Future application potential
This paper describes the preparation, optical properties and the role of the concentration of rare earth ions (RE: Eu, Er, Tb, Yb) as active centers in the energy transfer of Y2O3: RE nanophosphors. The materials are prepared by the combustion method using urea or glycine. Nanoparticles can be prepared with sizes ranging from 5 to 100 nm and can be estimated by high resolution TEM. Optimization of Eu and Er content in these nanophosphors was reported. The effect of energy transfer between Tb and Eu and the up-conversion between Er and Yb were studied.
8p 12120609 01-06-2020 18 1 Download
Semantic Role Labeling (SRL) consists of, given a sentence, detecting basic event structures such as “who” did “what” to “whom”, “when” and “where”. From a linguistic point of view, a key component of the task corresponds to identifying the semantic arguments filling the roles of the sentence predicates. Typical predicate semantic arguments include Agent, Patient, and Instrument, but semantic roles may also be found as adjuncts (e.g., Locative, Temporal, Manner, and Cause).
1p hongphan_1 15-04-2013 54 2 Download