Gender inequality
Poverty and inequality are among the most discussed topics in Economics. This thesis aims to investigate the empirical relationship between financial inclusion, poverty and gender inequality. Using unique cross-country panel and survey data sets, three hypotheses are tested: (1) microfinance is an effective tool for poverty reduction; (2) women’s participation in microfinance contributes to improvements in gender equality; and (3) financial inclusion has a positive effect on household income in China.
108p runthenight04 02-02-2023 19 4 Download
The thesis has two main purposes: (i) Building a theoretical framework for analyzing gender equality in formal credit access; (ii) Alanyze credit access in 2 aspects: macro and micro approaches.
27p trinhthamhodang8 20-10-2020 17 0 Download
This paper aims at highlighting the inequality aversion of the Cameroonian social planer. This is allowed by the multilevel (α, β) - decomposition of the α - Gini which integrate in its functional form a parameter of inequality aversion of the decision maker being related either to within-group inequality (α) or between-group inequality (β).
8p guineverehuynh 18-06-2020 10 1 Download
This study investigates men and women’s representations in TV advertisements in Vietnam from a multimodal critical discourse analysis perspective. The data comprise of almost one hundred TV advertisements aired on principle TV channels in Vietnam such as VTV and HTV. The framework in use is Fairclough’s (2001), in which part of Kress and van Leeuwen’s visual grammar (1996) is incorporated for a multimodal discourse analysis of the advertisements.
70p nguathienthan 04-10-2019 43 1 Download