Frequency Response Analysis
Lecture "Fundamentals of control systems - Chapter 4: System stability analysis system stability analysis" presentation of content: Stability concept, algebraic stability criteria, root locus method, frequency response analysis.
72p doinhugiobay_17 04-03-2016 69 7 Download
In the course of current research the procedure of obtaining of the piecewise linear vibration systems time and frequency responses have been developed. The method is partly analytical and partly numerical and is based on combining of linear solutions of different sections in a cycle of motion. In a row with the method of obtaining of the exact steady state time and frequency response, also it is provided sensitivity analysis of the vibration isolator.
86p runthenight07 01-03-2023 12 3 Download
This thesis aimed to apply the SEM for dynamic analysis of cracked beam subjected moving harmonic force in the frequency domain. Namely, the frequency response of a cracked beam subjected to moving harmonic force is obtained explicitly and examined in dependence upon the load and crack parameters. This task is acknowledged herein spectral analysis of cracked beam subjected to moving load.
27p change00 04-05-2016 51 4 Download