Foot rot
Foot rot of tomato is an important disease which causes severe loss in tomato production. The present study was carried out to evaluate five bioagents and six fungicides against Sclerotium rolfsii. Among the five antagonists tested the maximum inhibition was observed in Trichoderma virens (67%) and contrarily, no inhibition was observed in Bacillus subtilis. Six fungicides viz., carbendazim, captan, tebuconozole, copper oxychloride, hexaconozole and Tebuconazole +Trifloxytrobin at different concentrations (50, 100, 150, 200, 250 and 500 ppm), were tested.
8p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 19 4 Download
Morphological and cultural variability of S. rolfsii infecting tomato were studied on different solid and liquid media based on radial growth, topography, sclerotial number, diameter of sclerotia, test weight of sclerotial bodies and dry mycelial weight. Significant variability with reference to mycelial and sclerotial characters was observed on different media. This investigation revealed that the maximum mycelial growth was observed in Potato Dextrose Agar (9 cm) and more test weight (262 mg) of sclerotial bodies was recorded in Sabouraud’s dextrose agar.
8p chauchaungayxua6 26-06-2020 10 3 Download
Bệnh lúa von còn gọi là bệnh mạ đực, bệnh thối gốc (Foot-rot), hay bệnh vươn lóng (elongation disease). Tiếng Nhật gọi là bệnh bakanae. Do nấm Fusarium moniliforme-Gibberella fujikuroi.
6p sunshine_1 18-06-2013 75 10 Download
Bệnh lúa von còn gọi là bệnh mạ đực, bệnh thối gốc (Foot-rot), bệnh vươn lóng (elongation disease). Tiếng Nhật gọi là bệnh bakanae. Do nấm Fusarium moniliforme-Gibberella fujikuroi. Bệnh có thể xuất hiện và gây hại từ khi cây lúa ở giai đoạn mạ cho đến lúc thu họach.
6p lemon_1 15-08-2011 122 15 Download