranminhluanluan 28-05-2018 23 1 Download
Lecture "Macro economic: Chapter 1" provides students with the knowledge: Economic concept and economic systems, the market Forces of Supply and Demand, the theory of consumer choice, the Costs of production, competitive Markets Firms print,... You are invited the same reference.
41p doinhugiobay_07 16-12-2015 69 3 Download
Bài giảng Kinh tế học vĩ mô: Lý thuyết và ứng dụng chính sách - Bài giảng 5: Nền kinh tế thực. Nội dung trình bày trong bài này gồm có: What determines the total production of goods and services? the decisions facing a competitive firm, the marginal product of labor, from the marginal product of labor to labor demand
23p nanhankhuoctai1 06-05-2020 19 2 Download
This thesis investigates the infant formula export trade from Australia to China. The primary aim is to evaluate the main factors for success and failure among firms that export this dairy product. The research question to be answered is ‘What are the factors for success at the organisational level for exporting Australian Infant formula to China? This thesis argues that specific factors are required to successfully export Australian infant formula to China.
224p runthenight04 02-02-2023 12 2 Download
Managerial Economics - Homework 6: Cost analysis provide students with knowledge about the opportunity cost of pursuing a full-time MBA degree; the basic difference between economic cost and accounting cost; the minimum efficient scale; a firm experiences economies of scope; allocating shared fixed costs among multiple products;...
5p flynn_beret 03-04-2022 21 2 Download
This study developed the framework of knowledge spillovers at sector level and investigated these spillover effects of research and development (R&D), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade activities on sectoral innovation by Spatial Regression Models.
197p gaocaolon12 14-06-2021 11 2 Download
The general objective is to investigate channels of knowledge spillovers on sectoral innovation in manufacturing industries in Vietnam.
28p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 12 2 Download
This study developed the framework of knowledge spillovers at sector level and investigated these spillover effects of research and development (R&D), foreign direct investment (FDI) and trade activities on sectoral innovation by Spatial Regression Models. Besides, the study examined the spillover effects of sectoral innovation and provincial human resources on firms’ TFP with 7,236 enterprises in 38 sectors of Vietnamese manufacturing industries, located in 62 provinces by Cross-Classified Models.
197p kethamoi12 15-05-2021 15 4 Download
The thesis focuses on researching the impact of capital structure on the enterprise value of listed plastics and packaging enterprises in Vietnam in the period from 2012 to 2018. The thesis focuses on case studies of 35 enterprises producing plastic products and enterprises manufacturing plastic packaging products (referred to as plastic and packaging enterprises) listed in Vietnam.
27p cothumenhmong10 19-03-2021 27 4 Download
The thesis's primary research objective is to identify the impacts of budgeting on the performance of Vietnamese SMEs. Specific research objectives include examining the impacts of business budget's different aspects on the performance of Vietnamese SMEs; evaluating the controlling and moderation role of firm size and the mediating role of managerial performance in the relationship between budgeting and business performance of Vietnamese SMEs.
0p trinhthamhodang1217 14-01-2021 20 3 Download
The best practices in the management of human resources are the ones which enhance a workforce so that it cannot get the work done, but also ensure a bigger level of efficiency, timeliness and quality as it accomplishes overall increase productivity.
8p guineverehuynh 22-06-2020 29 4 Download
The objective of this study is to examine the impact of the firm’s flexible operational strategy, called a reactive capacity production strategy, on the firm’s managerial efficiency under the carbon cap and trade system.
12p tocectocec 24-05-2020 11 1 Download
This study is conducted to investigate the impact of corporate social responsibility (CSR) on supply chain management (SCM) and financial performance, and the effect of SCM on financial performance through the mediate role of corporate reputation and customer loyalty.
12p tohitohi 22-05-2020 68 3 Download
In this chapter you will learn: Know the content of and differences among strategies, marketing plans, and a marketing program; know how to use S.W.O.T. analysis and other planning approaches to zero in on a marketing strategy that fits the firm's objectives and resources and meets customers' needs; understand why the product classes and typical mixes are a good starting point for planning;...
8p allbymyself_06 26-01-2016 65 3 Download
TAXES AND TRANSPER-PRICING5/16/2019 INCOME SHIFTING AND THE VOLUME OF INTRA-FIRM TRANSPERS The first two chapters consider parents choice of schools for their children. The claim that parental choice can create incentives for schools to become more productive is a tenet of the neoclassical analysis of education. It relies crucially on the assumption that parents will choose effective, productive schools.
167p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 42 8 Download
Exploring the Human Capital Contribution to Productivity, Profitability, and the Market Evaluation of the Firm Either of these effects would imply upward bias in estimates of 1 ϕ relative to the effect of interest. To the extent that they are thought to be important, the results presented in Table 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 should be seen as upper bounds on the effect of Tiebout choice on parental effectiveness sorting.
151p mualan_mualan 25-02-2013 62 9 Download
This chapter discusses the key attributes of running an efficient and organized office. Your office(s) first and foremost needs to be a productive work environment for your staff. When hiring a new employee is the space, phone extension, and computer ready for them on the day he or she arrives—or are you scrambling to get these things set up during their first couple of weeks on the job? Further, the professional services firm office is your face to clients and prospective and existing staff.
13p tuyetson23 07-08-2010 152 40 Download